A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 81,826,882 Issue: 155 | 27th day of Hiding, Y6
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Sloth, Darigan, Fyora - Another Common Alliance

by blogga1


IN THE SKY - I noticed one day when I was doing absolutely nothing, that Darigan, Virtupets Space Station, and Faerieland all float in the air. Not that that really meant anything, it just got me thinking, what if there’s an alliance between the three. So I decided to look into it. And so I did. I looked into it. Looked into it I did.

So the first thing I did was look at the Neopets. One thing I noticed was the massive amount of the color purple. Light purple, dark purple, purple purple…purple, such a funny word if you say it enough... anyway, that was just one of the similarities. Another thing I noticed was that the Faerie Uni looked a lot like the Darigan Uni (checks pictures) yep still do.

Yet another thing though, was that the Hidden Tower carried the Darigan Paintbrush, but no Meridell paintbrush (seeing as how the Royal paintbrush is the paintbrush of Brightvale, the whole reason it was “found“). Also that a Lord Darigan Plushie cost 1,500,000 more Neopoints than a Jeran and Lisha plushie SET, which can only mean that Fyora values one Darigan plushie more than two Meridell plushies. While were on the topic of items, notice how there are Queen Fyora, Sloth, Court Dancer, Fyora Rules, and Noble Lord Kass posters, but you don‘t see any Noble Brucey B posters or Kyruggi Rules posters.

Interesting enough, when you stare at the explore map long enough (generally 5 seconds) you can begin to notice that literally everywhere in Neopia is surrounded (seeing as how Dr, Sloth controls Kreludor as well) except the Lost Desert, they’re cornered (seeing as how Neopia is only half of a planet. Wonder where that other half went…).As far as I can see the safest place in Neopia is the grooming parlor, Usukiland, and Uni’s clothing (Sloth and Darigan wouldn’t dare to be seen within 10 miles of those places) but that’s when the faeries come in, actually they send Neopets on quests to do their dirty work.. Good setup isn’t it? Another (interesting) thing I noticed was (that) I used (a lot of) parentheses in this (paragraph)

An alliance between Sloth, Darigan, and the Faerie, an evil scientist with an army of mutated Grundos, a person that can fly a huge citadel hundreds of miles in a split second with an army of mutated Neopets at it‘s side, and the supreme magical being in all of Neopia (also with an army at it’s side)! That’s a scary thought, isn’t it? Let's not forget the Soup Faerie and Jhuidah, though. They are very scary faeries when you think about it, the soup faerie knows EXACTLY how many Neopoints you have and Jhuidah was entrusted a protector of Mystery Island( as we found out during the Mystery Island Mystery).

But quite possibly the most interesting thing I noticed was that Fyora day falls on June 2nd and when you add the number of letters in Darigan’s name (7) you get 9-remember that. Then add up the numbers 7 and 13(unlucky numbers) you get 21, then subtract 2 (June 2nd) you get 19. Go 9 months backwards on the Neopets calendar which leads you to September then look on day 19. Poogle Day. Look up Poogle on the search bar on the yellow bar. Go 21 items (don’t count usernames or pet names) down from the top. It’s a strawberry Poogle biscuit, that weighs one pound. Take the number 1 and enter the number 1111111 (one seven times) in the search bar on the yellow bar. It will take you to a green Eyrie. Green=Color of Sloth, Eyrie=species of Lord Kass. It says that pet is vacationing in Mystery Island, click on the link to Mystery Island. This leads you to Mystery Island, where the cooking pot is, and also where Jhuidah is. Go to the cooking pot. When you mix a Little Timmy Battlecard and a Serf Lens they will not mix. Why? Because Little Timmy foiled Sloth’s plans when he was attacking Sakhmet, and because the Serf Lens was used by serfs in Coltzan’s kingdom, thus proving that Jhuidah (a faerie!) would not mix two things that helped defeat Dr. Sloth when he attacked Sakhmet, thus proving that Fyora, Dr. Sloth, and Lord Darigan are an alliance. Or that Pango Pango is an alliance with Dr. Sloth and Lord Darigan. And if nothing else this has been a big ol’ waste of time.

One of the other things I noticed was the fact that there’s a lot of pointyness on the buildings. Lets take this moment to count the pointy rooftops on the places you cant go in Faerie City. I counted 57 pointy rooftops, if you ask me that’s where they devise super-secret battle plans and communicate with Darigan and Sloth. Anyways, lets move on to the outside of the Virtupets Space Station. I counted 54 spiky-poky-sharp things this time, and when you subtract 4 from 5 you get one, put the number 1111111 in the, well, you know the rest. Well tourists, our next stop will be at the luxurious Citadel of Lord Darigan, which waged a war with Meridell that lasted about a year. Here we are. Well, I tell you I took one look at the place and I nearly died (I don’t like counting much). I counted a whole 139 spiky-poky-sharp points on that giant flying piece of dirt. I can tell you right now, that would be an uncomfortable place to land.

Notice how Maraqua was destroyed by a whirlpool that lasted a year. Seems like that would be pretty hard for a Kiko’s skeleton to do, maybe the water faerie with the help of the air faerie? Or Fyora perhaps? Maybe a giant beam from the Space Station? Either way its not there anymore. But let’s not forget there’s a statue of a faerie down there. No clue what’s around it’s neck. From what’s in Maraqua now it looks like the faerie’s destroyed it. That whole Captain Dread story was no more than a powerful illusion (but it made a great movie and plot).

If after reading all this your scared, I’m not done yet, so bear with me and if you‘re not (for some reason like I’m wrong about all this, pfft yeah right.) There’s more a comin’.

What if Sloth is building a giant ray beam (with the help of Jhuidah of course) to combine Lord Darigan, himself, and Fyora to create the feared… SLARIORA!!!! Or maybe they’ll combine all the faeries together to make a race of superfaeries. I mean think about, what would Illusen and Jhudora do with all those useless items you give them for quests? Have Sloth experiment with them, that’s what. Hmmm, do you think Sloth has a place where he keeps all the failed experiments? I should find it…

Another thing that proves there’s an alliance between the three is that on the Meridell map the sun is just rising, but when you go to the citadel it is dark and the light side of Kreludor is facing Darigan, when on the explore map the dark side is facing Neopia. Hmmm why would they want more light…

Well, after reading all this I hope you realize this impending doom and either:

A) Scream and run around like a headless chicken

B) Head to beauty parlor, Uni’s clothing, or Usuki world

C) Grab your basic wooden shield and snowball collection and fight against the forces of Slariora

Just remember, don’t flee to Meridell, if you think the King is grumpy now just wait until he finds out that he’s surrounded and Illusen’s turning on him.

If after this you still need convincing go here,because I’m off to throw snowballs at the evil, crazy, supreme magical being in Neopia. Wish me luck.

*I am not responsible for any unnecessary Neopia-wide panic incidents. I f you wish to flee Neopia in panic it is your own fault. I f you believe any of this you’re smart. Have nice day..

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