teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,621,610 Issue: 993 | 6th day of Collecting, Y25
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Hello Neopians! We’ve heard your concerns about the Faerie Festival event and have made some adjustments based on your feedback to ensure that this event is more accessible to everyone.

One modification we've already made was to change the faerie quest pool to include a far larger range of items throughout the duration of the Faerie Festival. Another adjustment we're making is that neither NC nor R200 items will be recyclable during the event. Next, we are increasing the maximum number of items that can be donated per day up to 30. And finally, we are adjusting the value of points earned for items. To see the extent of the changes, you can read through the recently updated Faerie Festival and Recycling FAQs.

We understand your frustrations and appreciate those of you who voiced your concerns. Although it may not always seem like it, we are constantly reading your feedback across various platforms, and doing our best to listen and take your notes to heart. We appreciate your patience as we continue to learn and grow as a team, and we will strive to be transparent with our community while making Neopia a welcoming place for old and new players alike!


Hello all and welcome back to Quick Questions! We got some pretty difficult requests for interviews recently! And as much as we like to challenge ourselves here at the Neopian Times, sadly we just simply don’t have the resources to say track down the coin in which Dr. Sloth is trapped or unfreeze Xandra for interviews. We did, however, at the request of spinellihoopla, try to interview The Three!

*tape recording starts*
Interviewer: “Hello, I am an Interviewer with the Neopian Times I am recording this as documentation for my findings. I have been tasked to research how exactly one could contact the entities known as The Three. Seeing how these beings don’t seem to appear to just anyone I have looked into the past mentions of them throughout history. Through this, I have determined that the best way to reach them is to have them come to you. But the only way for this to happen is to either be someone of high importance, someone of high power, someone of high wealth, or someone willing to do anything to become one of those…”
*tape recording stops*

*tape recording starts*
Interviewer: “Okay. After reporting my findings up the chain of command I have been advised that this is too risky for me and to not proceed with this interview. I have been told to move on to another story and that a more experienced reporter will take it from here apparently. I must agree and follow my orders…what else can I do…I don’t have the power.”
*tape recording stops*

*tape recording starts*
Interviewer: “I don’t know why I can’t let this story go. I know someone else is taking it, but something is telling me this is the story for me. It could be what makes my career!”
*tape recording stops*

*tape recording starts*
Interviewer: “I have decided to see this through. I may not have the wealth or power that the higher-ups do or the fame and experience that other reporters do…but I could.”
*tape recording stops*

*tape recording starts*
Interviewer: “It’s been a few days now and no direct contact. I have opened my mind to them and let them know what I want and yet no one has appeared. But if the stories are to be believed then these inklings I have had, these…these voices in the back of my mind could be them, working through me!”
*tape recording stops*

*tape recording starts*
Interviewer: “I know what I must do now! It is my right, no my responsibility, to take over the Neopian Times! Those who run it know nothing of what is needed to be successful! I will move as soon as I am sure The Three will be by my side!”
*tape recording stops*

These tapes were confiscated from our now former employee. What is odd is they were never actually assigned to The Three interview. However, the employee who was assigned never got any decent info on them so we thought we would share this instead! We’ll never know if it really was The Three our former employee was working for, but it sure did make for an entertaining read, huh? Anyway, we hope you enjoyed this edition of Quick Questions! We’ll be back soon! Until then be sure to send in any suggestions for others to interview to the Editorial!

Hi! The Faerie Thorn Pigatils Wig released a few weeks ago has a rather obvious misspelling in its name if that can please be updated (Pigtails), as well as "Thie" in the description (as fun as it is to read it as such!) Thanks! ~quailbat
Hello! Thanks for writing in and bringing these typos to our attention. These have now been fixed - hooray! ~~ Miss Rainbow

Hello Sunpotato ^.^ Microwaves a Potato for you and serves it steamy I was wondering if Techo Megaphone could be made multi-use. Thanks! ~frozencyodrakeshield
excitedly accepts warm potato and eats it. Thanks for the wonderful treat! Donny saw a few requests about this and did some tinkering…and the Techo Megaphone is now multi-use!! ~Sunpotato

