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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

When I heard that Neopets stuff was going to Limited Too, I was totally excited, because my local mall has a Limited Too that I shop at all the time! I immediately emailed all of my friends, telling them about the stuff.

Yesterday, I finally got to go to the mall and I got a great T-shirt, which all of my friends are jealous of! Neopets staff, thanks for making the wish of real huggable Neopets plushies and cool T-shirts come to life!!!!

Keep up the good work!

Dear Neopets,
As an adult who likes Neopets, I actually went to Limited Too despite being the oldest girl in the store :) and purchased two plushies(a blue Aisha and a purple Chia) and a notebook.

The plushies sit next to my computer along with the black Neopets notebook which I use to keep track of items I've sold or things my Kau wants. Thanks for making Neopets more fun!


Dear Neopets Team,
Hi, I went to Limited Too the very first day the Neopets stuff came out. That day I only got a White Aisha Plushie that has been loved every single minute of the day.

Then a few weeks later I went back to Limited Too and got an Aisha Keychain and a Blue Cybunny Plushie and a Notebook (I love the paper in the notebook so I don't use it unless for something important).

And I went back again when the Purple Chia plushies came out and I got one of those and a White Visor (I wear it EVERYWHERE). I think you should make the Faerie Dolls into real life plushies.

They would be so cute and they would sell really well, I am sure. I hope someday you will have the shirts at all the stores because the closest one that sells them is like 6 hours away.


Neopets staff,
I would like to say thank you. i got the rare white aisha and ultra rare purple chia plushies and i got faerie and aisha and usul sticker packs and a faerie tattoo pack. thank you very much for making neopets and all the great stuff at limited too.

please make a chokato chia plushie and a robot chomby one, for limited too and the site :) i would invest in neopet stock if you opened on nyse.


Dear Neopets,
I've been playing Neopets for almost a year now and I was so excited when your products came out in stores!

I was dreaming of a plushie I would be able to actually hold and call my own or a little notebook I could scribble in.

When I heard they were having purple Chia Plushies I dragged my mom and dad to Limited Too.

I raced into the back where I saw the big Neopets sign not taking care of the people around me.

At the shelf I saw stickers, necklaces, bracelets, notebooks, and plushies but my dear little Purple Plushie was nowhere to be seen. I literally started to panic.

Then I hear my dad say, "Over here! There's some more!" I raced over there and there were more plushies but still not the one I was looking for. I walked past the counter when I spotted something.

There was sitting a poor, lonely Purple Chia Plushie. I almost screamed! I snatched it up and picked out a little cute notebook to buy.

I walked out with the biggest smile on my face and with two rare item codes. I loved it so much I made my dad go there again after work and get me a White Aisha Plushie.

I proudly display everything on my desk and like I told my mom, "I'm obsessed with Neopets!"


Dear Neopets Team,
I absolutely LOVE the purple Chias!!! I got THREE!! They are so cute! I think I am in love! I spent almost all of my babysitting money on them!

They look so much like the chias! From their wild hair, to their cute little feet! I have a chia myself, and I love them!

I really want to get my own chia painted purple, so he can look like my plushie! Anywayz, I LOVE them, and can't wait for you to make a Zafara plushie, and a shoyru plushie! ::Wink wink::

Well Laterz!
Nellyf55 and my Chia, MrChia49