Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 186,575,100 Issue: 506 | 5th day of Hiding, Y13
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Short Stories

One-Way Letters to Emma

"How have you been? I know it's been a while since we last talked..."

by hidden_0_o
Born to be Wild

"But you're a princess. Princesses don't roar."

"They do if they want to."

by skittyfan100

The Blue Screen of DEATH!

Aristotle A. Avinroo bit his lip and squinted.

by chimp_chicken_fish
"You are what you eat."

If you're new to Neopia or have recently noticed the abundance of edible pets, you may be wondering to yourself how they all came to be.

by emilees
There's Something in Sakhmet

Alxindor stared at the shopkeeper in disbelief. He hadn't brought that sort of money with him...

by neeraline
An Old Lupe's Adventure

The second the paint brush hit the ground, his haggard old bones began to move. But, alas, he was too slow...

by mrs_harder
Flying's Not For Everyone

Most families did not have a regular use for a tarpaulin.

by partonsvite
Fiorina's Dream

The children would always play from noon to dusk in the dusty old field, and it was their haven...

by lux_aeterna1234
A Day at the National Neopian

"I don't believe I've ever seen you here in the National Neopian. Would you like to set up an account with us?"

by someguy_1000
A Single White Ghostkerscarf

I was flying my usual after dinner route when the poor fellow flew right into me. We lost a bit of altitude as we struggle to right ourselves and distinguish scales from feathers.

by rs_rbn
The Bookshop Owner's Daughter

"Who will take care of the book shop in my old age?" he asked. "Besides," he added, "guards aren't paid very much anyway."

Also by princesspesa98

by erroro

Journal of a Disgruntled Crew Member

Have yet to find any land. I'm sure the captain would be much better at his job if it weren't fer all this fog.

by maraqua_berry
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"The Blue Screen of DEATH!" by chimp_chicken_fish
The Yellow Blumaroo, noted for his huge head, 3-D glasses and ginger hair, spoke into a headset he was wearing. "Hey, Abigail! How’s your game of Magma Blaster going?" he asked his little sister hurriedly, nearly missing a level 4 rock. His sister was in her own room, surrounded by Usuki Dolls. She yawned. She was playing on her own...

Other Stories


The Secret Recipe to Making a Successful Guild
Guilds are one of the most exciting parts of Neopets! They are often homes not only to fun activities and events but close friendships, memorable conversations and inside jokes.

by indicula


The Dos and Don'ts of the Art Gallery
From one artist to another.

by pinkpaint


Scarblade's Pearl: Memories in Maraqua - Part Two
"Isca, Caylis... Nira," said the king with a nod. Nira didn't like the slight hesitation before he spoke her name.

by theloverpokemonqueen


Scarlet Shadow: Secrets of a Kingdom - Part Two
"I know because I've dealt with pirates before," she replied curtly.

Kiel's eyes widened. "You what?!"

by kathleen_kate


Tangeriiine's Birthday #1
Can you help with my birthday invites?

by mistyqee


Bread and Butter
You are what you eat - part 2

by _epiphany_

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