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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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A Sonnet For A Skeith
by Codswobble

I cannot contain this thing anymore,
This feeling of my utter need for you.
If doubt was worth money I would be poor,
And I would go to the kitchen for stew.
You tail is like a swooping, spiky chain;
Each claw of yours is like a Gulper's fang.
Your smallest section is your paltry brain,
But you don't need one to be in my gang.
I love your shape and your crazy size --
I am fully smitten, you must surmise!

Glamorous Skeith Dress
by Indulgences

Oh my, this dress is beautiful!
It's woven from fine silk.
It's delicately laced with pink
And silver white as milk.

A purple ribbon hugs the waist.
It's glossy, sweet, and bold.
Some shoes complete the outfit; they're
So lovely to behold.

This Skeith dress is so glamorous.
It sparkles, shines, and glows.
When worn, this lovely dress is such
A beauty, praise is owed!

So, buy this item for your Skeith!
She'll jump and dance with glee.
It's really quite affordable...
I'm such a devotee!

Double Or Nothing
by Psycho_skittles

"Hey, you over there. 
Fancy a gamble?"
A deep growling voice calls 
from a dark corner in Meridell. 
A flash of gold catches the light,
the flip of a Neopoint. 
You glance from side to side,
to see if you were his target.
"Fancy a game of chance?"
he calls with a quick smile. 
You slowly move forward,
heart pounding in your ears. 
He glances at your purse,
clinking with change.
"Just 10 NP, and land on heads."
You hesitantly place a beat,
sweat trickles down your brow.
You watch the coin tossed
and grin as it lands on heads.
You eagerly bet again,
hoping to double your money.
Your heart stops as the coin spins,
and drops as you see it land tails.
The Skeith grins, then laughs,
sweeping the table clean.
"Now, scram," he cackles,
"here comes the king."

Not So Grumpy, Not So Wise
by Kanpai

If The King of Wisdom is who you seek,
There is no other to whom you'd speak.
A boastful king, clad in jewels,
But values knowledge as the greatest tool.

The ruler of Brightvale, he is so bright.
He studies at all hours of night.
However, one thing in his life's no fun.
It's his brother -- yes, the grumpy one.

In his right hand, an enormous text.
A knock is heard... who's coming next?
It is then an arrogant smirk is seen.
"What are you doing here?!?" yells the king.

A fearless Skeith from the north,
Toward the king he steps forth.
A few moments of silence slowly pass
As castle employees gather en masse.

"The brothers are back at it again!"
Whispers King Hagan's dearest friend.
A battle of brain versus brawn,
In Brightvale it has stumbled upon.

Skarl and his soldiers draw their swords,
Allowing cries of fear to be ignored.
Struck by fear, Hagan looks away.
His brother then shouts, "Happy Skeith Day!"

The Mighty Skeith Bank Manager
by Machinexcaatxhead

"How can I help you?"
he would normally say
while Neopets approach,
hoping to cash in that day.

He straightens his tie
and tightens his jacket
while the crowd walks on,
making an almighty racket.

"It's great to see you again!
What can I help with today?"
while a Lupe approaches,
looking sad and grey.

"A withdrawal, you say?
Why, of course, sir. Don't look down.
I know what you should do --
wipe away that frown!

I am here to help;
let's check your account.
Now, tell me sir.
Tell me the certain amount."

Information given,
the Lupe gave a smile,
to realize the bank manager
saved him a short while.

His scales shone,
he made the transaction,
for the Lupe to return home
with a smile full of action.

Each day goes by,
either quiet or mad,
But this helpful Skeith
can help you, either happy or sad.

The Gourmet
by Kevin_7894

The ground shakes as he draws near,
and the faint smell of chocolate fills the air.
As he walks along the Neovian streets,
the sidewalks crack beneath his feet.

Bonbon is this massive Skeith's name,
his exploits have earned him quite some fame.
For, the only thing greater than his love of money
is the need to feed his tummy.

