Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 192,783,880 Issue: 662 | 12th day of Gathering, Y16
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New Series

Agent of the Sway: Departure - Part One

Clayton Moore had to be careful. He was, after all, a member of the Sway. And Faerieland was the domain of their enemy.

by herdygerdy
A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Part One

"Another one of those street urchins tried to steal my Neopoints again. I got them back though, like I usually do." Sierra sighed.

by dogz_rock_98
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Top 5 Chocolate Treats

With the annual Chocolate Ball just around the corner, many Neopians are finding themselves increasingly consumed by cravings for chocolatey treats. It is literally impossible for chocolate to be anything but delicious, but, believe it or not, this can actually be a huge problem. No matter how much chocolate owners buy to satisfy their pets, they rarely ever manage to find the ideal cure for a persistent sweet tooth...

Other Stories


Tales From Elysian Fields: Good Fortune Tonight
Genna only notices the sign because Grosvenor has to pull over to catch his breath; he stops his bike, falls over, and coughs into the tall grass on the side of the beaten path.

by bug0704


Home: a Lupe's Story
I was once a beautiful blue Lupe.

by earthpuppy


Are You Ready for a Petpet?
Though every Neopet knows the devotion, loyalty, and joy a Petpet can bring into a life, there are responsibilities that accompany the acquisition of one of these furry friends.

by headtotoe


The Petpet Aviary
Choosing the perfect feathered friend for your pet.

by ondore_


Just My Luck
My MME wig is getting soaked!

Idea by blue_eagle16

by tsuki_the_noodle


Badly Armed - Can't Hold All That NP
Lend me a hand!

Art by trixinadia

by tedypicker

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