A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 195,530,000 Issue: 859 | 15th day of Running, Y21
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Spot the Difference Edition #7

Can you find the 10 differences? Also by Aritastic

by not_sporty
Nice to, uh, meet you!

drops down to stare

by aweber
Ink: Inversion - Part 3

It's my fault, it's been my fault all along.

by june_scarlet
Blossoms~ Games Night Part 2

I'll show you!

by twillieblossom
Random Oddness - Legends & Letters #1

Warning: The tablet doesn't work on all pirates.

by mistyqee
Cheese Biscuits

Does she thrive off of suffering or something?

by princessahoge
Happy Illusen Day!

Illusen the earth faerie makes a terrible pun...

by soeeos
An Alternative Cure?

are you sure...

by _gizmo_stern_
Head in the Clouds: Squishy

Whaddaya think?

by yoshisislandbandit
Balthazar Starter Pack

How to become Balthazar!

by _gizmo_stern_
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T3: 6 Difficult Game Trophies in 6 Minutes (Part II)

Ever wondered how to get that shiny golden trophy? Or chase up that elusive avatar? With guides abound, it has never been easier to get trophies. Everyone’s writing down tips, but you still can’t wrap your head around it? Talek will take you down the path towards the gamer superstardom. Follow this new series of “Talek’s Trophy Tips”, and every few weeks I will present you with a new tutorial how to make it to the top of the scoreboard. This article will provide a step-by-step tutorial and some advanced insight to reach that extra mile.

Other Stories


Rohane's Adventures in Neopia
Rohane tried to mask his excitement as his mother pressed the sword into his hands. All his life he’d been safely harboured in the village, and now the time had come to venture forth and clear the land of the monsters that had made themselves far too comfortable.

by sarahnyy051


Reginald Acorn's Case 3 : Treasure
Reginald's adventures as a detective !

by dtrg


10 NC Essentials for Your Spring Customisation
Spring always hangs light and sweet in the air. As the cold starts to ease up and the snow gradually melts away — the whole world seems to come alive again, awakening from their long winter slumber. Spring is filled with so many resolutions – little sprouts push out of the soil inch by inch, buds slowly start to bloom petal by petal. Just like spring, our wardrobe definitely needs a bit of freshening up! What would you be depicting in your customisations this spring?

Also by Also written by lookidontcare3 and masters_united

by breakeven


The Road to Become a NeoQuest! Champion
Is there sanity after NeoQuest InSaNe!?

(also by guik44)

by saudadesdagripe


Isolde and the Faerie Statue
There’s nothing really like Neopia Central when you’re a young Neopet from the moon. The first thing Isolde the Shadow Aisha could remember about the land were the buildings.

also written by anachronisms

by tsiegred


For All the Abandoned Hues:Part Two
Part II: Though Colors May Change

by sherocks15

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