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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Celebrating Grundo Independence Day
by Painted_dreams87

On the 24th day of Hiding,
in the second year,
a new species became available
after living so long in fear.

Taken by Dr. Frank Sloth
to the Space Station,
Grundos were forced to work
without a break or vacation.

Along came the Space Faerie,
so very brave and kind.
She assured a new home
each Grundo would find.

The Grundos were free,
and free they would stay,
So that Neopians like you and me
can take one home today.

I Am But A Blue Grundo
by Hersheykisses27_

I am not a mallow Grundo
and at times it makes me sad
to be lacking of fluffy goodness,
at times it makes me feel bad.

Every day I approach the lab
with only one thing on my mind,
to be zapped into a mallow,
but it seems I fail time after time.

I cannot go to the Rainbow Pool,
because no paint brush does the trick.
No fortune in the Wishing Well
can ever grant my wish.

The Fountain Faerie remains elusive,
wherever she may hide.
I've searched all of Neopia,
but I cannot find where she abides.

Morphing potion after morphing potion,
I turn back into a Grundo
and make my way back to the laboratory,
but it really isn't much fun, though.

Haikus To Grundo-ness
by Zucchini55

Squishy and fluffy
Escaped from Sloth's invasion
Free to live again

Antennas hear all
Their eyes watch carefully, too
The station's keepers

All green and creepy
Spinning his gossamer web
The Spider Grundo

Former Sloth's army
Tug-O-War enthusiast
Truggdon the Grundo

Tasty Space Rock Soup
Intergalactic Spiced Beans
That's our Grundo Chef

Splat-A-Sloth is there
On the Recreation Deck
Grundo things to do

Hates evil fuzzles
A waste disposal worker
Grundo Zygorax

Smells like campfire fun
Toasted marshmallow Grundo
Ooey-gooey good

My ode to Grundo-ness!

Annoying Grundo Thief
by Dr_tomoe

A regular day at the factory
making plushies for girls and boys;
it makes them happy to get those
colored plushie toys.

Not to mention, business is good
working with Plushie Tycoons,
when suddenly the alarm rings!
A thief has entered the room!

You can't leave your station
to stop this Grundo Thief.
The purple prowler lies in wait
to steal the plushies! That cheat!

But the blobs must go into vats
to keep the plushies on the line --
not to mention, the clock is ticking,
your work is on a deadline!

So, the Grundo Thief will make off
with all the plushies he can carry,
unless you bop him in the head
with a blob colored red, like a cherry.

Factory work is hard enough
without the annoying Grundo Thief.
Chase him away and get back to work,
and during your break, sigh with relief.

He'll be back, though, there's no doubt,
to ruin the line some more.
You'd think that a factory like this
could get some security on the floor.

The Assured Grundo Jogger
by Sugarypixiestix2

Jogging (to her) is a safeguard,
it helps her from being marred.
Virtupets is not always secure,
despite what is seen on a tour.

If Dr. Sloth is in a bad mood,
it is best to remain unviewed.
So, if she must exit her place,
she does so with a speedy pace.

To stay clear of outside risks,
by jogging like she was a whisk.
Rapid and thorough without fail,
this Grundo can go up any trail.

In her jogging suit she's sound
as her feet hit the cool ground.
Breathing in the station's air,
away from danger's evil glare.

A flash of colour whizzes past
whenever she jogs at full blast.
Catching her is inconceivable,
her endurance is unbelievable.

Raising Baby Grundo
by Beedeebee

You must look no further,
If you want a Grundo guide,
Than Raising Baby Grundo --
Just page through the info inside!

From cuddling your Grundo
When she is tiny and cute
To training your big Grundo
When she's ready to wear a space suit.

For, Grundos aren't so mysterious
That you can't predict their ways,
From loving Gormball tournaments
To celebrating Grundo Independence Days.

And yet, each Grundo is her own Grundo,
As you very soon will see,
From those who adore Orbulon Petpets
To those who dig cosmic shopping sprees.

So, as you raise your Grundo,
you'll get to know how she's one of a kind.
For, raising your 'pet Grundo
Is the best sort of challenge you'll find.

Stuck In Typing Terror
by Outlander_

It was an innocent mistake,
I promise you so,
The hanger was so barren
I just had to go
(Go in, that is).

Once inside
The lights start to flash,
The doors closed
And a voice so sinister
Started to impose
That there was no way out,
Except to make those 
Clockwork Grundos explode!

One by one
They came toward me,
Mostly yellow,
Some red,
Sparks and wires came from their heads.

Words that flashed on their screens...
I typed as fast as I can,
But rushing at me was their plan.

I made mistakes,
Spelled things wrong,
Then all of the sudden they were gone!
The lights went out,
Then back on --
A voice said that the game was done.

The Poor Spider Grundo
by Chavo_guerrero

The evil Spider Grundo
Is not as wicked as he seems,
Let's look a little closer 
At what his story means.

He worked for Frank not long ago
(That’s Dr Sloth to you),
But when his Master turned on him,
What could that Grundo do?

