A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 196,203,330 Issue: 899 | 24th day of Eating, Y22
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Short Stories

I Aesid

It was only 4 pm but already eerily dark outside from the cluster of clouds quickly forming. Rain began splashing against the windowpane making a popping sound with each drop.

by mewemy
Hardcore, Hissies, and Questionable Life Decisions

It started out simple enough. I'd been surfing online looking for cool music to listen to while playing Neoquest, when I found a profile for Cynds, who was making techno and posting it online along with videos of herself using fireworks and other pyrotechnics to make amazing displays in time with music.

by alli_draggy
Down the Wishing Well

There's no such thing as Well Faeries... Right?

by almightynyx
Search the Neopian Times


A Guide to Achieving the Perfect Goth Pet!

Species To start, you'll have to pick which one of your Neopets will become goth. Fortunately, this style can work with every species of pet! Anyone can be goth if they feel it deep down in their sorrowful soul. Colour One of the most vital elements of your Neopet's goth transformation is going to be its colour. This will provide the base from which you devise your pets backstory and overall appearance going forward. If you keep an open mind, there's a lot of different colour options for a goth pet to choose from! A Grey or Shadow pet are obvious choices for those interested in this dark aesthetic.

Other Stories


The Neopets TCG in Modern Times
I encourage everyone to join me in promoting a Neopets TCG renaissance! Here are some of my tips for anyone wishing to start playing this fun, familiar card game - ten years after its publishing ceased.

by jubileek


A Guide to Achieving the Perfect Goth Pet!
To start, you'll have to pick which one of your Neopets will become goth. Fortunately, this style can work with every species of pet! Anyone can be goth if they feel it deep down in their sorrowful soul.

by a_reopets_a


The River that Flows Eternal
Oh… this again. This stupid memory. Whoa, what a creepy cave, said a distant voice far beyond his sight. What did you expect? came the tart reply. I mean, this is the Haunted Woods.

by movie138music


Avatar Goldmine
To cross the sea that separated Brightvale & Maraqua, Rysony rented a paddleboat that would take him to Maraqua. It was a rocky ride from across the sea, and the little paddleboat rocked up and downwards through the rocky waves. Edited by rabbits_forever

by wizzkid_


Real Remedies at the Neopian Hospital II
Sometimes at the Neopian hospital you can't tell if the remedies are real or for fools!

by andypopo


Charity Corner Preparation
It's Sticky Snowball stockpiling season...

by alphachicky

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