Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,043,305 Issue: 815 | 2nd day of Awakening, Y20
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Continued Series

Hitomi the Witch:Part Twelve


by downrightdude
Elaine's Expedition:Part Five

A stone door twice her height loomed ahead of her, cracked and weathered from centuries of aging. Elaine gulped, peering up at the symbols carved into its rough surface.

Also by afsheen_27

by milkshakes004

Mundo The Grundo vs The Alien Aishas:Part Three

Last time, on Mundo Grundo vs The Alien Aishas

Mundo, our student scientist, caught wind of a potential massive attacking happening on his home, the Virtupets Space Station. Upon hearing the news, he decided that he could not just sit idle and wait for the enemy to strike. He had to do something.

by randmar

The Whispering Wail Sword:Part Two

Someone had cornered Talzadon with a weapon. “Hey! I know you!”

by purplehopper
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The Fastest Way To Lose Your Money!

We all work hard here on Neopets, whether it is by spending day and night restocking or running out fingers raw playing flash game after flash game. It seems like almost everyone is on a quest to get rich, and to get rich quick, but what can you even do when you have it all? When you have a bank account full of millions upon millions, or you have invested those millions into rare items that are just growing in value by the day? Buying items is not a waste of money, specifically items that are never destroyed. For instance, buying most Battledome weapons can be seen as an investment, a way of making MORE money. You can just sell it later, possibly breaking even, or if you are lucky making even more. So how do you get rid of money, exactly? What? You are shocked about that? We live our Neo-lives tied to our Neopoints, slaving away to earn as many as we can and enjoying it along the way, but what is the point of having money if you never spend it!?

Other Stories


Standing Out and Fitting In
It was early morning in Terror Mountain, and snow was falling, as it so often did. It coated the already snow-covered landscape in a thicker white cloak, obscuring the view of anything else in sight.

by cruthmac


A New Addition
This is a story based on my growng new Neopet family

by fantasy_star541


Opinion - Is Queen Fyora an effective ruler?
In the wake of the many issues that have impacted Faerieland, some in the kingdom have openly questioned whether Queen Fyora is an effective ruler anymore. While many still admire Queen Fyora's ability to rule with a gentle hand and her perseverance through all the difficulties, there are voices of doubt that have gotten much louder lately.

by black_skull725


The Fastest Way To Lose Your Money!
We all work hard here on Neopets, whether it is by spending day and night restocking or running out fingers raw playing flash game after flash game. It seems like almost everyone is on a quest to get rich, and to get rich quick, but what can you even do when you have it all?

Also by beanlein and hawkydreamerz

by imcatcrazy11


Sugar Squad: Thievery
It's just not the same....

by newenglandquizzer


Egg on Your Face
What's wrong don't you like it?

by wolf_love4_life

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