Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,504,875 Issue: 982 | 5th day of Hunting, Y25
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Turn and Return - Pt. 6

get real.

by hamster_z
RIP: Sour Gummy Worms

A new friend joins the pirate crew.

by peanutbuttermilk
Window Shopper

A mutant should look their best!

by ingvani
How to Speedrun Friends pt 2

(part 2/3) Ralvy meets up with an old friend. Collab with luc187

by kuroneko_kitty
Under the Weather...

Drop what you're doing and read this. Collab with neoskulltula

by st1nkz
Not So Anonymous...

Hanging out with your babysitter can be a total wash

by mespirit95
NeoPizza - Nipnap - Page 1

In which Nurri is barked at...

by abby568
Neopets Elemental Puzzles: Water Edition

These puzzles make a splash!

by crunchbar98
Grave Danger Logic


by salem_severn
Faerie Queen Crossword

Can you solve this Faerie puzzle?

by kabosir
Aboard the Coincidence

Anything can happen. Collab with krowkano

by romina_r
Faellie Tales 03: Again, Again!

History repeats itself.

by coco6468
Festival of Neggs Wordsearch

Can you find all these Negg-related words?

by ckgknyangel
Blossoms~ Meeting Part 2

I can explain this.

by twillieblossom
Adventures of Neopia Central - How Hungry?

Um- Hungry- Hungry enough- To- T- Never mind.

by deadchialiveson
Kiko Komics

Sadly the Be-Gone doesn't really work like that :(

by dollcollector
Something has Happened! - Jubusul


by jjensen687
A Lash Conspiracy!

A mysterious island floats around the oceans of Neopia. Collab with dariganey

by shenkuun
"Faeries Hope Maze." - Guiding the Walein.

The Horn is calling the Walein. Can you guide them to it?

by kimpossibleluvr
The R.S. Caroosel : Part 5/5 Epilogue

Time to sail into the sunset and roo-turn home.

by keng200
Tyrannian Victory Day Spot the Difference!

Spot the difference from a Tyrannian scene!

by gromits
Full Safety Deposit Box

Secure those special items fast!

by prulletje1852
Search the Neopian Times


"The Missing Shopkeeper " by orlytheowl
Kara the Kau was a familiar face for many Neopians. She had managed to do the impossible, - building a career working as a jokester for King Skarl. He had personally taken her in after she told him the best joke he had ever heard, one beautiful Spring day a few years ago. Kara had soon become close with the King. He would confide in her, complain to her about other Neopians' terrible jokes and tell her his worries and troubles. He was in fact quite a moody man, but Kara had somehow managed to get on his good side. Two things the King desired were food and wealth. The days passed on, making sure the King had what he needed and trying to keep him happy. It was a full-time job. One day King Skarl told her that he had heard rumours that the oh-so-wealthy Post Office Shopkeeper was missing: “If anyone gets their paws on that Chia’s fortune before I do, good Fyora, they are going to regret it!” King Skarl said with a vengeance. Kara saw an opportunity to get some time off from her usual duties and quickly replied: “Dear King, if you like, I could go check out the situation for you. I could look for clues about the whereabouts of the missing Chia. I mean, what good would it be to get your paws on his fortune if the Chia were to return next week and reclaim his fortune?” Kara said in a friendly tone. “THAT IS NOT FUNNY! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY!” The King yelled. He sighed. “But I guess you’re right. You are to report back to me immediately...

Other Stories


Secret Origins of the Factory
"Many have heard of the fabled Grundo known as 'The Grundo Thief' – as if he does not have a name..."

by surging


A Hero's Journey: As Told
"This is the story of a hero. Not me, but I’m in the story, at least?"

by precious_katuch14


Unsung Heroes: Behind the Scenes Neopians Part 3
"This is the third in a series of interviews conducted with a handful of Neopia’s unsung heroes – those who keep our world spinning (sometimes, quite literally!)."

by thebanditrocks


To All Returning Players...
"I mean, Neopets offers a variety of activities and it can get overwhelming. So here's a little guide to help to ease the confusion and offer some things to start with." Collab with vanillerrybeitje

by maryannyks


Illusen's Quest
"Illusen stared at the Dark Faerie's outstretched hand. Her mind was no longer thinking straight..." Collab with knightwolfalex

by rurirawr


A Corsair Among the Stars
"To say that tensions were high would have been an understatement..."

by zennistrad

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