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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

dear neopets team,
ever since I heard about the neopets merchandise selling in Limited Too, I wanted it. Unfortunately, I live in Canada where those stores don't exist. Last week, my dad went on a business trip the the USA and i begged him to buy some neopets stuff for me, and sent with him a list of all the things I wanted. When he came back, he brought with him $115 of neopets stuff, I was so excited! I got all the things I wanted, plus a lot more. When I asked him why he bought so much, he told me that he liked the other ones too:) I'm really enjoying the neopets stuff I got and I would like to thank you for coming up with this great idea of neopets merchandise!


Dear Neopets Staff,
I never had a chance to get the plushies over the internet, so when I heard you would be selling plushies there, I literally jumped for joy! The saturday the plushies hit the shelves, I dragged my mom to the mall.

I dashed straight to the display and looked in amazement at all of the great stuff. I grabbed a white aisha off the shelf and looked at the price. I looked at my mom, but she was looking at the charm bracelets.

She picked one with a kougra (my absolute favorite neopet) on it and handed it to me. She gave me the money for it, and I grinned. I took some kougra stickers and strode to the cash register.

I bought my stuff and ran home to play with my new plushie. All I can say is THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!! I'm so glad you made this opportunity. I'm going back today to get more stuff. But sometime in the near future, I hope you make kougra and usul plushies.


Dear Neopets Staff,
You guys are the coolest people alive! You made the best website in the world, and even made merchandise to go with it! When I heard there was going to be Neopets merchandise, I flipped! I basically fell out of my chair to tell my mom!

I was so ecstatic! Neopets items I could hold! I had been dreaming about that for my seven months here. The day it came out, I rushed over to my Limited Too which luckily is only five minutes away, and got a pack of stickers and an aisha necklace, which I wear proudly all the time.

But I didn’t stop there, oh no. I went back and got a cybunny plushie and a pack of aisha stickers, a notebook which is now my diary, a charm bracelet with all of the charms, a white aisha plushie, and a purple chia plushie. Soon I am going to get one of those neopets visors. They are so cute and they can help me show my neopets pride.


Dear Neo Staff,
Hey what can I say? I LOVE IT! You guys did awesome with the merchandise, and the Purple Chia Plushies are just too cute! I was one of the first to buy one! =P lol. I also got a blue Aisha plushie, and a charm bracelet while I was at it! I just had to say Thank you for bringing Neopets from Neopia to the real world! =^.^= I sure do love it, and Im sure everyone else does too! Good Job Guys!

Keep on making great merchandise,

i think it was a wonderful idea to sell neopets things. when i got there i could not even decide what to buy. i was in the store for probably 30 minutes. finally i decided on a plushie. even my 6 month old brother loves it!

every time i went to the mall i bought neopets things. i bought a blue visor (which i wear all the time), the bracelet with the kougra, quiggle stickers, the limited edition purple chia plushie, the lost desert edition neoscapes, one of the notebooks that is all black and has neopet pictures done according, and the 'cute' magnets. I also baught the purple chia charm, and one of the limited edition T-shirts.

thank you for having this wonderful idea. I just wish that there was more things that have to do with acaras. I love neopets and i hope it exists for a long time. :)


Dear Neopets,
I love all the Plushies you're selling! I'm only missing two-the blue Cybunny and the yellow Chia. The first one I got was from the online store. It's the blue Aisha and her name's Aieesha.

The second one I got was also from the online store. I got it about a month after the first one and it's a Green Cybunny. Why'd you stop making the Green Cybunnies? Blue's allright, but I like green better. I named the cybunny May.

I was so excited when you starting putting Plushies in the Limited Too store. I made my mom take me to the mall a few days after I found out! My brother decided to come to the mall to get something from a different store, but we went to Limited Too first.

My brother refused to go into the store! He must've stood outside the store for at least a half hour. When I got there I bought Aisha stickers, Kougra stickers, and a Scorchio Plushie, which I named Flame. I put the stickers all over my notebooks.

When I heard about the Purple Chias, I went to the mall the day after they were put in stores. I rushed to the place where the Limited Too store was and it had been closed because they were remodeling. I was so upset that I didn't even notice the sign that said they were temporarily in a different area.

So I went to the new location and the first thing I saw was that the shelf with Neopets stuff had lots of Purple Chias! There were also White Aishas. I thought they had been sold out for a long time!

Anyways, I got a Purple Chia (which my Mom called a blobby purple monster) and a white Aisha. I hope you get more Plushies soon! I would love it if you would make different Aisha Plushies, they're my favorite!
