Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 196,379,842 Issue: 904 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y22
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Short Stories

The Prince's Decision

An unhappy prince of Brightvale makes a choice that would forever decide his future and freedom.

by fallingdaybreak
Mending Fences

A short tale about forgiveness. Enjoy!

by nick_and_nickette
Between Eighteenth and First Place

intended description: The Terror Mountain team captain forgets something in the locker room, and ends up finding more than she was looking for. collab with chromasia

by ma_trojas
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"Mending Fences" by nick_and_nickette
"Ugh", Hanso complained as he and Brynn rode on an Apis caravan under the scorching desert sun. "Do we really have to go, Brynn?" The Kougra said, "Yes, Hanso. Queen Fyora sent us to deliver this artefact to the Qasalan royal family." He scoffed, "You mean that dusty golden sceptre we found deep in the Faerie Caverns? The Queen said there's nothing special or magical about it, so why does she care about it so much?" Brynn groaned, trying to not lose her rather scant patience, "Because it is important to their history - that sceptre was made for the first ruler of Qasala, and, well, Fyora wanted to give it as a present to King Jazan and Queen Nabile." "And couldn't she have sent any of her guards...

Other Stories


AC Coverage: Catching up with the Players
In an effort to provide the dedicated fans with more information regarding your favourite annual sporting event, the Altador Cup, we sat down with several players for a brief interview about how they have been preparing for this season...

by arcanemon11


Invasive Species Threaten Volleyball Championships
With the month of Swimming fast approaching, one thing is on every Mystery Islander’s mind: The Mynci Beach Volleyball Championship Tournament. However, the recent influx of invasive Pawkeets and Turdles might forever change the sport as we know it...

by weee5067


Curse Of The Kookith
The tale of a young Blumaroo trying to live up to her parents expectations...

by zuniak


The Krawk Island Adventure
Will Tristan and Litana finally find the hidden Krawk Island treasure? Collab with ceara52

by therainbowsheep


Not Sure..
Is the Snowager Sleeping.. Or?

by kayona4


A Neopian's trash...
You know how the old saying goes... a collaboration with forgottenbirthdays

by oddmavis

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