For an easier life Circulation: 193,049,732 Issue: 676 | 16th day of Sleeping, Y17
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New Series

Heroes from the Other Side: Part One

"How is the king, Sir Pendleton?"

"Not well, Lord Kass. I daresay he has been captured."

by parody_ham

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"Of Time Machines and Banana Cookies" by opossumman
"So all this time when you were telling me, 'Oh, that's just science fiction, it can't POSSIBLY have real world application,' and, 'Oh, matter can't go past the speed of light, which would be necessary for time travel to work,' you were lying to me?"

Other Stories


All For Want Of
Cybele groaned, weakly struggling in vain to take back the blanket now held by the giggling four-year old. The frozen panic of a nightmare began to ebb away...

by miharu_mizuneko


Garjan's Borrowed Time
Garjan could not believe how ungrateful Pystry was being. Apparently this benighted Mutant Hissi didn't realize that the opportunity to assist someone of Garjan's eminence was a privilege he didn't lightly bestow.

by peirigill


"If Only": Neopets' Nostalgic Economy
If my observations are correct, nostalgia is the biggest desire driving the Neopian economies.

by swordlilly


A Neopian's Intro to the Multiverse
Team Meridell or Team Brightvale? Why not both? Be warned, this will get very complicated very quickly.

by anti_guy


Perils & Gold: The Wanderer - part 2
A scaly surprise

by lockord


Dicey Friends
No one trusts roo anymore...

by classicmess

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