Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 181,285,215 Issue: 442 | 7th day of Hunting, Y12
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New Series

From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part One

"Some higher force wants us to have this new, better place!" he always claimed. "Why should we try to escape it?"

by ellbot1998
The Conspiracy: Part One

"I will attempt to reconcile myself to the idea that I may not always be perfection itself..."

by jokerhahaazzz
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"Friends Forever?" by vendince
Alowa and her family were living next door. They had quickly become friends and spent a lot of time visiting each other. However, last year, Alowa and her family had moved into the city and now they spent less and less time together. Alowa was always busy with this and that. One day they had arranged to meet...

Other Stories


Training BeautysBeat
Uni. Battledome. Until you read this story, you'd probably think these words would NEVER go together.

by pretsel_is_back


The Potion of Insanity
When a potion has the power to awaken the greed of a good queen, it's best kept a secret.

by brokensilent


The Top Ten Ways to Support Your AC Team
With the Altador Cup (AC) only a few weeks away, the hype is building up to what will be, once again, a spectacular climax.

by thekookycookie


Get the PT Avatar in Under a Week!
Always jealous of people with the cute Plushie Tycoon avatar? Confused about how to play the game? Then this guide is for you!

by horsecrazyirishgirl


Balloon Disaster
Sailing the seven skies

by gm24_gm24


The Solution?

by manforlife

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