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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Acara Aquatic Festival Special

The Hydrophobic Acara
by stellacatdog2

Is it so wrong, hating to swim?
One poor acara finds the concept quite grim.

The other acaras are splashing about,
But this one wants to immediately get OUT.

A dip in the river, on a hot summer day?
The thought of it makes her feel quite grey.

“I wish I were different, like a buzz or eyrie
They can sail in the sky, up with the faeires”

She sighs as she watches her peers from ashore
“I can’t be alone, surely there’s more…”

Suddenly, there is a shout from behind
But the tone is not mocking, rude or unkind.

“Come sit with us, don’t feel ashamed!”
Calls a beaming acara, covered in flames.

“We here prefer to keep our fur dry,
So let’s stick together, come don’t be shy!”

A magma acara is pouring some tea,
A plushie is munching a cupcake with glee.

Our lonely acara feels her heart lift
“Let’s have the best-ever festival”, she sniffed.

Chesterpot's Spot
by parody_ham

Acara Explorer without compare
Prof. Chesterpot, extraordinaire 
Discoveries made from far and wide
Unearthed the mysteries inside

The Battledome of ancient past
His research made the history last  
Beyond the walls of rugged gravel
Where Neopians often travel

Within the murky depths he swam
And detailed where Maraqua began
From ruins of ancient past detailed
A lens on lives long passed entailed
Beneath the streets of Neopia dwell
The catacombs he details well
That home the cultists petpets love
Ne’er will you see them up above

For these great finds his name lives on
Chesterpot Institute, best name upon
The study of explorers great
Which scholars all doth celebrate

Celebrate my Acara
by o_babypet4me_o

I have an Acara that goes out with me,
As he's stylish, more than I can see.
He helps me with my socks even the hat on my head;
And he cleaner too, even helps me make my bed.

The best thing is that together we help each other grow—
Not at all like other Neopets, we live life very slow;
For we live life to the fullest every day is a ball,
And he is so clever not like me at all.

While he went to play one day,
I decided to draw on the wall.
And when he came back home that night,
I was curled into a ball.

I thought it was funny but it made him feel down,
All through the night I remembered the frown.
So I decided that the wall needed new fresh paint;
So he helped me, my Acara, with not a single complaint.

The Colours of Acaras.
by shnicky7

Acara, Acara;
What art thou?
A fish? An event?
Surely you are not a cow!

With fur so thick,
Colours ranging from green, yellow, red and blue;
Acaras also come in Babies,
In the prettiest shade of light blue!

Maraquan Acaras have tentacles,
Surely you have seen one of these?
Like an octopus but not really,
But like the Jelly, they both have the colour of mouldy cheese!

Foodie Acaras are Candy, Cookies, Chocolates and Custard;
Artsy Acaras are Oil paint, Pastel and the very underrated Speckled.
Spooky Acaras are Halloween, Mutant and Ghost,
And then there is the Spotted and Sponge; these base colours I love the most!

Maractite, Magma, Shadow and Skunk,
Strawberry, Christmas and a cute Snotty gunk;
Darigan, Wraith, Robot and Stealthy,
And how can we forget the adorably cute Zombie!

Snow, Starry, Striped and Water,
Heck they even have one that looks like a Grandmother!
Shadow, Silver, Sketch and Gold,
Have you seen the 8-Bit? Now THAT is a sight to behold!

Camouflage, Disco, Faerie and Checkered,
Mystery Island, Dimensional, Rainbow and Desert.
Fire, Water, Woodland and Cloud;
Hey! These are the 4 elements all figured out!

Plushie, Purple, Tyrannian and Snow,
The very sad Grey and the Royals forever stealing show.
Pink, Orange, Brown and White,
Ah yes, I almost missed out Eventide.

Swamp Gas, Transparent, Sketch and Split,
And then there is the Glowing one, now that is a treat!
What there is also one that is Invisible?
Ok now tell me but how is this even possible?!

Acara Day is near, is that what I hear?
'NEW COLOURS YASS!'; Acara fans loudly cheer!
Mosaic? Steampunk? Oh wait, we already have Ice?
What about Toy or Burlap? Me thinks both would be nice!

It's almost 3am and my brain is beat,
If I had missed any, I blame it on the summer heat.

The Little Acara
by aviiceruleanskies1

Tiptoe closer to the edge
the tide pools flow and crest and ebb
A small acara, though afraid
knows she has to learn this trade.
It's mostly fun, but still a test,
this Aquatic Acara Fest.  
Beside her, friends await with pride
for her to jump into the tide.
A deep breath in, and out, and then
"Here I go!" to cheers of friends. 
Diving down into the pool
where fishes swim in large blue schools
Her gaze darts through rainbow hues
Such beauty that she never knew,
coral reefs with so much life
She's glad she has pushed past her strife.
This might become her favourite thing,
swimming feels like she has wings!

