Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 192,739,456 Issue: 659 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y16
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Continued Series

Saving the National Neopian Bank: Part Ten

After all, Ylana Skyfire never failed a mission...

by rider_galbatorix
Agent of the Sway: Resistance - Part Five

"I represent a group with certain... interests," Clayton said. "Once upon a time, that interest was the destruction of Sloth's fleet."

by herdygerdy
Stachetastic: the Hair-Raising Origin - Part Six

After being knocked about by malicious winds, nearly falling into bottomless bogs, and narrowly escaping from a Korbat gang attack, the Lupe finally arrived at the abode of the Swamp Witch.

by flufflepuff
Moltara's Winter: Part Seven

Inside, they found nothing. The cabinet was completely empty and apparently there was sign of struggle, as some of the desks were broken.

Also by saltsman

by saudadesdagripe

The Star Prophecy: Part Four

"Take me to her," I demanded. "Show me that she's safe, first. Or my lips are sealed."

by ummagine3284
Getting the Beats: Part Three

Eric took a gulp of cool apple juice, set the can back on the table, and called out, "Back to positions, guys."

by yin_yin_7
Chronicles of the Council: The Hunter - Part Three

Sitting on the peak of the Eastern Mountains the following morning, Altador daydreamed about the small Kyrii of Vesack...

by pillsi
The Invisible Menace: Part Two

"Do you know that you're only the second ghost I've ever met in my entire life? How are you pulling the carriage? I thought ghosts weren't solid. Hey, why do you look so nervous?"

by 77thbigby
An Eyrie Again: Part Two

I guess Eyrie isn't a just species, to me; it's more a state of mind. And I want it back.

by craftygrrl
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"Children of the Lonely Stars" by saphira_27
They managed to run "The Asteroid's Call" and "Aurorae" before rehearsal ended – as usual, Marcus thought that the nine-o'-clock bell on the station was a cue for "one last run of measures 35-60." Subi wished they'd gotten to sing "Lay of the Star-Mariner" – that was her favorite movement in the entire Nocturnes...

Other Stories


The Usul Club
It didn't take me long to convince myself that moving to Neopia Central was the worst idea ever.

by secondgo


Random Acts of Usukicon Kindness
"I did it! I finally finished my Usuki doll collection!"

by jazzehness


Happy 14th Birthday Neopian Stock Market!
Created on August 24th, 2000, the stock market is one of the oldest games in Neopia.

by dark_shadow202020


Faerie Abilities Guide Series: Level 400
This week, we are examining the Level 400 abilities. Each of these abilities will cost you 120 Faerie blessings of their respective elements.

Also by woccawoccawocca

by dragonsfriend1021


Out of the Blue: Screech!
...Well, that's one way to get a White Kacheek.

by musui64


The Real Pirates of Krawk Island: Dicey Odds
You've won 8 games in a row!

Also by tehcannoned

by 1_ricky_1

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