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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Dear TNT,
I've been a loyal Neopian ever since grade 9 of high school and, now that I'm a 22 year old mum, I still love to play. The new games and different site layout threw me off for a while, but now I love it even more than the old one. It's great you added more shields for us oldies -- whee!

Looking forward to all the fun things planned for the future funification of Neo... keep up the good work!

Thanks again for a wonderful site and all the fun over the years...


Dear TNT,
I love the Neopets plush toys and figures you have made! I can't wait to get more; they're so cute and so lovable. Also, I can't wait until the next plush series comes out. I wonder what's next? I think you should make a Neopets game for Nintendo Wii or Nintendo DS.

I purchased 2 Neopet plush toys to get the Limited Edition Purple Chomby! It's only available in Australia, yay!


P.S. Please bring the Neopets Burger King toys to Australia!

Dear TNT,
I am a new Neopet fanatic! I just got
Petpet Adventures: The Wand of Wishing on PSP for my birthday and have just fallen in love w/ Neopets. My husband thinks I'm crazy, lol. We went to Wal-Mart today and I spent the rest of my birthday money on my very first Neopet plushies! I got an Orange Meerca and Cloud Uni.

After that we went to Burger King for lunch and my husband looked at me funny when I asked if I could have one of the Neopet toys. Haha! I was really hoping for a Blue Meerca but got a Green Grundo. That's okay tho, because I just ordered the whole set of BK Meercas off Ebay; they should be here next week. I also ordered the Cloud Meerca last week from Ebay and he should be here Monday.

I'm so excited! I just think these little guys are so adorable and I hope to collect them all. What can I say... I'm a kid at heart. :)

Thanks again!

Dear TNT,
My name is Megan and I am 20 years old. I have been playing Neopets since I was 13! I really love and enjoy the site.
Key Quest is one of my favorite games and I also love talking on the Neopian Pound board. My absolute FAVORITE thing to do is save Neopoints to paint my Lupes.

I LOVE Lupes so, whoever at the team came up with them and all of their great designs throughout the years really needs an award! I was diagnosed with cancer one month ago and am doing at home treatments. Whenever I am not sick I am on Neopets either talking to my wonderful Neofriends, playing games, buying things for my gallery, or taking care of my Lupes.

I even make it out sometimes to buy more of the trading cards, plushies, and other wonderful collectables to put in my spare bedroom on display. I just wanted to thank the entire Neopets Team for creating such a wonderful, unique, and fun site and keeping it free for everyone to enjoy (Although I am a premium member, too! Haha).

Thank you for reading this.


I just love Neopets. I haven't been playing long, but I have already fallen in love with your merchandise. I only have two plushies (Faerie Acara and Starry Elephant), but I do have the Codestone Quest videogame from you guys and I have collected almost all of the little Burger King toys.

I have at least one of every species and a ton of GRUNDOS. They're coming out of my ears. Thanks again for selling so much, and I can't wait for there to be more videogames. Bye.


Dear TNT!
This last Easter (2008) we purchased my four year old daughter a Red Scorchio plushie @ Target to help the Easter Bunny with basket fillers. I must admit we had NO CLUE about NEOPETS, just knew our daughter had recently become quite enamored with dragons & thought she'd love him.

BOY, WE HAD NO IDEA WHAT WE WERE GETTING INTO! She decided one of the eggs in her basket must have hatched overnight, and instantly a best friend was born. Flutter, as she named him, must be made of some tough stuff. He goes anywhere we let her take him and consistantly claims the choice spot next to her on the pillow EVERY night.

There is no sleeping if there is no Flutter! He is hardly the worse for wear, with only a little of the yellow on his wing tips wearing off. Mom (me) has not had to perform any reconstructive surgery as of this time. Pretty impressive if you have any idea of what a kid can do to an animal.

Last spring we decided to check out your website from the tag since he was such an instant hit! At four, she needs help figuring out what games she can play, and how to do things on the site. But let me tell you, he is more real to her than any other toy she has ever had. After all, he tells her when he's hungry, sad, & happy.

He is real to her, and indeed, Neopia is just another land - like California or Oregon! :o)

Thanks for all the joy you have brought her!
Tinkerbear522's Mom

Ever since I started playing Neopets, like, maybe a a year ago I have always wanted a Neopets plushie or some sort of toy. Now that you guys sell Neopets stuff in Canada I can finally have Neopets toys. So far I have your Faerieland playset and one of your collector packages, and I'm trying to find a Strawberry JubJub.

The sad thing is that, when McDonald's started selling them, my dad got me a Cloud Aisha... it was the best thing McDonald's had sold, but I ended up losing it and that was very sad. So now I'm trying to find a Strawberry JubJub instead of the Cloud Aisha.
