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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Dear Neopets,
When I heard about the merchandise you were putting out at Ltd 2 I was so happy! I begged my mom to take me and she finally did. I ran through the mall at top speed! When I got to the store it was just opening. I ran to the Neopets display and picked up a blue Aisha plushie, then I screamed! People were staring at me.

There, right before my eyes was a Purple Chia plushie! I grabbed it and grabbed a pack of Neoscapes, Aisha earrings, A blue Aisha plushie, a notebook, and a pack of Aisha stickers. (I'm nutty about Aishas!) I took them to the register and paid for it. Now I proudly wear my beloved earrings and my Chia Plushie sits on my bed next to my Aisha Plushie.
I love the merchandise and the prices are very resonable! Maybe next you could make a Faerie or Rainbow Aisha Plushie? I'd definitely be there to buy those! My next trip will be in a few weeks and I'm gonna buy the other Plushies so I can start a Neopets Collection!

Love your biggest Aisha Fan,

Like everyone else, when I first saw that you were coming out with real stuff, I flipped! As soon as they came out, I went to the mall and looked at all the stuff. I got a faerie queen bracelet, magnets for my locker, and Aisha stickers(my fav!). I plan on getting a white Aisha plushie asap! I love this stuff, and I wear the bracelet everyday! I'm 17, and not ashamed to say that I LOVE NEOPETS! My best friend thinks im crazy, but I just laugh at her, because she doesn't know what she's missing!!


Dear Neopets Team,
One friday i noticed neopets had limited edition Purple chias coming out, so I used the store locator to see if there was a Limited Too near me, and there was! At first i felt kind of weird for going into a girls store (im a boy) But nobody seemed to care.

I literally RAN to the neopets stand and grabbed all the plushies i could, I got the Purple Chia, I got a Blue Aisha, Red Scorchio, and the Cybunny. It all added up to $50.01 but i had been saving up for something I REALLY wanted bad.

The plushies are very high quality, And the next time i can go, I will get some Kacheek stickers.I got 4 rare item codes and got items i hadn't known existed!

Sincerely your ULTIMATE fan,

Dear Neopets,
I love your products! All week long I waited anxiously for Saturday to come, waiting to get that adorable rare lil purple Chia plushie.

Then, today, I did as many chores as my parents asked of me, and they finally took me to the mall! I raced through the mall, not giving any other stores a second thought, and dashed into Limited Too.

After I greedily snatched that adorable purple Chia off the shelf, I went through the racks and looked at the clothes and other Neopets merchandise.

I have to say that I was quite pleased with your products, the plushies are cute and soft, and the shirts are trendy, and last but not least, the stickers and charm bracelets and necklaces were great!

Keep up the good work!

I am so excited that you released another plushie! I just got back from going to my nearest Limited Too store and I couldn't believe it. It has been so long since you released the white aisha plushies that I thought that I would never get one but when I walked in they had about 5 of them!!! I was so excited that I bought one of the white aisha plushies, a purple chia plushie, and a neopets notebook! I cannot wait until you release different kind of plushies! I am a huge fan of neopets and play everyday (that's hard considering I am a 23 year old mother of a 3 year old, who might I add loves helping me play). I look forward to more neopets merchandise coming out! Thanks so much!


Hi Everyone at Neopets,
Im a big kid at heart over 21 and was so excited to run in the Limited Too Store. I was waiting outside the store with a friend and a couple of small children. We felt like goofballs thinking we were going to push these kids out of the way to get a white Aisha! But when the doors went up we walked fast to the back. And to our amazement saw more then we hoped for. It was like watching kids in a candy store.

Screaming, laughing and saying you see that and look and wow, oh my goodness. I loved it! I've been playing almost 2 years and its fun. It takes you way and lets you relax and have fun. I have a t-shirt, 3 plushies and many stickers and notebooks. Its great, I was sad though cause me and my roomates are big Lupe and Elephante fans and we are hoping for them in the future. But thanks so much Neopets team for the wonderful site and items.
