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The Neopets Caption Competition

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The Caption Contest - Past Winners

This week's picture is shown below. We had many funny entries and the lucky winners were:

By gloomyparadise
Yellow Gnorbu: I'm sorry I took the whole month to find a matching outfit and made us miss the Advent Calendar.

By hereforgames14
Red Gnorbu: I really don't think that breaking and entering is an option...
Yellow Gnorbu: You forgot about the chimney.

By battl3_dom3r
Yellow Gnorbu: Mini-game, anyone?

By firedraik15558
Yellow Gnorbu: What are you talking about? I would never throw water on the
steps so that they freeze up in the hope that you slip and fall for taking my toys away.

By babith
Yellow Gnorbu: It was really nice of the Snow Faerie to invite us over.
Snow Faerie: Hey, could you two run to the store and pick up some salsa?
Yellow Gnorbu: Is that a re-Quest or Quest-ion?

By them_not_us
Red Gnorbu: The shearing place is closed one day a week?!? I didn't factor that into my Lenny Conundrum equations!

By hummerthug
Yellow Gnorbu: Mommy, what is this place and how come it's never open?
Red Gnorbu: Oh, that's the old Ski Lodge, dear. It went out of business years ago after an, erm... unfortunate event.

By juicyballetdancer
Red Gnorbu: I thought you said you had the key?
Yellow Gnorbu: How could I have the key? I don't even have pockets!

By steve_km
Yellow Gnorbu: Who doesn't have a doorbell these days?!?

By omega_hobo_gogeta
Yellow Gnorbu: Are you alright?
Red Gnorbu: Yeah, I just tripped over this clump in the snow.
Snow Gypmu: Sorry about that.

By alex4425
It's really awkward when somebody doesn't accept your hug coupons.

By dortho
Yellow Gnorbu: Why do they call it the Corridor of Chance?
Red Gnorbu: Perhaps because there's a chance you forgot to bring a key again....

By nickyminaj
In the future, TNT is planning to do more customization. This time, however, it'll be with BOTH hands sticking out.

By steve_km
Yellow Gnorbu: I have no idea why they only shoveled the stairs and not the pathway. Don't look at me like that!

By chimera_m
Yellow Gnorbu: I'm RS banned!

Quick Jump

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