The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 190,135,861 Issue: 569 | 2nd day of Storing, Y14
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New Series

Jake the Explorer and the Ruins of Pyre!: Part One

I've dealt with enough thieves in my days, and whether they be reformed or not - I won't allow anyone to plunder an ancient site!

by aisha_enchantress110
Time May Change Me: Part One

"You don't bite people just because you're upset with them. Now apologise to your sister."

by debbie1188
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Ice Caves - Trophy Guide

Are you looking for an extra trophy for your cabinet? How about a game that can get you an easy 3,000 NP each and every day? How about trying out Hannah and the Ice Caves? Hannah and the Ice Caves is a sequel to another game on Neopets, Hannah and the Pirate Caves. If you are not familiar with how to play the Pirate or Ice Caves, here is a quick rundown. There are 30 levels for you to complete; 25 main levels and five bonus levels, which you unlock after...

Other Stories


The Transfer Room
Miserably, she wondered if being abandoned was any worse.

by pinkkea


The Very Long Vacation of Dr. Wilbur
Now that everyone's tan is fading and the memory of sunglasses on the nose seems like a mere dream, I find the time to recount my latest adventure.

by shadyy15


Personalizing Your Neopet
Here are some different ways that you can make your Neopet stand out!

by kspare2


Hannah and the Ice Caves - Trophy Guide
This guide will help you learn the techniques required in order to earn a trophy in Hannah and the Ice Caves.

by jesseduhlonghorn


The Nut Farm - Gross Food
It's obvious, really...

by ramheart


Ventures #23
Operation T.R.E.K. Part 10. The end of this mission is fraught with dangers. Present company included.

by neo_coaster363

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