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Petpet Spotlight

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- Today's Petpet Spotlight -

Petpet Name: Lil Cactus Cutie
Owner: martia_elior
Pet Name: Maruyna
Breed: Woodland Blobikins

About Lil Cactus Cutie:
Maruyna is a nice little silly Kacheek. She's very moody, and changes her hobbies at least once a month. Last week she discovered gardening. It's such a feminine, gentle hobby that she didn't understand why she hadn't thought about it before, so she went to the Book Shop in Neopia Central and bought a couple of books with titles such as Decorating Your Garden and Wonderful World of Gardening.

After reading them carefully, she decided to have a look at the garden of her apartment; it was full of weeds, and the bushes grew wildly, without any kinds of shapes. The cobbled path leading to her house was almost invisible. She tore her hair out: there was so much work to do!

Maruyna understood that she had no time to lose, so she rolled her sleeves up and started cleaning her garden, following what she had read in the books she'd previously bought. She needed a whole afternoon to remove all of the wild plants, but -- at the end of the day -- her greenery corner looked so much better than before!

The white Kacheek was quite satisfied by the job she'd done, and the morning after she decided to go to the Neopian Bazaar. Her destination was the Neopian Garden Center shop. The shopkeeper, a friendly-looking green Blumaroo, pandered to her bouncing on his tail and gently asking what she sought.

Maruyna, after having a close look around, replied, "Sir, I'd need a pair of grass shears, please. I need them to cut my shrubbery."

The vendor nodded and instantly went toward a closet with transparent glass doors. He took a pair of shears with very sharp blades and came back to her customer, saying, "Madam, these are the best for bushes. Please beware of the blades. I don't want you to cut yourself with them!"

With a smile, the Kacheek accepted the shopkeeper's advice. She was all ready to pay her bill when her eyesight was attracted by a little green cactus with a lovely pink flower on its top right. It was almost hidden behind some bamboo plants.

"Aww!" she exclaimed. "What a cutie! If I buy it, where should I plant it? Also, how much water should I give it?" At first the Blumaroo didn't understand what she was talking about, but then he went near his customer and noticed that tiny, odd, green sphere full of thorns.

He watched it carefully and replied with a surprised tone of voice. "Madam, this is not a plant. It's a Woodland Blobikins. It seems that someone abandoned it here. I've never seen it in my shop before now."

Maruyna already had her eyes dimmed by tears (she's quite sensitive, you know). "Poor creature!" She bent over to pick it up gently in her paws and noticed that the Petpet was trembling. She managed to find its eyes -- perfectly disguised among the thorns -- and whispered to it, looking it in its eyes. "Don't be afraid, my little friend. I won't leave you alone like your previous owner," she reassured it.

Once she paid her bill and put her new, shiny shears in her purse, she went toward the exit of the shop. On the threshold, though, she turned to the vendor's direction and asked, "Sir, so how many times a week do I have to water this cactus?"

The green Blumaroo looked at her with an astonished gaze. After some moments, he replied, "Madam, it's not a plant, it's a Petpet. You don't need to plant it and you don't need to water it. I'm sure it'll let you understand when it's thirsty, hungry, or if it needs to sleep. It's like a Puppyblew, but it hasn't any legs or paws."

Maruyna didn't seem to be convinced by the shopkeeper's words, but she nodded anyway. "Okay. Thank you very much!" she added before leaving the shop. The Blumaroo heard her saying to the Blobikins, "Don't pay attention to that silly vendor, dear. I'll give you all the water you need! Also, what do you like to eat, vegetables?"

He looked at her silhouette going away and shaked his head with a disconsolate sigh.

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