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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Acara Day
by shadowloid

Hip-hip hooray!
It's Acara Day!
The pets all gather
and come out to play!

Cake, cookies,
and better yet,
they celebrate
a Neopet!

Acara day
is lots of fun!
For Zafaras, Nimmos,
and everyone!

And always remember
and be happy to say
you love to celebrate
Acara Day!

Acara Adventurer Dress
by indulgences

I'm glad that this Adventurer
Is female, strong and hale.
So often, these brave outfits are
Reserved for warlike males.

Acaras are a special breed,
So tough, yet tender too.
The females do deserve this dress,
So militant in hue.

The chest is sturdy chain mail, while
The skirt is leather brown.
A sturdy shirt of silver hue
Completes this warrior gown.

And yet, this dress is charming too.
It glints with tiny pearls.
It's tough, yet also feminine.
It's meant for rugged girls.

I thank the staff at Neopets
For making this fine dress.
Please make more female warriors!
Please draw them with finesse!

Ode to a Maraquan Acara
by dianacat777

Far flung from the festivals
Where Acaras shout and play;
A denizen beneath the waves
Emerges this Acara Day.

With yellow eyes and suction cups
And tentacles that creep,
Skulking the ocean’s depths, he seems
A monster of the deep.

But then you see his smiling eyes
That promise mischief great;
That’s all it takes to realize
This ‘pet just wants to play.

A startling sight at first, ‘tis true;
Tentacles in lieu of arms.
But then doubtless you’ll start to see
There’s a certain kind of charm.

Maybe he can’t don wearables
Or frolic ‘neath bright skies,
But in the murky depths, he finds
Endless adventure lies.

Sunken caches of pirate gold,
Shipwrecks from ages past;
A massive world so few explore -
He’ll show you – if you ask.

So remember, this Acara Day,
Whether they squish or creep or ooze,
Hug an Acara anyway – 
With these pets, you can’t lose!

Acara Destiny
by reiqua

Destiny is a challenge, a goal to be attained,
An exhilarating journey, a joy when once it's gained.
And when my restless gaze doth pass o'er objects great and small,
I'm conscious of the destiny which clings to one and all.

A lovely Faerie Paint Brush some neopian will use,
To adorn their lucky neopet with pink and purple hues.
It's destined to bring happiness – a truly noble fate!
For bringing joy to others is above all callings great.

But some are not so happy, like the Broken Toy Sailboat,
This mournful little item was destined not to float.
It fulfils its lonely destiny, for broken it will stay.
Even Donny from the Toy Shop will not fix it if you pay.

And yet there is one item for which I sorely grieve,
Its given destiny is one it never will achieve.
For years it has resided in my Safety Deposit Box,
Alongside treasured articles, and mouldering Mossy Rocks.

This Light Acara Hood was made to dampen fearsome blows,
Delivered with great zeal, by an Acara's deadly foes.
The onslaught of these foes no longer need be cause for dread,
When this hood brings its protection to a great Acara's head.

Now some upon this planet (including you and me)
Are gifted with the option to control our destiny.
But some are far more helpless, on us they must depend.
They rely upon philanthropy to reach their ordained end.

The Light Acara Hood is one to number with the helpless.
It awaits outside assistance from neopians who are selfless.
But many who would wish to help this hood attain its goal,
Are woefully incapable of filling that great role.

To bestow a Light Acara Hood upon a favoured 'pet,
There is but one prerequisite to first of all be met.
One must own an Acara! For without this precondition,
The Light Acara Hood is certain ne'er to reach fruition.

Thus opens a conundrum, for so many hoods exist,
That were each Acara given one, some hoods would still be missed.
And yet this problem also can be easily abated,
By purely ensuring more Acaras are created!

To transform one's neopet to an Acara would be laudable,
(And Acara Morphing Potions are exceptionally affordable)
For Acaras are outstanding! They're sublime and peerless 'pets.
No new owner of an Acara could experience regrets.

So I have a proposition to suggest to you, dear reader.
A campaign must at once commence and you must be its leader!
Petition owners everywhere to purchase Morphing Potions,
So that Acaras spread, both in this land and o'er the oceans.

And if this glorious vision could one day come to be,
Then each Light Acara Hood would meet its glorious destiny.
And each glorious Acara, with a glorious hood endued,
Would achieve a glorious victory and their foes would be subdued.

Ylana's Story
by anjie

Endless silver, spread the stars,
That scatter onyx sky.
Through the dark of deepest space,
Ylana’s ship did fly.
Forth to station past the clouds,
She in the stars did walk.
Her target was Cybunny Scout,
And silent did she stalk.

To leave a wealthy past behind,
Abandon youthful dreams.
Ylana, bounty hunter, true,
But more than what she seems.
There within the station dark,
She sought Sloth’s hated foe.
Weapon held in steady grip,
Eyes burned, electric glow.

