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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

My dad went to limited too because I live in the Cayman Islands. But he brought back a purple chia plushie! and a red scorchio! and faerie tattoos! (which I am wearing right now by the way, I'd send you a pic but it is on my belly!) I love them so much! I took like a million pics of them on my computer.

In a way if you sell lots of them then Neopets can be free, and which neopet user wouldn't want to bring home a cute little neopet plushie? I hope to see more of the neopet plushies, like the acara and the lupe. You should create more neopets items, such as plushie clothes, like logo t-shirts for the cybunny! I know I am talking crazy talk so - GOOD WORK KEEP IT UP! I LOVE NEOPETS


Dear Neopets Staff,
I was SO excited when i found out that Neopets items were coming out in Limited Too stores! I have a Limited Too in my mall. When I found out me and my friend alyssa were going nuts! (she is on neopets too).

One day around Easter I went to Limited Too to get a shirt and sandals. I was so excited and when I got there I went straight to the neopets stuff.

With my own money I bought faerie tattoos, a charm bracelet, and a red scorchio plushie. In fact, my plushie is next to me right now!

I think it would be really cool if you had a commercial for the site on TV. We would get a lot more users and neopets created! It would also be cool to have other Neopet items like ankle bracelets and sneakers.

Mypetnicky and my pets disney4404, herewegoagain90, mibnight, and new2001

Dear Neostaff,
When I heard about the neopets items I did what any normal 12 year old kid would do, I totally flipped. Of course I didn't know about it until it had already had been out for quite a while.

I begged my parents to take me but they wouldn't because my birthday was coming up. But I didn't get any neopets stuff. Finally my dad had to go shopping at the mall so I tagged along. When we got to the mall I didn't ask my dad right away because he'd say no.

So I was biding my time waiting for the moment when we would pass it. As soon as we got near the Limited too I asked him if I could buy something, and he said yes! HOORAY!

I rushed into the store and grabbed a Cybunny plushie and ran for the counter. I paid the lady at the front and went home happy as could be.

Then later that day I found out that the white Aisha I saw in the store was really rare, I totally STARTED to regret what I had bought, but then I looked into those big cute pink eyes of a Cybunny and said, "It WAS worth it."


I was so happy when this Sunday I was able to go to the mall. I just had to buy something Neopets at Limited Too! When I got there, I was suprised & happy when I saw that there were still some White Aisha Plushies! I immediately grabbed the cutest one, then was ready to pay when my grandma said she'd pay for it. So I grabbed a Blue Aisha plushie too, & I absolutely love them both.

I take them everywhere. Today I took them to school, with their little heads sticking out of my bookbag. My friends thought they were adorable! When I was brushing off my White Aisha Plushie in English, my friends all started asking me questions they had about Neopets. I didn't know other people in my class were on Neopets.

I think you should bring out Gelert, Wocky, or Kougra plushies. They would be cute! My friend also had an idea that you should make plushies that move or make a noise when you press a button or something, when she thought she saw my plushie move. I love my Aishas, which I named Cid (the blue one) and Neleh (the white one). I plan to go back to Limited Too very soon!


Dear Neopet Staff,
Thank you for a wonderful site for "ALL" ages.

I took the four grandchildren and my daughter to Limited Too. We were a parade! Our first visit the granddaughter bought a white Aisha and all the boys chose stickers and grandma got several notebooks. (they love the codes in those) The six year old purchased a Purple Chia on our next visit. We came home and bought a purple paint brush and his Pet matches his Chia Plushie. (Aisha Pet is now painted white too)

They love the Neoscapes on their computers and the tattoos are fun for all of them. The quality of all the items are great. My daughter has a guild on Neopets and she has quite a collection of stickers and charms... ( of course the white Aisha and Purple Chia) Next visit grandma will get a plushie. The nine year old is waiting for a Kougra and the four year old for a Shoyru Plushie to become available. Soon I hope the store we go to will have the t-shirts.Then we can be a Neopet Parade!


Dear Neopets,
Hi! I was just thanking you for putting purple Chias in stores. I was so lucky on Friday, May 17, 2002. I asked my Aunt Tracy if we can go the Limited Too in the mall.

She said no but I asked again and she said ok. So as I went in I went to the neopets shelf, and there were 3 purple chias! I was SOOOOOO happy!

My aunt said she would get it. But, I was on the verge of not getting the purple chia because my aunt and I were tired (It was getting very late) and there was a really, really, really long line.

But then a nice lady called us up to an empty register. She gave me a code card. I was SOOOO happy with my new chia, I almost cried that I was so happy! I just wanted to say, what a great idea to put these cute things in stores!
