Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 192,686,136 Issue: 656 | 1st day of Hiding, Y16
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Short Stories

The Summer Holiday

"Lina, the AC is out. Again," Philesia, the Mutant Aisha, called.

by goodsigns
Dreams: A First Adventure?

A mask. That's all I had right now.

by sha2196
Ray's Plushies

"It's a good day to open shop!"

by mintacia
Raising The Spirit

Of course, their low placing received more than a cheap medal but also the ridicule and pity from the fans and other team members, and the Faerie Zafara was frustrated at it all.

by auraichadora
Making History: A Haunted Victory

The moment the referee blew the whistle, Krell knew the game was over.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
The Fall of Eliv Thade

"Wow, master Eliv! That's another impossible puzzle solved!"

by xenna_15
And Professor Vinsjin Died

Bren sighed heavily. "I know, I know. I should just let it go, right? The Ghoul Catchers have been retired for years, after all. But I can't help but miss the days of..."

by dragonair23
Being a Big Brother

Og was standing on the bank of the pond in front of his Neohome, tossing diving rings for his yellow Mallard, Alla.

by 77thbigby
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"The Summer Holiday" by goodsigns
"That won't help the rest of us!" Philesia shouted. The group of Aishas and one Ogrin lounged around the Neohome, sweating in the summer heat. There was no response from their owner, and the Mutant Aisha started grumbling...

Other Stories


Kalora: A Kickin' Kompilation of 5 Kau Komments!
Ever since her debut as one of the current members on the Cheat! tournament roster, Kalora the Kau has made quite an impact.

by schoolwars


Five Games to Avoid if You're Easily Frustrated

by sweetj912


Agent of the Sway: Resistance - Part Two
A few days into the voyage, Clayton was surprised to see a visitor in his little cargo hold. "I know you're in here somewhere," the little JubJub said...

by herdygerdy


Moltara's Winter: Part Four
"We need to find a way down the caves," Luna began explaining. "I've studied some maps of Moltara and I know for a fact that the quarry has an entrance..."

Also by saltsman

by saudadesdagripe


Your hands glow blue...

by untitlednotes


133984: Let Them Eat Cake, part 2
You'll only make it worse.

by lycaonpictus77

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