The Lay of Fauna, Acara of Altador
by epicnamakuji

In Altador a village sat
which trembled in the moon;
A beast whose form seemed like a bat
would come each afternoon.
For months and years, the thing would fly
over the roofs of straw.
And every night upon the sky 
some higher it would soar -
the beast would return to its lair,
a Petpet in its claw.

Disheartened and dismayed became
the folk who found their home
in between mountains, blue and grey
where now the beast would roam.
Some villagers searched far and wide,
looking for some great knight
who in their might could turn the tide
and free them from this blight.
But in their travels, none was found
who were up to the fight.

But soon then through the mountains came
a tall Acara maid;
She said that Fauna was her name
and wielded crook, not blade.
She smiled and told the village folk
to fear the beast no more;
The villagers began to joke,
They laughed in Fauna's face:
"You think that you can kill the beast?
You hold not sword, nor mace!"

"I do not plan to rend it's head,
if that is why you jest!
I'll show it kindness." Fauna said, 
"That is my only quest."
"Kindness you say!?" an Aisha cried,
"You will be turned to ash!
You will be clawed and burnt and fried!
The beast will bite and thrash!"
Despite these words Fauna stood strong,
with apples in her stash.

So, from the village Fauna left,
she departed alone -
Up into a dark mountain cleft
of jagged mountain stone.
There the great beast had made its lair,
and slumbered in the day.
Fauna bravely made her way there
This thing was not her prey;
For mighty was she, never cruel -
not a beast would she slay.

The wingéd creature soon awoke,
let out a fearsome roar!
But Fauna was not moved; she placed
an apple on the floor.
The beast again let out a cry
which could break even steel.
Still Fauna stood with head up high -
no danger could she feel.
She nudged the apple with her foot,
The beast began to kneel.

The creature slowly crept towards
the apple on the floor,
and then with teeth akin to swords
into the apple tore.
Fauna stood and let out a laugh
throwing the beast some more;
It followed her down the cave's path
eating apples galore!
She took it far away from there;
Away from Altador.

The village folk could smile again,
The beast had gone away!
And when Fauna, through mountains came
They danced the night away!
"We really must apologize,
for laughing in your face!
For we knew when we heard those cries,
you'd put it in its place!"
"Now, I've told you once" Fauna said
"I'd only show it grace!"

Then soon from abroad came the king,
in all his might and pride!
To ask Fauna for her aid in
fighting an evil tide.
He saw her valour and her care
in not harming the beast,
but rather dealing kindness, fair -
from anger it was released,
Fauna accepted the king's call;
And so, they travelled east.

A For Acara
by paintedl0ve

As First and foremost
on Neopets’ A to Z list
the top, trusty Acara
can never ever be missed!
On their Aquatic Festival
we celebrate everyone at
the party where they all belong!
Some are painted Maraquan
and have smooth, green fins
while others are simply red
or have faerie-like wings
Acara toys and clothing
and new colours are released
These pets all excitedly
wonder at their own feats
Three cheers for Acaras
on their own merry holiday
Like their species’ first letter
they’re definitely Grade A!

Vira the Acara
by lnrae_

In the Gallery of Evil
Vira’s story is openly shared
Her tale is so intriguing that 
we should all be well aware
She is not completely terrible
if you do ever ask me
for once a while we tend to
indulge in even a little vanity
All Neopets are created
to be beautiful and good
including one Vira the Acara
who may be misunderstood!

Princess Fernypoo
by x_kjmm

There are tension and nerves
on the chair where I sit
I think to my unsure self
"Should I stay or just quit?"
Princess Fernypoo just
joined our exciting game of Cheat!
and I now know the player
whom I would want to beat
Whenever this Acara lays down
a playing card or two
I just cannot tell if she lies
Oh, but how I wish I knew!
I get nervous as I hold
with my own deck of cards
This princess is an expert
as lying to win Cheat is hard!
It is finally my turn to go:
"Right here I have three tens"
I quickly wish I was honest,
She caught me cheating once again!

Zombie Acara Plushie
by indulgences

This Plushie is peculiar stuff.
It sulks, and hisses so.
Its eyes are vacant white affairs.
They have a ghoulish glow.

Its fur is tattered, natty threads.
Its ears are frayed and worn.
Its mouth is made of stitches black.
Its paws are ripped and torn.

It looks diseased, it looks quite weak.
This Plushie looks obscene.
It isn’t wicked, cruel or bad.
It isn’t vile or mean.

It simply needs someone to hug.
Will your pet fit the bill?
Will your pet hug this Zombie toy,
And soothe its cries so shrill?

Acara Day is here at last,
So buy your pet this toy!
Despite its haunted, empty looks,
It’s something to enjoy!

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