Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,291,587 Issue: 757 | 11th day of Storing, Y18
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Autumntastic: Top Five Autumn Items - Wings

Get to know about the top five Autumn items in Neopia!

Also by morifoy and imgonnageta

by sosuleaf

The Trilobite's Guide to Restocking and Sniping

Many people wonder: What is the best way to earn Neopoints? The truth is, the most stable and guaranteed way to earn Neopoints is probably the games room. However, the games room is never going to earn you amazing items out of the Hidden Tower. The Neopian Stock Market is another way to earn Neopoints, but it's not always reliable. The best way, in my opinion, to earn Neopoints is to Snipe and to Restock

by triarthrus_eatoni
The Accomplishments You'll Never Get Credit For!

Inspired by the idea of having accomplishments that we will never get credit for, I decided to wander over to the Neoboards and ask my fellow players what THEIR projects are, and why they decided to blaze on with them even if they'll never get avatars or trophies for completing them. What are their goals that are purely personal?

by indulgences
Steps to Managing a Dream Goal

While it can be difficult to find the motivation to begin working towards a goal, the journey can be a great way to enjoy new Neopets experiences and provides an opportunity to meet new friends. Here’s a few tips to help you out along the way

by avielend
Of Feathers and Quills: A Review of Weewoo Behavior

Weewoos are fascinating creatures, and the subject of rigorous scientific study.

by parody_ham
The 10 Most Relaxing Games in Neopia

These days it seems that the Games Room is more of a source of frustration than anything else. But games are supposed to be fun…right? So in the spirit of fun – take a break from the headache that is Meerca Chase and try out these games that are less of a brawl in the Battledome and more of a lazy day at a beach, full of pure relaxation

by saiphami
Article Spies - Saskia

A blue Cybunny with obvious frustration and a bit of dismay sits on a rock beside a smashed cart. Her name is Saskia and she is the lucky winner for our spies, Birdy and Christos, will spy on her today. Our two friends watch her from afar but it’s obvious something is bothering her.

Also by birdinggal

by water_park1993

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The Trilobite's Guide to Restocking and Sniping

Many people wonder: What is the best way to earn Neopoints? The truth is, the most stable and guaranteed way to earn Neopoints is probably the games room. However, the games room is never going to earn you amazing items out of the Hidden Tower. The Neopian Stock Market is another way to earn Neopoints, but it's not always reliable. The best way, in my opinion, to earn Neopoints is to Snipe and to Restock. Sniping is when you take the Shop Wizard or the Super Shop Wizard and you use them to find mispriced items that were either typed in wrong or mistaken for another item. A good example of this is Piece of a Treasure Map.

Other Stories


The Plight of a Pirate Who Sought a Pawkeet
He gazed at the curious creatures, admiring their amazing appearances. He decided that he wanted to buy a Pawkeet, but he did not have the 55 Dubloons which were required as payment. "I'll have to save up," he told the Shopkeeper. "G'bye!"

by _brainchild_


Oh, Happy Day!
“You’d better hurry or we are going to be late! We don’t want all of the good items to be taken by the time we get there,” I reminded her with a slight roll of my eyes. We really needed to practice the whole being on time thing. Minutes later I heard her clambering down the stairs.

Also by signallives

by the_ezzy


Befriending Boochi: Part One
Dusk was falling in Neopia. In Neopia Central, Draikessa placed the pile of books she had been carrying under the Money Tree. "There!" she said with a smile. "I'm sure these books will now be enjoyed by someone else. Hopefully they'll love reading them as much as I did!"

by tallydepp


Chasing Treasure: Part Eight
Bannok felt numb. He joined the throng of jeering pirates and almost didn't care if he was seen. Everyone's attention was on the Arkmite, on Bannok's captured ship.

by aethelar


Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 16
*takes a huge drink* What was that, by the way?

by twillieblossom


Web Developer
It's what he was born to do.

Also by kevinthinksyourcute

by whssoftball11

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