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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 28th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 91 > Articles > Krawk: Neopia's STILL Most Wanted Neopet

Krawk: Neopia's STILL Most Wanted Neopet

by stoneman3x

CREATE A PET CENTER - I don't know about you, but when I first joined Neopets and zipped over to "Create A Pet" for the first time, I knew immediately which pet I wanted. Unfortunately, when I clicked on it I got a message that said, "Krawks cannot be made in this way-- you will have to visit Krawk Island to work out the mystery of how to get one." That's when I realized that getting the durn thing was going to be a lot trickier than I had anticipated.

My quest for a Krawk took me about four months to accomplish because... well, let's face it, I was a clueless newbie. I had been playing Neopets for two months before I even figured out what Coltzan's Shrine was all about. I thought it was just some sort of tourist attraction that had something to do with a dead guy and a crown.

Luckily, I had a secret weapon that I used to help me find out as much information as I could about Krawks. It was called a "sister". This incredible secret weapon did all kinds of things I would have never thought to do. It read the Neopedia, it read back issues of The Neopian Times and it actually wrote to people who had Krawks to ask them how they got one. And before you ask, the answer is "no". My secret weapon is not up for trade in the Trading Post. You'll have to go get one for yourself.

Anyway, the good thing that happened was that I learned a lot of things about Krawks from a lot of different sources all over Neopets. I was finally able to get a Krawk of my very own to totally ignore because by the time I got one I had bonded with my Lupe. And I have gathered all that information so you too can get a Krawk to totally ignore once you finally get one.

If you type "Krawk" into the search bar and click on "species", you will get this pop-up that reads, "The magic of the Krawk Island Fungus Cave is used to transform these baby reptiles into fully-grown Krawks!" The little video shows a Krawk Petpet eating the fungus and turning into an adult Krawk.

There is also a nifty Neopedia article called "The Krawk and the Fungus Caves". Here is a little something from that article: "After being driven from the Tyrannian Jungle and settling on an island about 80 miles south of Mystery Island, the Krawks thrived and were left basically to themselves until the recent pirate settlement. Small and without speech, the Krawks were once taken as Petpets by the Neopets. Pirate smugglers noted the strange caves that stood on the Northwest edge of the island, but aside from the fungus growing all over the walls, there appeared to be nothing of interest in the damp, chilly caves. That is, until it was discovered that the fungus had a unique effect on the Krawks. The fungus seems to contain properties that can magically transform Petpet Krawks into fully-grown Neopets."

So obviously the first thing you need to do is get your hands on a Krawk Petpet. Regular Krawk Petpets are simply called "Krawk" and come in a lovely fungus green color. Since a Krawk is a Tyrannian Petpet, the first place to look for one would be the Tyrannian Petpet Shop. Of course, they are extremely rare and very expensive compared to other Petpets, but if you can actually buy one from the shop, it is definitely cheaper than the other way to get one. The other way is to barter for one at the Trading Post on Mystery Island. This is the easy way to get a Krawk, but be prepared to pay 500,000 to 700,000 Neopoints for one.

If you happen to have a Petpet paint brush lying around, or have some extra Neopoints to spend on a fancy Krawk, they also come in red, pink, blue, yellow, brown, Faerie, cloud and Halloween. Any Krawk Petpet that is painted will also be painted when it is "grown up", so this is a cheaper way to paint your Krawk since Petpet paint brushes are cheaper to buy than regular paint brushes. Just be sure to check the list at the Petpet Puddle in the Rainbow Pool for the colors that are available to paint a Krawk Petpet. And if you have never painted a Petpet before, remember to attach your Krawk Petpet to one of your pets first!

Now that you have a Krawk Petpet, or at least know how many Neopoints you'll need to wish you had in order to get one, it's time to discuss how to go about turning that cute-looking little guy into a grumpy-looking big guy. Big hint #1-- if you already have four Neopets you won't be able to turn your Krawk Petpet into a Krawk pet. Rules are rules. You are only allowed to have four pets, you know. So if you have four Neopets you can forget about getting a Krawk by the Petpet method. But don't start crying into a full box of tissues just yet. There are other ways of getting a Krawk, but I'll tell you about those later. Right now we are working on the Petpet way.

Okie dokie, the first thing you need to do with your Krawk Petpet is to attach him to one of your Neopets. Big hint #2-- if you give your Krawk Petpet to a female pet, the full-grown Krawk you get will be female. If you give your Krawk Petpet to a male pet, the full-grown Krawk you get will be male. Of course, I'm not 100% sure about this, but the survey my secret weapon did on Krawk owners seemed to back this theory up.

The next thing you need to do is the really really really mind-twistingly hard part. You have to give your Krawk Petpet a name. You can do this by clicking on the picture of your Krawk Petpet in your pet Quick Reference page. Big hint #3-- make sure you give him a name that has NO SPACES-- just like if you were naming a regular pet you were creating. If you want to save yourself a big headache later, my advice is to put in a whole bunch of choices in the search box on the left yellow side bar NOW. If the names you want are taken, you may have to be a little more creative in the name you want your Krawk to have. Luckily for me I didn't have to use any imagination at all to name my Krawk. I obviously chose a name nobody else on the planet even wanted.