Hey TNT, I noticed that whenever I try to customize my Maraquan Cybunny with the Maraquan Silver Markings it completely breaks my Cybunny's image. Is it possible to fix? Thank you so much and please remove my username :) ~anonymous
Hello there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention about the Maraquan Cybunny! We have fixed the issue, so these Maraquan Silver Markings should look dazzling on your Cybunny! Happy Customizing! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hi TNT! Thanks for all the work you guys have been doing on the site, and special thanks to TNT Adler who sifts through mountains of poetry submissions every week for the poetry contest! Us Neopians come in many shapes and forms, and also speak many different languages, and I was wondering if it would be possible for one random day each month to be assigned to Neopian Poets who write in languages that are not English? I appreciate the effort into including some of these submissions in regular Poetry Contests, but I would love it even more if we had a dedicated space for these poems! Keep up the good work :* ~mynel_mel
Hi! Thank you so much for your kind words and I really like this idea! I typically try to include some submissions in other languages if I see them to help diversify the entries and winners, however, personally, I only speak fluent English, and French with a teensy bit of Spanish sprinkled in there. Due to this, we’d need a super reliable translator option and ultimately, more work hours in the day. I am definitely open to considering this when we have some free time in the future! Thanks again for the suggestion! ~~ Adler

hey hey! :) would it be at all possible to include Deserted Fairgrounds Background in the upcoming retired halloween capsule? it's old and retired in 2008, so not a lot of them floating around anymore. thanks! ~blahblah1215
Hello! We have taken note and tossed this item into the prize pool for this future capsule! Happy customising! ~~ Miss Rainbow

Hi TNT! I know you are focusing mostly on conversions and bug fixes right now, but would you ever consider introducing a Trading Post for NC items only? Having to advertise on the boards can be difficult sometimes, especially when you'd just like to browse and make some offers. ~unlaced_
Hello! We have been busy with events, features and bug fixes but this is something we have discussed and is on our minds! While we're talking about it though…what would everyone like to see in a NC Trading Post? We can take this into consideration when we get the chance to look into this more. Let us know in the ideas / suggestions board! ~~Sunpotato

I absolutely LOVE the draik fire elemental wearables BUT the tail is out of alignment in regards to the heart shaped end of the valentine draik tail and so BOTH are visible INSTEAD of the tail being all fire the way that the wings are purely fire without any valentine colouration showing through.Pretty PLEASE make draiks everywhere happy by fixing the colouration conflict.*lays out a platter of homemade pb and chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven along with a jug of chocolate milk to wash them down with* ~ketheryvis
Hello! We are glad to hear you love the Fire Elemental Wearables! Thanks for bringing up the alignment issue with the Draik Fire Tail! We have fixed the issue, so Happy Customizing! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

I had an issue the past two weeks where two of my correct answers for the Mystery Picture competition were rejected. After some discussion with other players, I was curious if it last week’s in particular was because of iOS’s “smart punctuation” keyboard feature. It would have replaced the “single right quotation mark” Unicode character in “Sutek’s Scrolls” with an apostrophe. Did that render my and other users’ answers incorrect? If so, is there a way to fix that bug? The Mystery Pic is my favorite spotlight and it was a huge letdown to not get any results this week!
Hi there! Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention and we are now looking into this. I’m glad to hear Mystery Pic is your favourite contest as it definitely is a fun one! In the meantime, I’d like to suggest submitting your answers without any punctuation as to avoid triggering a potentially incorrect answer. So for last week’s example, instead of Sutek’s Scrolls, you would enter it as Suteks Scrolls. Just as a reminder, only the first 250 correct entries will win the item of the week so be sure to submit your guess as soon as you can as this contest typically garners a lot of entries. Happy guessing! ~~ Adler

Shouldn't it be Strawberry Kyrii Plushie to be more uniform with the rest of the Strawberry Plushies? ~dragonslayer390
It certainly should be, thanks for catching that one! The item name has been updated to Strawberry Kyrii Plushie to fit with the precedent set by previous Strawberry Plushies. ~~Aesop


Thank you for this website, for the entire Neopian world and everything around it. Thank you for being my daily distraction when everything is negative and painful. When I'm in a bad shape, I always open Neopets first. Hoping to find a plushie soon when they become available in Europe, that plushie will mean a lot to me. THANKS! ~sarientjuh

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If you have a question that you think should be answered, click here and you can use our submission form. The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

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