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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Dear Neopets Team,
I must say that I absolutely love my plushies! I have all of them, except the yellow chia. My cat, Treeflower, likes them too, she treats them like they were her kittens. She gets to play with them more than I do, though, because she doesn't have to go to school. Attached is a photo of her and her "babies".

I have the Faerie Queen and Scorchio charm bracelets, which all my friends love, and most of the notebooks (the only ones I need are the yellow one and the one where the neopets sneak out of the computer).As you can probably tell, I've spent hours getting this stuff, and many weeks' allowance. I adore the stickers, I have both battledome sets, the quiggle set and the faerie set.

I also have the white visor (very cute!), which I think is so cool. I'm probably going to buy some of the t shirts next weekend (the closest place that has them is about 3 hours away), but the purple chia has satisfied my need for neopets stuff this weekend. The only thing I think you should do is make more wocky, peophin and eyrie stuff! I was lucky enough to live five minutes from a mall that had a Limited Too, but I would have traveled for hours to get this stuff! Anyway, keep up the good work!

Cybunnyluvr7 : )

Dear Neopets,
When I first heard Neopets merchandise was coming to stores I was really happy! But then I found out you could only buy it in the United States. Since I live in Canada I was really disappointed. But about a week ago (today being April 28) my parents said they were going to Burlington, Vermont for the weekend.

I decided to check the store locator to see if there was a Limited Too in Burlington and there was! I was so happy! I gave my parents a list of what I wanted and realized that the Purple Chia Plushie would be released on the Saturday that they would be there so I asked them to buy one for me.

When they got home I found out they got one! They also got me a Keychain with the Faerie Queen on it, a pack of Kacheek Stickers, a pack of Usul Stickers, a Cybunny Plushie and some things for my friend because her birthday¹s coming up.

The plushies were even cuter than I expected! Everything seems to be really good quality too. I can¹t wait until you bring Neopets merchandise to Canada so I can got more stuff!


Dear Neopets Staff,
I totally loved your Neopets merchandise!!! So far, I've bought two sets of stickers, two plushies (a white aisha and a blue aisha), and two notebooks! My friend also plays Neopets but would not be caught dead at a Limited Too Store. Last weekend, she marched right in there and bought some stickers! I've never seen her so excited!

This weekend, I'm determined to get a Purple Chia Plushie, even though the closest Limited Too is a hour away! Keep up the good work! Hopefully, Limited Too will start to have more Lupes and Gelerts merchandise! *wink wink hint hint* I'm hoping to buy a T-Shirt too. Sadly, my school wears uniforms so it might be a while before I can show it off to my school.


Dear Neopets Team,
I just have to say, exceptional job! I went with my mom and best friend (who is as obsessed as I am) to the mall an hour before Limited Too opened on the day of the big release.

We stood outside of Limied Too jumping up and down to see over the clothes to the Neopets Merchandise for at least 30 minutes before one of the people inside cleaning saw us and looked at us funny.

We just smiled and started laughing so hard tears came to our eyes. The minute it opened we went inside and headed straight to the Neopets merchandise.

My friend got a Blue Cybunny plushie (she's always wanted a Cybunny), a kacheek necklace,and a notebook and I got a White Aisha plushie, a Kacheek neckace, a notebook, a charm bracelet,and some quiggle stickers.

We got rare item codes at the register too. I went back about 2 weeks later and got some more stickers. The lady at the front asked if I'd gotten a rare item code. I told her yes, I was obsessed with Neopets. She laughed and said,"Well, here's another one." I felt soooo lucky and I'm going today to get a Purple Chia Plushie! Keep 'em coming!

A Faithful Fan,

First I am 27 years old, and don't have any children that I could take with me to the store. So I bravely walked into Limited Too, and casually looked around for the Neopets stuff. It wasn't there. I was frantic, but trying to not look obvious. Finally I went to the girl at the counter, and told her it was my neices birthday, and she really wanted something called neopets...

I know that she knew I was lying. I stumbled all over my words, looking down uncomfortably, and turning red. She explained that the shipment had been delayed, but since I was one of the first 50 people to ask about it, I got a free rare item code! Wow! That in itself made it worth the effort!

I went back a week later, head held high, boldly strolled between the racks of clothing that of course would never fit me, and walked straight to the Neopets display. There were lots of white Aisha plushies there, but I didn't know at the time that they were rare, so I passed them up for a blue one instead. (sigh) oh well.

I love my blue Aisha, and the notebook that I got! Your stuff is great! Now if only I wouldn't get the strange looks from the sales clerks....


I just recently had the chance to make it out to 2 of the Limited Too's near me. I was very happy with everything I bought. I went to both just to see if one store had anything that the other didn't.

I finally made up my mind and bought a Scorchio plushie (he was the only plushie that I had as a pet), 3 sets of stickers, 1 set of tattoos, a Kougra keychain, and 2 notebooks.

I love them all. I really hope you come out with more kougra merchandise, he is my favorite neopet and (in my opinion) the cutest. Even if you just do it for a limited time, I think you should make a Kougra plushie.
The rare item codes really helped me out. Thanks for bringing Neopets a lot closer to home for everyone. I will definitely be looking out for more Neopets merchandise.