When you finally manage to find a name even remotely like you want, it's time to pop over to the Fungus Cave on Krawk Island. Big hint #4-- make sure that the pet that has your Krawk Petpet is your active pet. If you don't know what an active pet is, is the one whose name appears underneath yours on the yellow side bar. If you don't know what your screen name is... well, I can't help you out with that one. Anyway, speeding off to Krawk Island...

The Fungus Cave is located between Smugglers Cove and The Krawk Cup. It looks like a pyramid-type hill and it is not marked. If you enter the cave without a Krawk Petpet attached to your active pet, it will say there is nothing of interest there. But if you have one, it will ask you if you want to feed your Krawk Petpet some fungus. As gross as this sounds, I would recommend doing it anyway. All you have to do is click on the button and POOF! You have your very own full-grown Krawk Neopet.

So, what happens if you are one of those people who likes buying food every five minutes and who has four Neopets already? What if you don't have four Neopets but you are extremely cheap and want a Krawk the least expensive way humanly possible? Well, the good news is that there are actually a whole bunch of different ways to get a Krawk that don't involve buying a Krawk Petpet. The bad news is that it requires you to buy something else, so you're not exactly off the hook here.

Another way to get a Krawk is to try to get your hands on a MAGICAL KRAWK PLUSHIE. These are very rare and very expensive. If you find one, it will say in the description, "There is something not quite right about this plushie, it seems altogether quite spooky. WARNING: THIS MAY ALTER YOUR NEOPET!" The names of these plushies are: magical red Krawk plushie, magical blue Krawk plushie, magical yellow Krawk plushie and magical green Krawk plushie. Pretty catchy names, huh? If you give one of these magical Krawk plushies to one of your Neopets to play with-- ZING! It will turn into a Krawk Neopet! But you can only use the plushie ONCE. Then it turns into a non-magical Krawk plushie. Of course, these plushies are so rare that you may have to pay a MILLION Neopoints for one at the Trading Post! This is the most EXPENSIVE way to get yourself a Krawk. Ouch!

Okay, I know I promised to mention a cheaper way to get a Krawk, so I guess I'd better go ahead and do that. The EASIEST and CHEAPEST way to get a Krawk is to get your hands on a Krawk morphing potion. There are four types of Krawk morphing potions and they are called: yellow Krawk morphing potion, blue Krawk morphing potion, green Krawk morphing potion and red Krawk morphing potion. Whoa! More catchy names! There are actually several ways to get one of these things. The first way is to try to land one at Kauvara's Magic Shop in the Main Marketplace in Neopia Central. Although this is the cheapest way to get one, it will still cost you several thousand Neopoints. And just so you know, they don't pop up very often either.

You can also get a morphing potion from feeding your pet a glamour negg. But even if you DO get a morphing potion from one of these neggs, it may not be a Krawk one. Other ways to get morphing potions are as random events or off of the Wheel of Excitement-- but as I said, there is no guarantee that you'll get one. So the best place to buy one is from the Trading Post on Mystery Island. But remember, even if it is cheaper than OTHER ways of getting a Krawk, it will still cost you several hundred thousand Neopoints!

So what do you do when you get one? The description on the morphing potion will say something like, "This fruity smelling potion will transform your Neopet into a Yellow Krawk." Big hint #5-- unless you already have four Neopets, the best thing to do is to create a new pet and give it whatever name you want your Krawk to have. Kougras and Eyries usually start out with good stats-- so use one of them. You don't have to, but you may not want to morph one of your other pets. Like your robot Jetsam or your fire Draik, for example. All you have to do is simply feed the morphing potion to the Neopet you want to change into a Krawk and then PRESTO! Instant Krawk!

There is one other sure way to get a Krawk, but BEWARE! This way will turn your pet into a MUTANT Krawk! This is a bad thing, unless you actually want a mutant Krawk. I mean, you may think that four arms are very handy if you decide to play Neopoker with him or something. For this you need to get your hands on a Krawk transmogrification potion. You can also get this at Kauvara's Magic Shop or the Trading Post. The note on the bottle will say, "Eurgh this vile looking concoction cant be any good for your Neopet!" Well, it is actually very good for your Neopet if you want a Krawk instead of Lenny, for example.

So what happens if you manage to get a Krawk transmogrification potion but you don't want a mutant Krawk? Never fear, Stoneman is here to help you out of that little predicament too. Just buy a paint brush like spotted, striped, cloud, disco, Faerie, fire, ghost, Halloween, rainbow, pirate, purple, pink, brown or skunk and take your Krawk to the Rainbow Pool. You will then have a painted-- and normal-- Krawk. And the good news is that you can paint it whatever you like as many times as you like and it will still be a KRAWK! Cool, huh?

There is one more way to get a Krawk, but it is definitely not guaranteed. If you have all nine pieces to the secret laboratory map you will have access to the Lab Ray. In addition to raising the stats of your pet or painting him a cool color, zapping him can also change his species. If you are extremely lucky, you could actually have one of your Neopets changed into a Krawk this way. If this should happen, my advice is to never use the Lab Ray on your Krawk ever again. It would be really frustrating to have your Krawk changed into a Quiggle or something else you don't really want because you kept zapping him.

Now that I have given you the secrets to getting a Krawk, don't just sit there! Go out and flood Neopia with Krawks! It's high time these guys were taken off of the endangered Neopet list, don't you think?

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