Meow Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 917 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y22
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Stuff and Orvinn's Excellent Adventure - Part 6

Part 6 of 6!

by christie500018
Blossoms~ The Talk Part 4

If you wanna make up with your family, you need to go back home.

by twillieblossom
BLACKOUT with a Vengeance - Part 3

Destruction and Despair!

by shellshocks
Spot the Differences

Did you hear that? 7 differences! Collab with fernandomf and juan_victor

by diblila
Dice-a-Roo Woes

A mystic wind blows past... you feel different somehow

by lava_lamp_1
"U Ok Balthazar??"

Wait what?

by heartswold
Fortune Cookies

Get them while they're hot!

by nico_andresss
The True Treasure

YOU DARE STEAL FROM THE SNOWAGER? collab with necromancer_6 and fernandomf

by quigglebaby
Totally Worth It!

Love overcomes everything... a collaboration with vitrais

by hoppip_grass
Too Many Kazeriu!

A non-believer doubts their existence and asks a pet who knows them all too well!

by meblackittymage13
Cheese Problems

Wait you can't do that! collab with necromancer_6 and quigglebaby

by milla_mussi
Neocola Thirsty

Well, where is it? collab with necromancer_6 and quigglebaby

by tonyrichard
Spoons - A Halloween Special Part 1

Just how elaborate should a Halloween costume really be?

by xixiwang242
No Pain, No Gain.

The things we do because we have to, not because we want to... collab between dollyholic & animalese

by dollyholic
How Your Pets Really Feel in the Cockroach Towers

Appearances can be deceiving...

by lolamartinez1
But...Shiny Rock

But I want it...

by lovetilldawn777
The Pain of Shopping for Dubloons

When it's too good to be true...

by karana__
The Off Season

Come back later! :)

by pokemon_master_a74
Never Trust a Chuchuana

There you are! collaboration with Supernerdcal

by kayoliarts
Royal Oddness: Too Many Good Entries

*Angry Weewoo face* also by winner19955

by mistyqee
If You Give a Symol a Cookie...

Then it's sure to want some more!

by _reyah_
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Customization Guide for your Jetsam

The Jetsam is a very special species with a long-standing history in Neopia. In fact, they are so special that they are a limited edition pet, meaning they cannot simply be created! They must be morphed by a morphing potion, zapped by the secret laboratory ray, or created on their special pet day (October 16th)! I would highly recommend owning a Jetsam as they are a fiercely loyal friend. According to Neopets, "Jetsams are Neopia's mean fighting fish. They are mostly unfriendly and vicious but if you can...

Other Stories


Lair of the Voodoo King
On an eerie moonlit night, one denizen of Neopia is up to no good...

by faeriemelly


Tropical (F)ire
Nightsteed goes on a tropical vacation, hijinks ensue. Enjoy!

by nick_and_nickette


Customization Guide for your Jetsam
This guide will help you make your Jetsam look better than ever! collaboration with aliiwa

by kontinaru1


5 Ways to Celebrate Symol Day
Some suggestions on how to spend this criminally underrated holiday!

by mellody_sou_10


A Hero's Ballad
The thrilling conclusion to A Hero's Ballad!

by parody_ham


A Mind Full of Shadow
Vinas managed to bring Dark to the hospital, but he has no intention of staying there...

by ade1

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