Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 175,202,438 Issue: 368 | 14th day of Storing, Y10
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New Series

Samson, the Pirate Lupe: Lost Memories - Part One

Samson woke to the soothing rock of a hammock within a ship's hold. Bleary-eyed, he groaned...

by firedoomcaster
A Faerie Tale: War - Part One

The Faeries came to Neopia in turmoil, with the drums of their hearts beating towards war. They were scattered, divided...

by herdygerdy
Another Hero's Journey: Decisions - Part One

"Rohane sent me a letter saying that he was already in Sakhmet Palace with Mipsy and Talinia. Apparently, there's been a string of mysterious sandstorms in the Lost Desert..."

by precious_katuch14
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"Snow Wars II Draftee: Chrysanthelithium's Epiphany" by luckyfishie
I took my cue and moved toward the front wall. Shielding my eyes slightly from the dazzling white snow, I scoped out any possible targets. "There's a Lupe coming up on the left!" I shouted to Harlex, now a few paces behind me. "He's moving pretty fast, too! You could aim a little in front of him just in case he moves before the snowball gets there!"

Other Stories


Snow Wars II Draftee: Chrysanthelithium's Epiphany
The only thing that seemed to hold any warmth was the intense fire in my teammates' eyes. This was what they lived for.

by luckyfishie


Finding Frieda
The day Piper moved to Mystery Island was one of the worst days of my life.

by majikel


Advanced Stocking Techniques Part 2
Why do we diversify? Or more importantly, what is diversification?

by kevy27300


The Demons of Dynasty
The great and wise King Altador voices his opinion of the PPL.

by books86


Freedom to the Funny Pages
Please, don't toss your cookies.

by nickulla


Unexpected Visitors
All Peas welcome!

Also by dutchese159

by suzerz

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