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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 87 > Articles > The Importance of Freezing 2

The Importance of Freezing 2

by coolblastoise

BATTLEDOME - This is my last series of "The Importance of Freezing". It has been Fun describing all the freezing items (or freezers, I like to call them) To all the Neopians of Neopia in this world of Neopia which Neopets are raised. The format will be the same as the last article. In this Article, I will be describing the once per battle freezing items and breakable freezing items. The hypno helmet is also a once per battle item but I talked about it on my first article.

NOTE: You can use once per battle items one time every battle. At the next battle it comes back.

NOTE: Breakable Freezing items are like multiple use ones, but they can randomly disappear forever.

Ancient Lupe Wand
This item is a lifesaver. It is a cheaper alternative than the Terror stone but for Lupes only. This will freeze just like a hypno helmet. Actually the only difference between them is that the ancient Lupe wand is breakable.

Neopian Description:

This magical wand will freeze your opponent, it is less likely to break than the normal Lupe Wand but can only be used once per battle.

Cheap= 3 3,850
Freezing= 5
Attack= 0
Reliability= Once Per Battle and Breakable=1
Rating= 4

Pro: Hey! What's not to like? It's exactly like a hypno helmet Only Cheaper! Breakable too! Wait, That's a Con…
Con: Well, It's only for Lupes and breakable too.

Lupe Wand
This is the exact same as an ancient Lupe wand. Actually, it's more expensive. The description of the ancient Lupe wand says that this breaks more often. So get the ancient Lupe wand.

Neopian Description:

This magical wand will freeze the opponent, you can only use it once per battle. Beware, there is also a possibility that it will disappear permanently! Limited Use. You can only have one freeze item equipped to a pet!

Cheap= 2 6,900
Freezing= 5
Attack= 0
Reliability= Once Per Battle and Breakable=1
Rating= 3

Pro: It's the same as an ancient Lupe wand Only More expensive and more breakable! Wait, Those are cons. Oh well just get an ancient Lupe wand Con: Well, It's only for Lupes and breakable too. This is more expensive and more breakable than the ancient Lupe wand! Get the ancient Lupe wand!

Freezing Potion
This is the best freezing item out there (Ice Dice is second) This will do two water icons and have a 100% freeze. There is a problem using this is strategies though. If two masters were fighting each other in the two-player Battledome, on their first turn, Masters usually use FREEZING ITEM + THYORAS TEAR on their opening turn. If Master1 used a freezing potion as a freezing item and Master2 used hypno helmet. The Thyoras tear owned by Master2 would block all of the damage done by the freezing potion owned by Master1. If that happens then the freezing potion and the hypno helmet would be equal! If you're planning to use the freezing potion on one-player battles, on people who aren't masters, or on a master that has a different plan, get it?. Whoa, that was long! If you couldn't follow me, fire me a Neomail.

Neopian Description:

Freeze your opponent in their tracks with this chilly potion

Cheap= 1 (3,000,000)
Freezing= 5
Attack= 1
Reliability= Once Per Battle=3
Rating= 3

Pro: Well this is an upgrade to a hypno helmet by doing 2 more icons; I would suggest you get it if you have enough NP. Or you could Just Get A hypno helmet to avoid the problem in strategies and save 2,300,000. If your pet has HP 200+ I would suggest you go for the third turn freeze instead of the first turn.
Con: 2,300,000 more for just two icons? This is for the rich only.

Terror Stone
Now this is an item to save up for. But Be Warned, It Is Breakable! I repeat Breakable! Usually lasts from 3 to 4 battles.

Neopian Description:

This charm is not for the faint hearted. When you wear it your enemy will be struck by fear and will not be able to attack. Limited Use. Only one freezing item can be equipped to your pet!

Cheap= 2 (18,000)
Freezing= 5
Attack= 0
Reliability= Once Per Battle and Breakable=1
Rating= 3

Pro: It has a 100% Chance of freezing! (Replace With hypno helmet ASAP (As Soon As Possible))
Con: I Do not like breakable items much. This is pricey to replace if it breaks. Good if you have 20,000 To Spare.

Ahh, The unpopular motes. This will do 2-3 water icons as well as having a freezing possibility. This is useful because it can be equipped with another freezing item. Use this with snowglobe staff to do a second freeze (The one after the hypno helmet)

Neopian Description:

The ice mote can freeze opponents and let you either escape or attack before they defrost.

Cheap= 3 (4,000)
Freezing= 2
Attack= 1
Reliability= Breakable=2
Rating= 2

Pro: It can be equipped with another freezing item!
Con: I do not like breakable items much. The attack can be much better for the price. I would recommend an immense rubber axe of doom.

Authors Note: Well I described Every Freezing item, so far. Thanks for weapon information. Thanks for the help and inspiration from fellow Neopians. Farewell…

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