Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 193,319,603 Issue: 683 | 29th day of Hunting, Y17
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The Perfect Neohome Buyer's Guide: Mystery Island

Buying a new neohome is a very hard choice, but hopefully by the time you weigh out the good and the bad, you will find the perfect place to live! Let's start off with the exciting land of Mystery Island!

by brittanyandsteven
The Best of the NC Mall Collectible Series Pt 2

It was tough, but we have narrowed it down and chosen our favorites to share with you!

Also by darkobsession

by honeybee54321

The Unknown Faerie Princesses: Part 1

An expose that reveals a secret sister of Queen Fyora...

by puddydog
Does the PC Care How Valuable Your Active Pet Is?

Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Five pages later: bump. bump. bump. bump.

by blueskies020
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Faeries

Delina has kindly agreed to answer some of the questions most on the average Neopian mind regarding faeries.

by kaioti
Sipping With Sophistication: A Guide to Neopian Teas

Along with coffees, lattes, and borovan, The Coffee Cave also sells tea – a wonderful and warm beverage...

by pillsi
How to Spend Time at Darigan Citadel

Darigan Citadel, a place of history and wonder shrouded in darkness, is the least likely of places to spend some quality time with your Neopets.

by minkpink
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"The Fire Within" by herdygerdy
"The business of the diamond was run by the Moltaran Government," Greenback said. "They are wary of tackling Marbelle due to the influence she holds in the deep caverns. We are not here on behalf of the Government, as I'm sure you have gathered. As for why we are acting now... The Company is planning an extension through the..."

Other Stories


A New Start
I shivered. How long had it been since I had felt the warmth of a fireplace, or had food in my stomach?

by bunnyhugsgirl


Maggie and Igneot's Fire Flower
Maggie the Darigan Kacheek strolled through the aisles of Uni Clothing, browsing the selections of dresses.

by bsbgirl7777777


Rumored Legacy: Part Two
It wasn't hard to convince the remaining Aisha Thieves to join him, but then, most of them were young and inexperienced; they would believe anything Purrow told them.

by _abiz_


The Prophetess's Tale: Part Six
"And this, dear King, is my close colleague of nearly a decade, the prophetess Cheyenne."

by encroached


Lame Pun: The Lot Bone

by blackaavar


Stealing the Spotlight
Take my avatar!

Idea by new_perspective

by lizzbear_

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