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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Random Spontaneous Poetry Special

Mrs. Prenderghast
by spukl1

Ahh! Mrs. Prenderghast, why do you scare?
“Oh dear, oh me?” I didn’t mean to there. 
Begone! She’ll cry, but not really mean it,
Just run around back and come again in a bit 

She haunts that house, keeping paws from art
If you don’t know her well, she’ll give you a start. 
Her estate is enormous! She loves to walk around
Visitors bother her, you should stay off her grounds.

Just ask little Fenwick, and his friends,
She absolutely spooked them, to their wits ends!
“Begone” she screamed, emerging from the wall, 
“Aarghh!!!” they cried, and ran faster than they can recall. 

Mrs. Prenderghast loves her Petpet ghosts
They keep her company and always stay close
She does get lonely every once in a while,
But her painting and memories make her smile

She is a blameless, kind ghost, often misunderstood.
She wants to rest in peace, for once, for good. 
The day will come, when thieves no longer come
Her art will be safe and she will become mum.

Ahh! Mrs. Prenderghast, why do you scare?
“Oh dear, oh me?” I didn’t mean to there. 
With love for art and disdain for the greedy,
She may be cranky but she isn’t needy.

A Noil's First Spring
by neopearly

The leaves have sprouted,
the flowers take their first peek,
the smell of fresh cleaning fills the air,
and the sounds of happy Chias, Poogles, and Kacheeks.

Not far from Meri Acres Farm,
in a meadow full of tall grass,
a new Noil was brought into the world,
and had entered Neopia at last!

The little Noil opened it's eyes,
and saw a world so bright!
It took a few wobbly steps,
but that's alright!

It didn't take long,
before the Noil was running at top speed!
This little Petpet was a wild child,
the villagers all watched in glee.

As the sun took it's rest,
the little Noil did so too.
It dreamed of all the fun it had that day,
and how much fun tomorrow will be too.

by tifabee


And yet you still won’t let me get past green ever since I got that third place trophy

What is that bad smell?
by actiontal

A swamp gas Draik is what they see
My smell is too foul, or so they say
I live among trash and food debris
And even the petpets all back away

I’m more than my smell, can’t you tell?
And it’s hard when my wings flap free
I’m a Draik born of Meridell
But still the odors drift curiously

Down wind is where I tend to stay
My favourite place is the Meridell Dump
There’s lots of places here to play
The best fishing is in the sewage sump

When the gas emits from my shiny scales
I start to feel a wholesome heat rise
The green vapour swirl never fails
To bring a few tears to my swamp gas eyes

I’m Stinky Larry, but I don’t care
I’m fabulous with my funk
Nasal passages should beware
Imagine if I were cross painted skunk

This is a Poem about NeoQuest
by precious_katuch14

This is a poem about NeoQuest,
Where you get to go on (Neo) quests.
Among games it's the best,
Better than all the rest,
So sorry if I'll be a pest,
But please grant me this one request,
Let me talk about NeoQuest, my dear guest.
When I found out about NeoQuest,
It was like I was faerie blessed.
Imagine, traversing the hill crests,
Traveling south, north, east west,
In order to save Ancient Neopia, lest
Xantan turn the world into a sorry mess.
But as our hero embarks on his quest,
Don't forget to let him rest,
Before picking up what's next.
I know you're probably perplexed,
Perhaps more than a little vexed,
But this game really is the best.
I just can't stop talking about NeoQuest
I've tried to talk less
But I just feel pressed
When I can't talk about NeoQuest.
Anyway, this is my poem about NeoQuest,
I better go back to playing NeoQuest.

Ugga Ugga
by profebest

Somewhere in Tyrannia on Neopia,
A beautiful city full of habitants,
That speak a weird language,
Also it's rare for them to approach them,

Ugga Ugga, Ugga Ugga,
What is that, what does it mean,
Ugga Ugga, Ugga Ugga,
Huh I think I'm not understanding,

I guess I should just say,
Aggu Aggu, Aggu Aggu,
You won the game of cards,

WH-what? That was awful,
I couldn't understand you,
Ugga Ugga, Ugga Ugga,
I guess this makes the worse poem on history.

best poem ever!!
by neur0nerd

roses are red
Neopets can sometimes be blue*
if your pet is hungry
then what can you do?

you can feed them an omelette
which needs a few bites
or if Ultimate Riches!
is way out of your sights

you can take them to the soup faerie
who will make them feel bloated
then run to the Neolodge
for your pets to be doted (on)

oh Neopets Neopets
you are so much fun
i want every Neopet
under the sun

to feel as delighted!
as they could possibly be
which is easy to do
at the money tree

but all that free stuff isn't
nearly as sweet
as the reading the poems
that won the contest this week

*author's note: Neopets can be blue, but they can also be green, yellow, or red, as well as a bunch of cool specialty colors... THE MORE YOU KNOW!

by shady_layn

Blue and brown
What are you

It says you are
Chocolate and tomato 
But that can't be right

I think
You are blueberry and mud
As indicated by your name

Or perhaps even
You are not food at all

Because who could look
Upon your countenance 
And think anything remotely close to

Ah, I have solved it
I know what you truly are
You are simply

The Fruits of Mystery Island
by swordlilly

The Blobbule is a heavy fruit,
Blue and slippery, covered in knobs.
And when you open it: oh, the juice!
To catch it all is ten faeries' jobs.

The Plumberry doesn't look quite so grand.
It hovers quietly above the soil,
Folding its leaves o'er its squarish bulk,
And yet, inside: the sweetest oil!

The Stramberry is the boldest of all,
A shock of orange in the wood.
It's used in pastries, jams and milks
Everywhere! It's just that good.

The Gruish Melon, blue-orange and furred,
Seems nightmarish at first glance.
But the scent it exudes is fresh and true.
Try me, it says: just give me a chance.

Finally, don't forget the old Lemwart,
Acid-yellow with the sharpest leaves.
A necessity in every tea and pie,
Like gold, or spice: the dream of thieves.

René el Quiggle
by hits

René era un Quiggle asombroso,
siempre saltando alto y lejos:
para llegar a otro pozo.

Su padre había sido su ejemplo
de coraje y astucia,
sin esa ambición tan sucia.

René se desafiaba a diario,
y rompía cada récord
que le había sido informado.

Entrenando duro para eventos neopianos:
tachaba uno por uno
los días en el calendario.

René no era un Quiggle cualquiera,
él era un buen sapo,
es que eso le habían enseñado.

Y no es sólo por elogiarlo
pero... ¿quién podría negarlo?
René era sincero, leal y muy amado.

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