His appetite is so great, they say,
that he out-ate the Esophagor one day.
And he doesn't stop at just mere food --
everything not nailed down gets chewed.

A sofa, stray Petpets, and old candy wrappers.
It all tastes great with some salt and pepper.
The Food Club was so very impressed
that they sent a membership to his address.

A fancy card upon which read
that this guy loves to feed his head!
But, when the envelope did arrive,
The Skeith ate what was found inside.

Sir Desmond's Poem
by Kefzer

There was once a Skeith 
Who traded books for his blade,
Nicked and scarred with heavy use and wear.
His old comrades scratched their heads 
And wondered why
Such talent would move to 
A rural estate and bury itself there.
But Sir Desmond was sick of fighting, 
Of blood and breaking bones
He gladly gave up his chestplate 
For a waistcoat and fine clothes.
Now, he smiles at his neighbors 
As they pass along the street
And he raises his cap 
To the many friends he meets
On his way back to his library, 
With its shelves of well-loved spines.
Few would ever guess that Sir Desmond 
Was such a slayer in his time.

Lunch With A Skeith
by Giggzabit

Before me, I see
A great gaping maw...
Within is, surely, my end.

It was silly of me
To sit close to the slaw,
Hiding beside the cornbread.

Those great, gnashing teeth
Are the subject of awe,
The tools for flesh to be rent.

Though dead I may be,
By that muscular jaw
I cannot force myself to repent.

A pause, happily,
When he senses a flaw
And I'm eye-to-eye with the gent.

"A tiny Faellie!"
Comes a horrified caw.
"Not for MY lunch are you meant,

Though Skeith I may be..."
And here raises his paw.
"I vow I eat veggies, not friend!

You're quite safe from me
At this picnic gala.
I'm afraid I did not quite attend

To my hand upon thee...
(Glad it wasn't my claw!)
I did not wish to offend!"

While smiling gaily,
I say, "Not at all!
There is nothing betwixt us to mend!

C'est la vie, mon ami!
A mistake, after all,
For what is a meal between friends?"

In Praise Of A Skeith
by Reiqua

There is elegance and grace
In the way that she walks,
Her head held high, she tarries not,
But neither does she rush.
Her stride is long and purposeful,
Her countenance, serene,
'Tis rare for such poise and dignity
To be, together, seen.

Her manner is calm and graceful
But, it also must be noted,
The tasteful mode of fashion
To which she is devoted.
Her style is never gaudy,
But each sumptuous choice displays
Her exquisite, polished beauty
And her charming, cultured ways.

And though, on some occasions,
Certain folks do think her rude,
When observing the great gusto
With which she consumes her food,
Love of luxury distinguishes her
From the lesser beings beneath,
And her boisterous mealtime attitude
Is seen in every Skeith.

But she's generally a lady
Of refined sophistication,
Her finesse and flair accord her
Well deserved appreciation.
So, while many others think of Skeiths
As being quite uncouth,
You'll agree with me that nothing
Could be further from the truth!

A Hungry Skeith
by Andjelka_

A hungry Skeith
Was walking on by.
I hid deep in the bushes,
Trying to be sly,

But he turned his head
And sniffed the air.
Maybe I shouldn't have used
Strawberry shampoo in my hair.

He inched closer and closer
To the green shrubbery;
That was all that was between
This hungry Skeith and me.

I held my breath,
Trying not to make a sound.
I hoped and I wished
That I wouldn't be found.

His eyes gleamed with excitement
As he stomped through the bush,
Then roared out in triumph
And I fell back on my tush.

But then, to my surprise,
He asked and was ever so polite
If I'd make him some jelly soup...
He'd heard mine was a delight.

I stared up in shock
At his towering form.
This kind of behavior,
For a hungry Skeith, was not the norm.

I shakily stood up,
Brushed the dirt from my knees.
He pressed and inquired,
Adding a pretty please.

I finally found my voice
And replied that it was something I could do.
He smiled with glee and all was well...
You believe my story, don't you?

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