Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,890,907 Issue: 1017 | 20th day of Gathering, Y26
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

It was smooth sailing for the next few hours. I was surrounded by the unbroken blue of the sea and sky. Though, it was a complete novelty to me. I had only ever seen such a view in pictures. It was mesmerizing.

Fall Foodie Favourites - Seasonal Snacks for Autumn

Hey, folks! We've reached the Month of Gathering, meaning it's time to prepare our bellies for the food-filled fall season. As the days grow shorter and the air gets chillier, most Neopets find themselves longing for a certain calibre of edible creations that complements the surrounding orange and brown hues of nature. Out with watermelons and pineapples, and in with pumpkins! No more iced lattes - it's time for hot drinks to keep your hands warm! And put down those chicken wings - 'tis the season for turkey! To help you expand your palate or to simply find a new fall fav, I've compiled a list of some of Neopia's tastiest autumn-themed dishes. Check out the list below to find out what grub to grab, with prices ranging from cheap to gourmet! Food Name: Autumnberry Where To Find It: Meri Acres Farm - Pick Your Own Why You Should Try It: The unique Autumnberry tops our list because it's a simple, forageable find that quite literally has "autumn" in its name! This slimy-looking berry might be a little too juicy for some, but if you don't mind the mess made by its dripping outer layer, you're in for a fresh treat. This berry fits perfectly with the Month of Gathering spirit because what's more seasonally relevant than gathering your own farm-fresh produce? Perfect for a quick snack, as long as you've got some napkins.

How to Stave Off Boredom at the Neopian Hospital

You’re volunteering at the Neopian Hospital. Repeatedly. Three or four shifts a day. And when you started, it sounded exciting. But it turns out that in between treating the occasional case of Neggitus or Sneezles and waiting for the waves of Neopians injured fighting Voidlings in Brightvale, volunteering at the hospital is … actually pretty boring. What’s a Neopian to do? Find ways to make things more interesting, of course! Here are some ideas to try in this guide to staving off boredom while volunteering at the Neopian Hospital. 1. Volunteer to help with the food. Hospital volunteers get a meal during their six-hour shifts, and the hospital always needs volunteers to feed the other volunteers. Some days, you won’t get much of a respite—you just ladle up the Lamb Broth that the Soup Faerie dropped by, and you’re back to sewing up stitches in 20 minutes. But on days when the food prep is a little more intense, you can spend an hour or more chopping ingredients and baking Fruity Swirl Souffle. And yes, while it’s annoying for that elderly Elephante orderly to always ask for a cheeseburger with no cheese, cut in half—it’s way better than treating 72 cases of Watery Eyes. 2. Volunteer to pick up supplies Someone has to run to the pharmacy to get more cures; why shouldn’t it be you?

Casual Clicking for Fun and Profit

There are many reasons why you might be trying to kill time on Neopets. Perhaps you’re waiting for a shop to restock, or for new Kadoaties to beg for expensive foods, or for your Neofriend to answer a message. Maybe you really want to increase your odds of receiving a Faerie Quest as you chase that elusive FFQ. Maybe you’re waiting for someone to respond to your Neoboard post or place an offer on your trade. Maybe you’re looking to come across some good random events that might bring you a valuable item. You may be wondering how to best use that spare time and get value and enjoyment from it… I’ve got a few suggestions! Pyramids: This card game is easy to learn and fun to strategize. You’re not going to get rich from this game alone, with its 5000 NP daily cap, but I receive on average at least double the 50 NP fee per game. Plus, you can win trophies by clearing certain numbers of pyramids! My advice: look at all of the available cards and make sure you choose moves that will clear the largest number and/or free up the card above it. Sakhmet Solitaire: Like Pyramids, this card game also has a 5000 NP daily cap and is pretty fun and easy to learn. In this game, I tend to earn less per average round (it’s quite possible to get 0 NP if you get unlucky with the aces), but I find I have a higher chance of completing the game than Pyramids. Apparently you can also win prizes by winning games, but I’ve never had this happen to me, so take this with a grain of salt! My advice: focus first on moving cards from the rows into stacks in order to reveal the cards under them. Once you’ve made all of those moves, then you can look at the drawn card and use it accordingly.

Other Stories
"The Setting Sun" by skatabo
The sun was a saffron stream in the late summer sky. The heat of the afternoon had given way to a simmering eventide, the stagnant air a miasma of compressed sweat, the lingering odour of abandoned food and drink, and the ethereal emptiness created by the recent vacancy of what was once a massive crowd. Cheryl Shelly wiped her brow. The Altador Cup finals this year had been a roaring success. The competition was as fierce as it had ever been, and the fiery determination of each contender was only intensified by the intensity of the ardent fans in the wings. The resounding alarm that had announced the final goal to the world had thrown the crowd into a frenzied cacophony strong enough to shake the very foundations of the colosseum. Tears were shed, songs were sung, and victorious cheers and chants filled the air like the smoke of an uncontrollable flame, consuming everything in its ravenous maw. And then they were gone. All but her, of course.

"The Fleapit Motel" by spukl1
Charlotte the Red Kougra was having a tough morning and it was not even 9:00 am NST. She bumped open the rusted door of her office, slumped into her chair and once again wished she worked at one of the nicer Neolodges in the area. Charlotte dialled her boss, Simon. He rarely answered her calls, being the tycoon he was, but she was hoping to at least catch his secretary Harold to leave a message. “Howdy, how can I help you”, Harold answered the call. “I need to speak with Simon immediately.” Charlotte said into the phone. “And who is this?” Harold politely responded, ignoring the request. “Oh, come on…I know you have caller ID. This is Charlotte from the Fleapit Motel.” “Hello Charlotte, how are you today? Are you calling from the office? Who is working the front desk? The security camera indicates we have customers…” Harold responded with a hint of sarcasm. Charlotte scowled; Harold was generally okay but he was a little sassy and loved any bit of power...

"Spooky Foods For All" by ningkov1
Howls in the night and creatures of fright – the Haunted Woods, a home to many, and a nightmare to plenty. For the Spooky Food's shopkeeper, the Haunted Woods was a haven of delicacies and scares. The vampire Bruce woke up every day with a smile, but this past week was different. Sales had been too low recently, so he felt more stressed and forlorn with each passing day. There were plenty of tourists coming to the Deserted Fairgrounds, but they often shrieked at the sight of his food. Haunted Woods citizens never shrieked, but the locals didn't stop by as often as they used to. A recent incident had also left him feeling down. Just a few days ago, a tourist bought an Almost Gummy Rat and ate it in front of his friends, solely because he had lost a bet! He pinched his nose as he downed the sweet gummy quickly in just a few bites. He didn't even try to savour the juicy grape flavour! The group gagged and screamed as the delicacy was eaten, sending daggers into the scary...

Faerie Weapon Shop

This week's issue is brought to you by: Faerie Weapon Shop
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How to Stave Off Boredom at the Neopian Hospital
You’re volunteering at the Neopian Hospital. Repeatedly. Three or four shifts a day. And when you started, it sounded exciting.

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