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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Dear NeoPets,
I never really realized just how much I loved NeoPets until you guys came out with all of the merchandise. I just can't believe how much stuff you made, and to a Kougra lover like me, the necklaces, bracelets and stickers with them on it made me melt.

I love Kougras, or tigers, period. I wish you'd come out with a Kougra plushie, cause I'd be the first to buy it, unless by some small chance =^.^= someone else got to them before me.

I could't wait to get to the Scorchio plushies and everything else that you guys sold, my mom bought me the blue cybunny plushie and the scorchio plushie as well. I bought the white and blue Aishas, along with the 2 different chias. I'm so involved with NeoPets that all I can ever think about is, "Are my Neopets hungry?" which drives my mom and everyone else around me crazy.

I'm probably one of the least qualified people to be on NeoPets period, cause I'd never really used a computer or been inside a Limited Too until you brought out the plushies and other merchandise, which didn't help my shopping spree situation.

All I need to be totally pleased and have the plushies I want is a Kougra plushie. *Wouldn't hurt to be faerie or red, tee hee.) But I just can't get over just how far you guys went just to make NeoPet fans happier than they already are. =) I love you guys! You're the best!!!!

Another Obsessed NeoPet Fan,

when i heard about the purple chia plushie, i went crazy! i knew i HAD to get it!!! on april 27th, i got up really early and went to the mall before the shops opened. when limted too finally opened, i was the very first person in the store.

i was sooo excited to get my very first neopets plushie!!! now my beloved purple chia is sitting on my dresser in my bedroom. i love neopets so much that i even applied for a job at limited too just so i can be around neopets all day long!


Dear Neopets,
I really love that you guys are selling stuff at Limited Too, I purchased a bunch when it first hit stores, I just never really got around to telling you how great I thought all the stuff was! I wear my charm bracelets everywhere! (Will you be coming out with new charms anytime soon?) And my brother and I take our plushies EVERYWHERE! (I have a Cybunny, he has a Scorchio) We put it in our backpacks to school and I put it in mai purse when we go out because we love them so--o much! I'm planning on going to get the Visor this weekend, but I wanna know if you are planning to make one in pink anytime soon? Thanks anyway for a great site!


Dear neopets team,
Thanks so much for making the great neopets items to sell at the Limited Too. I was so happy when i found out! As soon as i could I went to the store and bought a notebook, and a kacheek necklace. Later on my mom got me an aisha bracelet and a tee-shirt. I also got a purple chia plushie as soon as it went in stores, and i want to get tons of charms and a visor in the future. Thanks so much again for all the great stuff, and keep up the good work!


Dear neo-staff,
You know when they had the purple chia frenzy at limited too? Well, I was afraid they'd run out quickly, so I begged my mom to go on the very first day they had neopets stuff at limited too and the first day they had the purple chias. Anyways, both times we got to go, and on the first hour when limited too opened (we got there late kinda), there were only 9 purple chias left!! I quickly grabbed one, kissed it (yeah it's gross but I love him), and zoomed to the check out desk.

Now I have 3 plushies, a purple chia one, a white aisha, and a yellow chia (the yellow chia I got at the online store a loooong time before limited too had neopets stuff in it!!). Before they had neo stuff at limited too, I never walked in inch in there before, neither had my friend (my friend thought limited too was ALL neo stuff, Lol!)

Anyhoo, thanks for doing this!!!!

Dear neopets team,
Thanks so much for making the great neopets items to sell at the Limited Too. I was so happy when i found out! As soon as i could I went to the store and bought a notebook, and a kacheek necklace. Later on my mom got me an aisha bracelet and a tee-shirt. I also got a purple chia plushie as soon as it went in stores, and i want to get tons of charms and a visor in the future. Thanks so much again for all the great stuff, and keep up the good work!
