Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 190,028,839 Issue: 566 | 12th day of Collecting, Y14
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Continued Series

Tales from Neopia Central: Part Twelve

"Do come in, Mr. Black," the white Korbat instructed him.

Black could not help but notice the two fangs protruding from his mouth.

by herdygerdy

I Will Stand Alone: Part Eight

Asyir and Seji would be ready to deal with anyone who broke through, or fight if it all went wrong.

Jazan, with both sword and magic, had to be prepared to fight the Werhond.

by saphira_27

The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part Six

No matter how many times she wore it, Princess Lunara was always surprised by how heavy her ancient lapis amulet was.

Also by thropp

by sandrilene

His Name is Kribal: Part Four

'I know who you are,' he whispered softly, keeping his eyes staring firmly forward. 'Your boss really does have people everywhere, you know?'

by d_morton
Masquerade: Part Four

"Do you have any Sugar Coated Leaf?" Zaira asked the waiter as we sat down at the table. The Grarrl waiter shook his head...

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma

Storm of Fortunes: Part Four

He opened the envelope and removed a creased sheet of paper. Even as he opened it, his heart began to sink.

It was the same message he had decoded for Wolf.

by thorndove

Beneath a Pumpkin Moon: Part Two

Even if he'd finished reading the sign, it's doubtful that Dust to Dustpan would have turned back. Warnings were, after all, for those poor, unfortunate souls that weren't Meepits.

by lilahne_aluoki
Cinnamon and Vinegar: Part Three

"Imagine. I found it completely unguarded at the top of Cloudpoint..."

by ellbot1998
Keep Smiling: Part Two

"The Engineer went around changing everyone's species. It wasn't all at once either. She would appear one day, transform a few Fireflies, leave, then come back later to do the same thing. And in the time in between, everyone was left in a state of dread..."

by blueys45
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"The Underwater Mage" by rachelindea
Enchanting... that was the only word for it. The young Cybunny twirled through the water, watching the vibrant seaweed rippling around her passage. Swimming almost parallel to her was a school of Soreen, tails flicking in staccato movements as they propelled their way through the ocean. She kicked her legs harder to propel herself, but the school anticipated her approach and darted away, scattering in an explosion of colours...

Other Stories


The Underwater Mage
Enchanting... that was the only word for it. The young Cybunny twirled through the water, watching the vibrant seaweed rippling around her passage.

by rachelindea


The Storyteller
"I'll begin my story in a few minutes downstairs," she said. "Everyone is gathering."

by vanessa1357924680


The Worth of Neopets when Trading
Just an old-school Neopian lost in the ways of the new ages.

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo


Claare's List Of Underappreciated Neopian Heroes
Today I would like to draw attention to these people, with hopes that they'll soon be recognized for what they've done, and continue to do.

by dewdropzz


#001: Mission Complete

by rainletter


P&P: Loopholes
Are you sure, Symol's Hole?

Also by johnny_depps_girl101

by mumumuchan

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