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The Neopets Caption Competition

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The Caption Contest - Past Winners

This week's picture is shown below. We had many funny entries and the lucky winners were:

By omega_hobo_gogeta
Rainbow Wocky: How am I supposed to get down?
Plushie Wocky On Top: Wock til you drop!

By juhren
Rainbow Wocky: Double plushie Wockies... what does it mean?!?

By ozsheila061
Rainbow Wocky: It's working! As soon as they come closer looking for the gold, I will steal their Virtual Prize Codes! Hehe....

By pinkglassslippers
Plushie Wocky On Top: I've always wondered what was over the rainbow.
Plushie Wocky On Bottom: Yeah... I didn't think it would be the ceiling!

By urniecebay
Plushie Wockies: We're tired of looking alike and want to see the Rainbow POOL, not a Rainbow FOOL.

By jenny911433
This image was brought to you by the magic that is currently not holding up Faerieland.

By dragonsflame_uk
Wicked Wocky Wobble takes on a whole new meaning when you try
to stack Wockies as high as possible without them crashing to the ground.

By thecrkelley
Rainbow Wocky: Ooh! What kind of accessory is that?
Plushie Wocky On Top: Our owner just forgot to take off our tags....

By sheik_30999
Plushie Wocky: Don't you need a morphing potion to become a Korbat?
Rainbow Wocky: Shh, I think it's working....

By babith
Rainbow Wocky: Oblivion's way too tough for me... I think it's time for "the tag team"!

By dortho
Rainbow Wocky: Hey, this isn't the Magma Pool!
Plushie Wockies: No, it's what you get for using the Misdirected Compass too many times.

By pikachu1344567
Since Faerieland has come crashing down, a makeshift replacement has temporarily
been made. The rainbow Wocky is currently standing in for the Wheel of Excitement.

By wickedgypsy
Plushie Wocky On Top: Who is that?
Plushie Wocky On Bottom: That's the last guy who tried to make me play the horse.

By peircedchic
Plushie Wocky On Top: Just give us your Key Quest code and this can all be over with.
Rainbow Wocky: Not in this lifetime.
Plushie Wocky On Top: Suit yourself.

By cooty1329
How many Wockies does it take to change a light bulb? Uh, we're not sure yet.

Quick Jump

1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 126 - 150 | 151 - 175 | 176 - 200 | 201 - 225 | 226 - 250 | 251 - 275 | 276 - 300 | 301 - 325 | 326 - 350 | 351 - 375 | 376 - 400 | 401 - 425 | 426 - 450 | 451 - 475 | 476 - 500 | 501 - 525 | 526 - 550 | 551 - 575 | 576 - 600 | 601 - 625 | 626 - 650 | 651 - 675 | 676 - 700 | 701 - 725 | 726 - 750 | 751 - 775 | 776 - 800 | 801 - 825 | 826 - 850 | 851 - 875 | 876 - 900 | 901 - 925 | 926 - 950 | 951 - 975 | 976 - 1000 | 1001 - 1025 | 1026 - 1050 | 1051 - 1075 | 1076 - 1100 | 1101 - 1125 | 1126 - 1150 | 1151 - 1175 | 1176 - 1200 | 1201 - 1225 | 1226 - 1250 | 1251 - 1275 | 1276 - 1300 | 1301 - 1325 | 1326 - 1350 | 1351 - 1375 | 1376 - 1400 | 1401 - 1425 | 1426 - 1450 | 1451 - 1475 | 1476 - 1491

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