The shimmer of the silent hall,
The station, eerie, still.
Ylana stepped with deadly stealth,
The hunt, her greatest thrill.
To seek the scout Sloth doth abhor,
Acara changed her name.
From spoilt girl of standing high,
To hunter none shall tame.

Sloth commands her service, true,
For hire, deadly skill.
The gaze like ice doth stalk the space,
So blank, the haunting chill.
Beware Acara filled with hate,
Shrink back as she stalks by.
The bounty hunter feared by all,
Who walks the shadowed sky.

Acara Princess Fernypoo
by tessahcamille

Pull up a chair and grab a seat,
Get ready to play a game of cheat!
The Princess is expected to win,
She'll take it all, in the end!

With gloves and pearls she gives a smile,
She uses wit and sneaky guile,
To outwit and outplay her enemies:
Brucey B, Branston and Little Timmy!

But suddenly Kalora sees something strange,
The reflection in her crown begins to change,
Fernypoo, no! Your crown is too shiny!
Everyone can see your hand so brightly!

Being royalty can be so tough,
She played well but it wasn't enough,
One thing's for sure - she'll be back again,
Ready to play cards with some more friends!

The Woeful Tale of Lucy
by tallydepp

Here is a woeful tale,
Read it only if you're brave.
Tis the story of the Acara Lucy,
Who met an early grave.

A nurse she was and she did work
In a sanitorium called Meepit Oaks.
There she helped, devotedly,
Psychologically fragile folks.

In nearby Neovia all was not well,
And Lucy grew concerned
When one day the sanitorium staff 
From Neovia did not return.

Unbeknown to Lucy,
Our poor Acara Nurse,
The residents of Neovia
Were under Mr Krawley's curse!

The inmates in the hospital,
Restless they did grow.
Lucy and the remaining staff
Struggled to keep control!

Helped arrived in the form
Of the mysterious Dr Alexander
Who bestowed upon our nurse
A pretty looking flower.

Alas the inmates did then break free
And Lucy was thus banished
Into a cell where, flower in hand,
The poor Acara perished.

Ten years it took to find her bones,
Yet the flower remained in bloom.
Into a potion the flower went,
And became a cure!

Dr Krawley's curse was lifted!
Neovia was free!
The townspeople were mutants no more
Thanks to Nurse Lucy!

The Acara Acrobat
by tyuio_k50

Swing, hop, flip-
Skip, jump, fly-
The acrobat practices furiously
When the competition is nigh.

Born and raised by a poor farmer,
With nothing to do,
The Acara took to the barn
To try something new.

First it was the High Bar
Made from old cattle grid,
Then a high jump from stacked troughs,
And quite well, it all did.

Then there were ribbons from old cloth,
And wooden Balance Beams,
And a manour of constructed-contraptions
To meet the Acara's dreams.

It all came from nothing-
No resources to spare,
Yet dreams formed by willingness,
Ingenuity, and care.

And time made its a way-
And skills highly measured,
Days in the barn now gone,
Though days always treasured.

From there the Acara soared,
And acquired skills faster,
And went on to teach
Under the Techo Master!

But that's quite enough reminiscing,
The competition's nigh!
No matter where you come from, anything's possible-
Who said you need wings to fly?

All Acaras Should Wear Tiaras
by diskiss

All Acaras should wear tiaras.
After all, they are royalty.
You'll seldom find a pet
With more unwavering loyalty.

Acaras are so agile
And are brave as well
But they can still have fun
And love their hairgel.

The greatest minds in Neopia
Flock to these smart creatures
Noted for their kindness
And their lovely features.

Yes, there are other pets
But they are not as cool
As Acaras are
When they get in a swimming pool.

The Acara Who Gathers Donations So Grand
by _brainchild_

Granny Hopbobbin is an
Acara oh so sweet.
This grand Neopet collects
Donations as a treat.
The items shall be given to
Neopians with less.
The children shall appreciate
This old lady's kindness.

What shall little Sally get?
A stocking or a toy.
Johnny loves his model train,
So perfect for a boy.
This Christmas, the kids so poor
Will finally receive
The toys that they have only found
Within their wildest dreams.

The great Acara, oh so kind,
Returns once fall has come.
This time, she gathers school supplies
So kids can figure sums.
A calculator will compute
The answers for their math.
Pencils, rulers, pens, and paper
Wait for them in stacks.

Granny Hopbobbin's great work
Shall bring the children joy.
Smiles will grace the cute faces
Of every girl and boy.
Donate if you have a chance—
The Granny will thank you,
And so will children, oh so pleased
With cool items anew.

Total Poetry Pages : 2757

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