teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 175,200,932 Issue: 414 | 16th day of Collecting, Y11
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New Series

The Return of Sloth: The Musical! - Part One

Valka: Commander Valka to Gorix; I need a volunteer.

Gorix: Gorix back to Valka; I read you loud and clear.

by rosabellk

Inheritance: Part One

She couldn't ignore her talent to sing. Every chance a bard or music teacher came across their inn on their travels she prodded them to give her some advice, and she frequently sang while doing her chores.

by shadow_sabre_
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"Asparagus and Arguments" by jubub33
Doctor Frank Sloth, Green Thing of Outer Space, self-proclaimed Emperor of the Stars, King of All Planets (except Neopia and Kreludor, darn them), stood on the deck of his empire, and rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Tourists. Who was the idiot who decided we should let all of Neopia..."

Other Stories


Scars: Corruption
"Here's where I think it started. See, heroes don't morph into traitorous villains overnight..."

by cpmtiger


A Shiny Friendship
"Hey, Nova! Why so blue?"

by imogenweasley


The Neopian Food Review: Spooky Food

by mrpanda1


Jetsam Day Is Friday. Are You Prepared?
Why are the once so abundant Jetsam now on the limited edition list?

by cloud411908


Neopian Discovery Channel: Lag Slug chapter 1
Always wondered what was responsible for all the lag? Well now you know...

by ashanti1011


The Jellybean Challenge!
I can eat ANYTHING!

by shade876

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