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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Neopets Team,
I waited outside my Limited Too Store for forty minutes to be the first one to buy something! I bought a white aisha plushie, some stickers, a keychain, notebooks and more!

My aisha plushie sits right on top of my computer, but I accidentally broke my computer about two weeks after I got it:P So now it and my notebook with Kauvara on it that I love and my faerie keychain sit on my desk. I really want you to come out with more stuff soon!

I have a zafara and meerca shirt I ordered online. I wore it to school one day and all my friends came up and said "Hey, you like Neopets? Is that a zafara!?!?" It was really cool to find out about six people in my class were on neopets! We talked about it all day and saw people stare and wonder, but we know neopets is cool and we didn't bother.

I want to beg my mom to take me back so I can get a purple chia plushie now! I now have been on neopets for nine months and I'm not the slightest bit tired! Thanks so much for selling your merchandise and starting this site!


Dear Neopets Team:
Thank you so much for coming out with real merchandise that I can buy and bring home with me. When I had heard about all the wondrous Neopets items coming out at Ltd. Too, I screamed out "Woohoo!" so loudly, my parents came up to my room to see if anything was wrong.

I begged my mom if she could take me to the mall with about $20 to buy a Neopets notebook, and to see a movie with my friend. Well, the movie was great, but the Kauvara Notebook is 100 times better.

I'm still loving my notebook, and I can't wait until a real Kau Plushie comes out! While on a class trip, I found an adorable cow stuffed animal, and I sleep with it every night, hoping that when I wake up, it'll be a spotted kau plushie.

I know it'll never happen, but if it helps make the real kau plushies come out even a day earlier, it's worth it.


Dear neopets team,
when i first heard that there would be neopets merchandise at limited too i was sooooo happy!!! i literally jumped for joy! when they first came out i was down at limited too picking out my things!!!

me and my brother have all the plushies i have a notebook and ALOT of the stickers! i also bought a faerie queen keychain and a kacheek necklace.

i am waiting for saturday so i can get my purple chia!!! i am going to go to the mall and wait for limited too to open so i can make sure i will get my very own purple chia!!

The neopets stuff is great! keep up the good work!


Dear Neopets Staff,
When I first came to Neopets about a year ago, snuggling up to a Neopets plushie and writing in a neopets-themed notebook was only a dream. Something I wished would happen. But the day I heard you were releasing your products into one of my already frequently-visited and favourite stores, I nearly went mad with excitement!

On the store locator the closest mall was one hour away in a mall I never went to. Disappointed, I tried to forget. When I went to a nearby mall today, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw a big yellow Neopets sign hanging in the window. I raced in and bought a white Aisha plushie, the most I could buy with my own money.

I must say I love it! It is well made and very soft and cuddly! I plan on going back this weekend with my friends to get even more. I really appreciate all of your efforts to bring Neopets to life. Thanks!

Your Number One Neopets Fan,

When I heard that neopets murchandise was coming out in Limited Too, I almost ran up the walls with excitement. I shivered all over, wanting to go to the mall right at that moment(10:00pm). Of course they hadn't even come out yet..

I told my friend all about it and we went hysterical all day at school. It was so wonderful! I'd always dreamed of the moment, and now it had arrived. My heart was in my throat.

The exact weekend, the exact day, the exact morning, my mom drove us to the mall. I raced through the mall in a blind confusion, almost running over many people. I burst through the clothes racks and hugged all the plushies.

Almost an hour later I walked out of the mall with $60 worth of neopets items. That night my red scorchio plushie, white aisha plushie, and I went to bed happy. Thanks Neopets!

plushie lover forever,