Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 196,373,079 Issue: 910 | 7th day of Hiding, Y22
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Continued Series

Quarry Life

Monazite must decide what to do when she realizes how serious Agate's injury is.

by blueys45
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"Your Adventure" by canepa_diego
You open your eyes, and pay attention to all of the things inside your strangely wide point of view, in the thralls of a strong confusion you have never felt before. Objects, colours, and distances, that are not the ones you are used to. Later, you will have realized that things were bigger or you were smaller. But that’s not now. Suddenly, you walk. However, you don’t want to do it. Or to stare at certain things or to sniff others. You are not in control of… yourself? Then, some type of grid borderline appears in front of you. You quickly awake in an exhalation of fear. It’s only been a nightmare, probably the most realistic dream of your whole life. You don’t have time to wonder about it, because you hear...

Other Stories


Everybody wants to be famous. But not everybody wants fame.

by mehohara


Usuki Singing Stars #49: Patricia's Ghost
Patricia must deal with a mysterious intruder while babysitting her younger brothers...

by downrightdude


Master the Master of Cards at Dueling Decks!
This guide will not only help you master the Master of Cards, but maybe you'll get a shiny new trophy in the process.

by midnightsmores


Blumaroo Day: What Your Roo Wants To Do
This Blumaroo Day I wanted to share with you some ideas to treat your beloved pet by taking them to Roo Island, one of the most popular tourist destinations in all the land! collab with goosesticks

by roxi2rox


Neopets Character Featured In Avatars Crossword
Take out your pen and have fun answering this crossword.

by xlorally


Just Crazy
Uh, thank you tombola man...

by empoleon07

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