He cried and begged, and tried to run,
But that didn't help him none,
For when the experiment finished
The poor little Grundo was gone!

In his place was a creature --
Part Grundo, but spider, too!
And when he escaped through a window,
Sloth remembered what he’d forgotten to do.

He hadn't bothered with mind control, 
So our poor Spider Grundo was free,
He carried on running throughout the night
'Til his reflection he happened to see.

He had quite a fright, what a shock that it was,
When he saw all the legs that he had,
A chill to his heart and tears to his eyes --
That image had made him so sad.

For, the poor little Grundo he had been before
Had only one fear in his heart,
A terror of spiders, both big ones and small,
And that was only the start!

All creepy, all crawly, all squiggly and small,
They got him all nervous and scared;
And now, ‘cos of Sloth, his experiment and all,
He WAS the one thing that he feared!

He ran to a cave so he couldn't see his legs
And lives there in darkness for good.
You can meet him if you're brave enough,
But I'm not sure that I would!

A big Spider Grundo living in dark
Is hardly the most welcoming sight,
And if you remind him how scary he looks,
You may very well earn a bite!

The Colonel’s Daily Routine
by Jecai

A whistle blew loud in the morning air
To begin the day’s regular drill,
But alas, there was no shuffling
Anywhere on top of the hill.

The silence was too much to bear
As the strict colonel furled his brow.
“What, are all of you deaf?
I want the march to commence, NOW!”

Although the commander was once a legend,
With word of 
His harsh training known throughout,
Ever since he lost his unit in battle
Cobb walked on a different route.

In fields of corn, Juppies, Chokatos, and more,
The vegetables remained standing,
Another minute passed slowly
When the Grundo got more demanding.

“I am Colonel Cobb, don’t forget it!
I commanded the Air Calvalry Battalion,
I served Dr. Sloth in his invasion
And earned my own war medallion.

You boys can’t even handle a march?
I’ve seen rocks and lasers flying at my face.
There were many close calls 
In the heat of battle
I wasn’t sure if I’d make it back to base.”

The sun shone down 
On the neat rows of plants.
To the Grundo, 
The answer suddenly became clear.
“I get it… you weaklings need water
Before your legs will shift gears.”

Cobb murmured to himself as he walked,
“Bah! Getting disturbed by a bit of sun...”
He filled a metal bucket from a well on his farm
And began tending the vegetables, one by one.

Dry, crumbly soil quickly became moist
As the colonel went through every row.
Each soldier got a share of water
To ensure that they will grow.

Large turnips, soft Chokatos, 
and Asparagus, too,
All crops were tended with care.
When the Grundo finished the water rations
He looked upon the army with a glare.

“Alright, drink up and quench your thirst.
No point marching after a good meal...
But I will be back soon enough,
So get ready for a tough ordeal!”

And so, Colonel Cobb blew his whistle
As an alarm for his own steady dismissal.
He solely marched away 
From the field with a rush
With the vegetables watching him 
Leave in a hush.

Gargarox Isafuhlarg Is My Name
by Everybodylovesval

Gargarox Isafuhlarg is my name,
Being a chef's my claim to fame,
A better Grundo there never will be
At delighting your tastebuds, soon you'll see.

“Delighting my tastebuds?” you gulp.
Was it just me, or did you voice doubt?
Hey, I know, I get a bad rap --
Just stay in your seat and we'll remedy that!

I mince, I mix, I season, I skewer...
Add some colour to make it better.
After five minutes, all is done --
Around I spun, where have you gone?

I spot you lurking by the door;
What're you doing over there for?
You turn around, looking caught out
“Er, I thought I saw a trout...”

Hmm, that's strange, maybe Zargrold's Ghoti?
Never mind, come here, try my dish!
You walk over slowly and take a seat
It's called Grundos Luxury Kebab, a real treat.

I'm rather proud of how it looks...
One of the best, in my books.
That lovely red and glowing green,
That yellow has a perfect sheen.

You gulp, reach out, take the stick,
Paws shaking as the seconds tick...
Come on, what're you waiting for?
The Titanic Squid to wash ashore?

Frowning, you take a tentative bite,
Chewing, your eyes widen, 
“This is out of sight!”
Of course, I told you, this isn't a trick.
“I sure do like that spicy kick!”

You devour the kebab in no time,
“I shouldn't have doubted that, 
As a chef, you shine!”
What a compliment! I smile, pleased. 
Have you the appetite for one more dish?

“Sure!” you agree. “What'll you make?”
One Deep-Fried Gormball coming up next!
“You fried a Gormball?” you gasp in shock.
Say, why not? It's my favourite sport!

I head into the kitchen and start my prep
Whilst recalling last week's match,
This close to victory I was
Until Brian threw the ball at me -- it burst!

Well, in life you're supposed to take risks,
I won't win every match or perfect every dish,
But giving up's something I'll do without --
That's not what a great Grundo's about.

At this, my fried Gormball is done...
The taste is gonna be second to none!
Ahh, that was simple, really no stretch
I sample and--
Oops, should I have used more Brangerplex?

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