Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 196,026,692 Issue: 888 | 17th day of Sleeping, Y22
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

It was Noah’s birthday and the little baby Chomby could hardly wait for his friends to turn up at his birthday party which was going to be at Roo Island, where he currently is. Noah waited patiently and alone near the Merry-go-round for his guests to turn up. He planned for them to go on the Merry-go-round several times then spend the rest of the day at Roo Island beach then have cake at his Neolodge Room. His best friend, Charismee wanted to help gather all the food, drinks and presents. Noah’s Petpet, Oscar the Searex wasn’t with him, instead, he was with Twumbo, one of Noah’s great friends, shopping for a gift.

Celebrating Sloth Appreciation Day with Food

So you want to celebrate Sloth Appreciation day but do not know how? Let me give you a list of top foods to celebrate Dr. Sloth. Now I know what you are thinking… Sloth Appreciation Day is not a foodie holiday, which is fair. The Sloth themed foods around Neopia are few and far between, the edible ones even less so.

Species Customization: Elephante

In celebration of Elephante Day, I have put together several customizations based around their species clothing sets. These looks are intended to spark inspiration and creativity in Elephante owners, and show them how to utilize their Elephantes closet in different ways. Let`s dive in and look at what kind out outfits this elegant species has to work with.

Which Iconic Battledome Challenger Are You? Quiz

Did you know there are over fifty Battledome Challengers in total? Yep, that many! But only a handful are certifiably iconic and known throughout Neopia, some revered and some feared. You’d be surprised at how different these individuals can be and just how powerful and fearsome most of them are. Take this quiz to see which one you are!

Other Stories
"Usuki Singing Stars #47: Greg Come By to Visit!" by downrightdude
Dedicated to my dear friend, Neoskulltula!< Hope you enjoy your NT cameo, Greg!! “He’s coming! He’s coming soon!” Snaw ran around the house, broom in hand. Sparkles adjusted two round cushions on the living room sofa. “Who’s coming again, Snaw?” asked the pink Bruce. “It’s name is Greg, and he’s one of my closest friends and enemies!” Snaw jumped onto the table and started dancing. “He may not look great or knows how to style his hair, but he’s still okay. In fact, he’s so much fun to hate and play with!” Scary rolled her eyes. “If he’s a friend of yours, then he’s automatically a freak,” the purple Bruce scoffed from the couch. “Just like that weirdo who introduced you to fire.” “I like Miss Jenn,” said Sparkles, placing two coasters on the table after Snaw had jumped off. “Her fire blowing trick was so cool.” “All of Snaw's friends are freaks,” Scary declared, “and this new one’s probably one of the worst.”

"Noah's Birthday" by bubbles150
It was Noah’s birthday and the little baby Chomby could hardly wait for his friends to turn up at his birthday party which was going to be at Roo Island, where he currently is. Noah waited patiently and alone near the Merry-go-round for his guests to turn up. He planned for them to go on the Merry-go-round several times then spend the rest of the day at Roo Island beach then have cake at his Neolodge Room. His best friend, Charismee wanted to help gather all the food, drinks and presents. Noah’s Petpet, Oscar the Searex wasn’t with him, instead, he was with Twumbo, one of Noah’s great friends, shopping for a gift. “I wonder who will be the first to turn up,” Noah said to himself, oblivious that a Yellow Blumaroo wearing a red and white striped shirt was nearby listening to him. “That's a good question, you sound like you have a lot of friends coming for your party. Why don’t you have a turn on the Merry-go-round while you wait for them?”

"Scarlet's First Adventure" by rkbear
Scarlet tacked up the newest postcard she’d received from her sister and brother on the wall. This one was from Shenkuu. Dred and Forest traveled all over the world. The only place the starry xweetok had ever been was the Haunted Woods, Terror Mountain, and the ruins of Geraptiku, but they didn’t really count, and she wasn’t really allowed there. Her mother was always warning her to stay away from there, but she couldn’t help herself. There was so much for her to explore, especially the old tomb. She’d found all the traps, and even made friend with the ghost hissi that haunted it. Unfortunately, Geraptiku had few secrets for her to learn.She sighed as she laid on her bed, looking at the various postcards that now covered her walls. Each one described the fabulous cuisine for Steel, the art for Tenz, the plants for Bandy, the various machinery for Jungle, travel for Kookie, and for Scarlet there was the always information about who discovered the land and what the terrain was like.

Make your grandest wishes today!

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