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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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A Korbat's Night
by Binky1260

As light of day fades into night,
Korbats begin their furtive flight
And mingle with the shadows cast
By harvest moon o’er landscape vast.

Released from reverie at last,
Her sense of hearing, unsurpassed,
Guides her on wings unbound to earth
And far beyond arboreal berth.

Auditory clues draw close
All creatures nearby, friends and foes,
And twilight air chills leather wings
As a distant Weewoo sings.

The sable blanket now is shed
As dawn unfolds the day ahead;
Each Korbat’s sortie then will cease
In deference to nature’s caprice.

And once again, she will find peace
Enveloped in the autumn leaves;
Reposed in slumber, she rests within,
Oblivious to daybreak’s din.

Scary Korbat Colors
by Dr_tomoe

As Halloween grows closer
and the nights give out chills,
the spooks of Neopia walk out,
ready to cause some thrills.

And as the 'pet who closest
demonstrates the Halloween spirit,
the Korbat's colors tend
to better represent it.

They were the first of all Neopets
To get the frighting color of wraith,
which is now one of the most 
desired paint brushes to this date.

Next, a relic Korbat
might not be what you think,
but around this grave-topping statue
you had better not blink.

And naturally, for Halloween
the color is more traditional,
as they dress up like a witch,
which is really quite seasonable.

And, finally, Christmas might not
be a scary color, per se,
but colored like a candy cane,
and what's scarier then tooth decay?

My Swank Gothic Korbat Nail Varnish
by Sugarypixiestix2

I feel so chic when I put it on,
it looks like I went to a salon.
The black is so sheen and deep,
sometimes I see it in my sleep.

My Korbat friend gave it to me
after I bought her a Bubblebee.
She loved the Petpet so dearly
that she had to show me clearly.

So, she bestowed me her varnish,
which she said wouldn't tarnish.
As astonished as I was by this,
her graciousness was not amiss.

With thanks I accepted her gift
and the bottle emerged so swift.
Those silver wings seemed alive --
when I saw it I began to thrive.

From then on it was all I wore,
all other colours became a bore.
At night is when it truly beams,
especially when the dark gleams.

Ruthless Meruth
by Flufflepuff

The Haunted Woods are aptly named,
For ghosts and spirits prowl about
The land with not a single leaf.
The rash and stubborn choose to doubt,
But have no choice except to see 
The evil mischief rampant in
The living courts all scattered 'round.
Real legends thrive and breed within,
Where normal happenings shall die.
Danger crawls along the ground
With briars, unexpected holes,
But greater threats above abound
Among the many screeching boughs.
A figure rests, pale sickly green
So as to blend in with the sky
Half-vivid with a matted sheen.
Upon the smallest whiff of prey,
The unseen Korbat dares not swoop,
But instead calls the droning night --
To lower heights, she shall not stoop.
What evil of repute makes known
Its presence until post-effect?
The Korbat’s silent cries create
Disharmony and disrespect,
Flick’ring pictures, paranoid
And plaguing thoughts.  Her best
And darkest spells allow victims
To try to flee and do the rest.
If you’re so daft as to explore
The Haunted Woods with little light,
Meruth the Ruthless lurks -- avoid
The color ‘f life with all your might.

As I Wandered
by Rielcz

This Marg'ret Reinard is, to me, unknown
Here as I stare down dumbly at her grave.
A Korbat's head engrav'd upon the stone;
An inscription of the single word "BRAVE." 

I turn, wond'ring no longer 'bout the name, 
To gaze upon the next gravestone in row.
Yet I'm stopp'd still by ethereal claim --
"You're curious," a Korbat starts, "to know

What happen'd to me and my line's prestige  --
I came from royalty, so long ago. 
A poison 'mistake' toppl'd my regime,
And now I wander, waken'd, by the Woe.

Each grave, to a new world, is but a door."
She vanish'd; I continu'd to explore.

Mutant Korbats
by Chavo_guerrero

Huge, enormous ears
On a tiny Korbat head;
Eyes that glow quite clearly
In a spooky, evil red.

Teeth so sharp and pointed
And a green ruff 'round his neck,
If you see him in the darkness,
You'll be a quivering wreck!

A spike upon his tail
And widespread leathery wings,
Claws upon his fingers
And other terrible things.

Meet the mutant Korbat,
But try hard not to scream;
He looks as perfectly wicked
As something from a bad dream.

But he can be rather charming
If you give him just one chance,
Instead of running for your life
After just the smallest glance.

On Korbat Day especially,
We should try to love him, too,
And if you do, I'm sure you'll find,
He's a perfect friend for you!

Korbat Day, A Cool Day
by Neoguilherme1

Flying through the sky,
Here goes the mighty Korbat,
Like a beautiful butterfly
In this special day we're at.
There he is, fast passing by...
Fast, smart, and maybe a little fat (XD)
This is your day, blessed with grace,
Time to get new colors 
And items with your face.

Dozens of clothes, that's awesome!
T-shirts, jackets, a striped dress...
What a big, big welcome!
Everything is made to impress,
Still not sure how to take all to my home.
So many cool things, it's becoming a mess!
But don't worry, let's go training --
After all, the day is just beginning.

On that day, the mighty Korbat 
Felt happier than ever!

Isabel, The Korbat
by Dortho

Isabel the Korbat, 
she didn't have a strong grip --
While clinging to a branch, she would often slip. 
Her wings would catch her in the air
While flying in despair. 

She would never give up, and kept on trying, 
Slipping yet again 
And keeping those wings flying, 
Even while training in endurance, 
There was no assurance
That she'd ever sleep like the others...

Her Korbat friends got concerned 
And wanted to help,
And got an idea that would cost less than kelp!:
What if they could just build a nest
In which their friend could rest? 

While cowering under a shrubbery, 
Worried some Lupes might hunt her down, 
Her Korbat friends didn't want her to frown.

They gathered together several twins and twigs,
Even found some leftover pieces from wigs, 
And wove together before they got rest 
The perfect gift... a Korbat nest! 

Out from hiding and trying again, 
Isabel the Korbat could not help but grin!
Her friends had made her a safe place to sleep -- Such good friends, the kind to keep!

Happy Korbat Day!

Korbat Night
by Lil_reef

Korbats quickly clutter
The cable long and taut,
The wispy band shudders
Under their hefty lot.

Twirling and swirling,
The breeze brushes by,
Hurling and unfurling,
The Korbats take to sky.

Droplets of white moonlight
Drip from the midnight sky,
Painting the grass bright 
As the clouds sigh. 

The day is over, 
The fun is done,
Until next year we wait,
For another Korbat Day.

My Unconverted Grey Korbat
by Indulgences

My unconverted Korbat 'pet
Is tinted grey and black.
His fur is matted, coarse and rough,
And flattened down his back.

His tail, it droops. His face is glum.
He never wants to play.
He never wants to go outside,
There's sorrow in his gaze.

His hands are curled with shame and fear.
I sigh and hold him close.
I simply don't know what to do.
My darling 'pet's morose.

I love him just the way he is,
Despite his misery.
I love his gorgeous artwork, too.
I'm such a devotee.

I love my unconverted 'pet.
He's unconventional.
He's so expressive, moody, dark.
He is a spectacle!

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