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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Gormball Champions
by Sophieninetyfive

The greatest Gormballers from all around 
Are gathering here today, 
For the annual game of the championship 
That they're all so eager to play. 

Thyassa the Chia is first in line 
(Since he's ranked number one), 
With Ember the faerie close behind, 
Intent on having some fun. 

Brian the Scorchio trickster is here -- 
Let's hope that he doesn't cheat! 
Gargarox might be a little bit late; 
He's making nutrient pills to eat. 

Zargrold the Grundo is keeping his COOL 
While Ursula's keeping her calm. 
Kevin the Korbat is replacing Sloth, 
Who would surely have caused alarm. 

And last is the Alien Aisha 
Who goes by the name of Farvin III. 
Will his six ears be an advantage? 
We'll just have to wait and see! 

Get ready! The game is about to start. 
The spectators giggle and grin. 
The announcer spreads his arms and shouts, 
"Let the Gormball match begin!"

The Master Of Gormball
by Dr_tomoe

As many Gormball fans know,
The game is played with eight.
From Thyassa to Farvin,
All of them are great.

And as Gormball fans also know,
Gormball has in it a Korbat named Kevin,
For if he was not in as a replacement
The game would just have seven.

But then came the year of a huge surprise
To Gargarox and Zargrold both,
When the original participant
Arrived, none other then Doctor Sloth!

The evil galactic overlord had returned
From whatever was his dastardly plan
(Probably an evil hypnotizing ray *bzzt!*
I mean, Sloth is the man!),

But, whatever his intentions,
Sloth would show all he was cool
And would proceed to make the others
Look like novices and fools.

His game was perfection,
His releases were feared,
And more than one competitor
Was reduced to tears.

Doctor Sloth easily won the championship
And said that he would for years,
For he was a Gormball master
And earned the respect of his peers.

But then he vanished again,
So once more did Kevin heed the call,
To replace the galactic overlord
In the game of Gormball.

So, enjoy the championships now,
And watch the twists and turns,
Because, one day, Doctor Sloth
The Master of Gormball may return.

Neopia's Sport Of Champions
by Esses_mom

It happens every single fall,
We gather 'round to watch Gormball
So grab your sodas, franks, and chips
We're off to the Gormball Championships!

Look at Ember, sweet and merry,
You'd never guess the fire faerie
Has catching skills beyond compare,
To grasp the Gormball from the air

Moving on to Gargorox,
Deceptively quick just like a fox,
They say he's a cheat, but who's to know?
None are brave enough to call him so!

Then there's the silly one, where is he at?
You know who I mean, Kevin the Korbat
He's filling in for Dr. Sloth
He'd do so much better if he'd quit showing off

Keep a close watch on the Scorchio
For dear Brian is a cheat, you know,
He had to take the walk of shame
for throwing gormrocks in last year's game

Zargrold The Cool would be thrilled to play
Gormball every single day,
To play's a great gig if you are able,
It sure beats serving Grundos' tables

A rowdy crowd 'round Farvin III
Is yelling "He cheats!" now that's just absurd;
For everyone knows, 
Though his ears are quite fetching
They are only to hear, and can do no catching

Now, don't let Ursula fool you at all,
Though she only stands under two feet tall,
She plays the game with the greatest of skill,
Her moves are so cunning -- to watch is a thrill

Now that leaves us with only Thyassa,
The Gormball world's reigning Champion Chia
He jumped, he reached, and in a flash
That game-winning Gormball hit with a SPLASH!

by Lilahne_aluoki

Dr. Sloth is wicked,
And maybe a bit vile,
But he can chuck a Gormball
For up to a half mile.
And while he doesn't look it,
He's actually agile,
For he's been working ages
On his Gormball style.
I hear his game's a sight to see --
If you survive his smile.

Dr. Sloth is often busy
Working on invasion plans,
But sometimes he takes a break
To connect with his fans.
No other player can compare
When there's a Gormball in his hands.
He holds the first place ranking in
Several Neopian lands.
And when he is due to play
His supporters fill the stands.

Dr. Sloth's an All-star
When wearing sneakers on his feet,
And his cape stays nice and dry
While he drenches Gormball's elite.
No one accuses him of cheating,
For he's always been discreet.
He claims the other players
Simply cannot stand the heat;
Which is why, when on the Gormball Field,
Dr. Sloth can't be beat!

The Explosion
by Kuroge

Thyassa starts the race
and is slow to throw at first,
when there is still much time
before the Gormball will burst.

The ball reaches Ember,
who becomes worried,
uncertain of her throw,
she seems very hurried.

Ursula catches the ball
from Zargold's agile pitch,
quickly to pass it again,
moving faster than a twitch.

Soon, Thyassa receives
the impending Gormball,
he turns to throw the ball
so he does not stall...

Gormball Fever Rap
by Evenstar_243

Sploosh goes the ball,
It's fun for us all,
Gormball's the name
Of this wonderful game...
A plump purple Chia 'pet,
Splashes and makes you wet,
A tall, lovely fire faerie
Smiles and makes you merry

A Grundo named Gargarox
Is playing without socks,
An Usul named Ursula
Is trying to make some moolah

Then there's Brian
He'll send you cryin'
Farvin the Third
She's great, ya heard?

That chill dude Zargold,
He gets super trolled,
Kevin isn't too good, either,
And that's the end of Gormball Fever.

Go, Brian, Go!
by Nomyle

When playing Gormball, night or day,
one Scorchio is sure to stay.

Brian, red and full of strength,
can throw the Gormball at full length.

So eager to win the game is he,
he plays quite, well, competitively.

Sometimes a fireball he throws,
not caring where it goes.

Waiting seconds one... two... three...
did it explode on Thyassa, possibly?

Why no, poor Brian, soaking wet,
previously a Gormball threat.

But fear not, fans, Brian shall be back
No one can set a Scorchio off track!

by Chavo_guerrero

Leaping, catching, spin about,
Someone gives a soggy shout.

Gormball Day is where it's at,
Surely there's no contending that?

Soaking wet with each bad catch,
Striving hard to win a match.

A prize only for the winning game,
But even the losers don't complain.

There's so much fun in getting wet,
In a happy, drippy Neopet.

Welcome to the championship,
On who and when will the Gormball rip?

Join right in and have some fun,
Another game's only just begun.

Catch the ball and hold on fast,
As long as you dare 'til it has to be passed.

One second, two, three or four,
This is truly a Gormball war!

Good luck, my friend, I hope you win,
And have some laughs while you're playin',
And if the Gormball bursts on you,
Why not just start the game anew?

Total Poetry Pages : 2759

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