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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Dear TNT,
I've played Neopets on an on and off basis for about 6 years now. I was initially hooked up by my brother, who now lives in the US, and Neopets has been our way of communicating every now and then. He shares a lot of Neopets merchandise with me, particularly the magazines and keychains, and though we're both in our 30's now I am very proud to say we still both enjoy every little bit of new content added to the site.

This is a great way of promoting goodwill and camaraderie amongst players. More power to The Neopets Team. :)


Hey TNT,
I am a major fan of It has helped me with so much, especially my poetry skills. You have no idea how reassuring it is to find poets like myself on the Writing board.

I have enjoyed Neopets for a long time. Even my mom has a Neopets account. I love the customizing program and all the games. This site is the one site I immediately go to every Friday when I get out of school and have no homework.

I thank you for eveything you have done, TNT. Please do keep it up.

Thank you so much,

P.S. Thank you for all the opportunities you have given me to get plushies. I have countless ones from when they were at McDonalds. I also have LOADS of trading cards, even though I wish I had more.

Dear TNT,
I am obsessed with Neopet plushies! I currently have 23 different BK toys and getting more. I also have 48 Key Quest plushies and tons of the old plushies. I have collected Neopets since before I started the site! Not too long ago I got my sister hooked to Neopets also.

I plan on getting tons more products, so just keep making such great items! I hope to see some new species in the near future.


Hey TNT,
I love Neopets! I have over 54 McDonald's toys from my cousin because he worked there and brought home the toys. Years ago I got a yellow Ixi. I called it Yellowixi or Bendigo. I loved it and it came with a yellow Shoyru TCG. Then I got some toys last year, which were a cloud Flotsam, a green Uni, and a yellow Meerca.

I read the tag and decided to check out the website. I am still on it today! I then collected rare toys like a starry Scorchio, a speckled Bruce, a cloud Ixi, a shadow Kyrii, a brown Chomby, a purple Scorchio, a purple Grundo, a shadow Pteri, a shadow Grundo, a pink Kiko, a purple Yurble, and more.

My absolute favorite Neopets are Ixi, Wockies, Gelerts, Grundos, and Lupes. I am saving to get the faerie Ixi plushie and a starry Elephante so I could get the Limted Edition Australian Plushie free at Target! I can't wait until the Neocash cards come to Australia (if they ever come)! I am also saving up for the magazines.

Your website is great! Please keep up the good work.


Dear TNT,
Just wanted to say that I LOVE Neopets merchandise! I can't stop buying! When I first heard about the Key Quest plush, I bought pretty much all of them! I am still buying them today. My favorite is the yellow Flotsam from series 4.

Also, thanks for getting Neopets toys at BK! I have been eating there almost every day! Keep up the good work.


Dear TNT,
Recently I was able to purchase plushies from Target Australia. I could buy 2 and get a limited edition for free, which is what I did. I filled out the form and included the proof of purchases, then sent them off. Thinking I might miss out because the plushies had already been on sale for 2 weeks, I was prepared.

Imagine my surprise when, a week later, my Limited Editon Australian purple Chomby arrived. I was so excited, so I hurried, entered my code, and received a lovely Chomby Springy Toy, which I placed in my gallery for safe keeping. I also got the rare Space Faerie as a Battledome Challenger.

I then decided to have a better look at my Chomby and, to my astonishment, I saw that I received the very first Chomby in all of Australia (1 of 1,000). I can tell you, I was so excited and couldn't wait to tell my family when they got home from work.

Looking forward to buying more plushies in the near future, which I will collect and donate to the Toy Christmas appeal (except my Chomby; I'm keeping him :D). Keep up the great work.

Yours sincerely,

Hey TNT!
I recently was looking around my room at the shelves full of Neopets plush, magazines, trading cards, figures, etc. and was thinking about all of the years I'd been collecting them. It all started the day I bought my red Usul plushie, and from there I've bought over 300 more!

Thanks for creating the site and all the cuddly plush. Even though I get weird looks from my friends for collecting them (lol), I know I'll be collecting them for a long time. :]

The Kadoatie and Meowclops Addict,