Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 178,210,560 Issue: 431 | 19th day of Awakening, Y12
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New Series

The Unlucky One: Part One

"Uh oh." Racon ducked and covered his head with his paws, but he knew it was useless. BAM!

by solcana64
The Anomaly: Part One

"Lady Lisha Borodere! The sorceress! The heroine of the Darigan Wars! I cannot express the honor I feel at welcoming you into my humble home."

by jokerhahaazzz
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"Part of the Pack" by i_love_aisha_000
Immediately, the other howling stopped, and briefly I wondered why only one Lupe had howled; surely I was the only lone Lupe on the Plains? But my thoughts were short lived when I heard distant pounding that meant only one thing; the Lupe was running towards me. Laughing out loud, my laugh even more ragged...

Other Stories


Perils of the Petpet Laboratory
In loving memory of Snarkie the Chumablah.

by elish111


Chorus: A Mixed History
He nodded to the lightning struck tree in the clearing nearby. "See that?" he growled. "That tree marks the boundary with Running Pack..."

Also by derahoters

by shinkoryu14


Sweet Dreams: Maths Nightmare 101
Grace under pressure.

by allielle


Vintage Neopians: Who We Are, And What We Can Be
A common misconception is that all "vintage Neopians" are rich billionaires who surely have done everything on the site at least once.

by wylddarkheart


Famous -- That time again
There are hardships for every neopet.

by arctic_wolf___


Those Acaras from the Money Tree sure are sneaky...

by animal_lover_0808

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