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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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It Is Finally Over
by Rielcz

As this year's Daily Dare comes to a close
Be glad the next site event isn't far
The trophy on your User Lookup shows
Just how much of a champion you are

But wait, the prizes don't seem to be there
You panic, you frenzy, "What do I do?"
Over to the boards, to rip our your hair
It's okay; the problem plagues others, too

The bugs on Roo Island diminished
The 'Roos ate gummy worms, 
Well, more than enough
Alas, I guess that means we are finished
Squashing those bugs for a lot of free stuff

Someone went missing: the fabled King Roo
They said, "Where did he go? 
Where has he went?"
Who comes to help? None other than Lulu!
With her, the NC side of the event!

Now the festivities are complete
Beating AAA and Abigail are done
I hope, through it all, you showed no defeat
But, especially, I hope you had fun!

The Discarded Magical Blue
Grundo Plushie of Prosperity

by Flyin_monkey_1995

Oh, little blue plushie,
Why are you so blue?
Oh, yeah, that's how they manufactured you 
In Plushie Tycoon.

Something must have gone wrong,
You were left in a tree!
You are now discarded,
Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity.

Call me crazy if you like,
But that plushie is not trash!
He's nothing but just plain adorable,
Plus the occasional income of cash.

He should be treated nicely,
I'd take him home if they'd let me!
I'll visit him everyday,
And never let him forget me.

Quitters Never Win
by Potential_ruler

The end draws near 
For this game of Key Quest
And though I’m behind 
I’ll still commit to my best
Because a game with a quitter 
Isn’t a game at all
But a huge waste of time 
For the payers involved.

A key in the lead, 
My opponent is winning,
Their skillful gameplay 
Leaves my head spinning.
As they head for the door 
I shut both my eyes
And wait for the end, 
When, to my surprise...

The game wasn’t over, 
But how can this be?
Had my opponent just 
Given the game to me?
As their token rolled past 
The sacred quest door,
I fell out of my chair 
And laughed on the floor!

Whether by luck or by purpose, 
I’ll never know,
But it was my turn now, 
I’d put on a show!
In an act of tact 
I used Boots of Flight,
The result of which 
I met with delight.

I rolled high enough 
To skip across the board,
Grab the last key, 
Power-ups, and more.
As I passed my opponent 
I tipped my hat,
Entered the quest door, 
And that was that.

Had I quit I would be 
Out Neopoints and a key
With no one to blame, 
Not anyone but me.
However, I’m not a quitter, 
Because quitters never win.
I am a Key Quester forever, 
And I will never give in.

Central City
by Dominiquelestrange

Neopia Central, tinted with lights
Exciting colors paint the buildings at night.
You can head to the Food Shop 
For confections galore,
Or browse the endless aisles 
Of the General Store.
Head to the Art Centre 
To read the news,
Or to the Neolodge 
For a luxurious night's snooze!
The Money Tree is for those 
Who are unfortunate,
But go to the NC Mall if 
You can afford pretty ornaments.
Visit the book Shop 
If you're in for a good read,
Or to Movie Central; 
Your Neopets, they feed.
Although all of these things 
Fill me with glee,
Spending time with my Neopets 
Make me most happy in this central city.

The Sadness Of A Forgotten City
by Sweetpotatoesoryams

A city of darkness, city of light;
Struck by an ancient and powerful blight;
Oh Geraptiku, oh Geraptiku!
Housing the secrets meant for the divine.

Your façade, so ancient.
Your aura, pristine.
Shrouded in darkness, you'll never be seen.
Oh, but we've found you, 
And oh! What a chore!
Opening that heavy stone temple door!
You are wise, so wise, you know secrets kept
By ancient peoples, whom in you once slept.
Oh Geraptiku, oh Geraptiku!
Grace us with your wisdom, show us a sign.

Your atmosphere, stifling.
Your streets, overgrown.
Sitting here silent, unmoving, alone.
The ones who loved you, 
The ones that you reared
Have since left your walls. 
They've died, disappeared.

Do you miss them, Geraptiku?
The creatures you lack?
The ones who once loved you?
Will they ever come back?

You once called them friends, 
The ones that lived here.
But they left you in droves, 
Eyes filled with fear.
Oh Geraptiku, oh Geraptiku!
Was that the peak of your rapid decline?

Coloration, faded.
Expression, solemn.
Stoic and still, a giant stone golem.
But you can do nothing to quell their fears.
Sadness consuming, your heart fills with tears.

Are you lonely, Geraptiku?
Without your old friends?
They're gone, Geraptiku.
You cannot still pretend.

Your stone walls, foreboding.
Your temple, a scare.
Echoes of laughter still cling to the air.
It has been ages since life was ideal.
Does anyone care about how you feel?

Now in the stagnant air,
The echoes have ceased;
Alone in the silence,
Geraptiku weeps.

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