Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,963,135 Issue: 728 | 15th day of Eating, Y18
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The Many Travels of a Pretty Kadoatie

The name is Pretty Kitty, and let me tell you from the start that I’m a good kadoatie --- one of the best of my species, if I dare to add. Not being proud or anything here, just you know, when you’re so confident that it’s the truth, you sometimes get quite eager to share it with everyone you meet!

Also by button04_nice

by pandacat838

Finding Time For Your Pets When Life Gets Busy

We’ve all had times when we are so busy we barely have time to eat and sleep, let alone find time to feed and play with our Neopets. Rather than let our accounts languish, there are some things that you can do to keep your account moving forward, even in the busiest of times.

by katehoughtonbeckett
Why Did You Downsize? - Part 2

A popular article of mine was called "Why Did You Downsize?," and it received a lot of fan mail. The idea of downsizing struck a chord with many of my fellow players, and they admitted that after reading my article, they were inspired to downsize their own accounts.

by indulgences
The Ten Worst Petpets for Faerieland: A List

If you’ve ever visited my homeland of Faerieland, you know exactly how full of purple, fluffy nonsense it is. Sure, it’s cute for the first week or so, but being surrounded by the same pink billowy clouds day after day gets exhausting. You know what else is exhausting? Choosing a petpet.

by bizniscorg
Eau De Neopia: Neopia's Top 10 Perfumes

How is a Neopian to know the best from the worst perfumes out there? And what kind of perfumes there are available here in Neopia? Have you ever wanted to try something a bit more daring than but not sure if you can pull off that bottle of Sloth Spring Scented Perfume? Well, we have compiled the top 10 perfumes available in Neopia for you to digest. So sit back and prepare to be educated.

by princess__neo277
Aspargus and Honey: Neopian Recipes for Springtime

Here, I have devised some recipes, based on some of my favourite Neopian springtime suitable foods and tested them in my own kitchen. Get cooking!

by shortcrust
Rhoasy's Raddest Restaurants: Kelp!

We’re finally tackling one of the most well known- and most expensive- restaurants in all of Neopia! So put on your fancy dress, get all those NeoPoints out of the bank, and make sure your fur is groomed- we’re on our way to Kelp, a fine dining establishment that will leave your stomach full and your wallet empty.

by tennesseethomas
Ten Items That ALMOST Exist

Viva la Pombrero!

by zehlua
Character Re-Introductions: Topsi

This time I'm interviewing the Cybunny who’s been the host of the Festival of the Neggs for the past two years now: Topsi.

by pikachu315111
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"Confessions of King Skarl's Hair Stylist" by redken9x9
I’ve been told that many people would – What? I can’t say that word? Fine. I’ve been told that many people would MURDER to have my job. I say – YOU CAN HAVE IT! My name is Marcel Picklesby. Like anyone else, I was foolish enough to think that working for royalty would land me in the spotlight and get me featured on the Neopian Times for my dazzling artwork and suave sense of style. Instead, I’m featured on the Neopian Times for completely different reasons. I’m here to clear up the confusion behind my departure from Meridell Castle and I want all of Neopia to know the truth. I came on board shortly after all the drama with Kass concluded. The hair stylist before me disappeared after a fatal encounter with Kiss the Mortog. Poor thing! I do believe the Mortog’s are responsible for more fatalities than Darigan and Snow Roller combined. It’s gotten so bad in fact that a new swamp is forming right on the borders of Meridell! What is that majestic green pond you ask? Why, it’s none other than a myriad of a Mortog guts and Avvie Collector tears! But I digress. Dear friends, the real reason I’m speaking to you today is for the sole purpose that you do not fall victim to the senseless mind control that Skarl is not only inflicting upon the inhabitants of Meridell, but on the whole of Neopia itself.

Other Stories


The Rise of Altador
What may very well happen in the future of Neopia. Prepare yourselves.

by kittenbags3


An Unexpected Meeting
Madeliynn was a simple, tender-hearted Blumaroo who lived alone in a small town outside Neopia Central. She had not seen much of the wider world Neopia, though she dreamt of it, for she was quite terrified of the wonders and terrors she might face alike.

by pepper_imp


The Ghosts of Roo Island: Part Two
Five to midnight, and I was standing outside the hospital with a hulking big ladder under my arm. Not how I usually spent my Saturday nights, let me tell you.

by phoenix_through_fire


Sylva's Spirit: Origins: Part One
Sylva nodded. This would be his 4th colonization trip. Usually the natives were quite surprised to see unknown faces, but Sylva had a calming, yet stoic presence, easing fears of the unknown for them.

by jrayeb3


Aishadventures: Faerie Quest
Some pets are more literal minded than others.

by aml715


Not everyone appreciates a warm welcome...

by hummush

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