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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 115 > New Series > The Amber Stones of Courage: Part One

The Amber Stones of Courage: Part One

by ridergirl333

Another world, painted in soft pinks and mint greens and lavenders. A sweet, gentle melody played on the breeze. It was a song so familiar, so endearing, and yet so mysterious and frightening. That voice… Neopian words could not describe that voice. It belonged to no one but itself. It was as sweet as a flute and as bold as a trumpet and as mystical as a harp and as real as a drum. Those simple notes wound around Sapphire, through her feathers, ruffling them like wind. They stroked the Eyrie's tiny ears with friendliness like an energetic Doglefox puppy. "Sing with me," it whispered. "Come, and we can make beautiful music together."

     Okay, Sapphire thought. She knew the lyrics and the tune for the dream had taught them to her, made them a part of her mind and heart and soul. But as soon as she opened her beak to sing, the dream shattered. So fragile it had been. All of those pastel colors melted into oblivion, and she felt herself falling after them. Falling… falling… falling. She tried to open her beak to scream, but no sound came out. She was mute, and she was falling…

     SapphireCloud777 the blue Eyrie awoke with a start, sweat dripping down her face. A single terrified squeak emerged form her beak. Good, she thought, I'm not mute. I'm still Sapphire, here and alive in my solid, warm bed.

     Still, the dream scared her. She had had the same dream every night for a week. It was as if someone were trying to tell her something; something she absolutely had to know. Something essential.

     It wasn't uncommon for Sapphire to be afraid. Nearly everything scared her, everything from Spyders to dark faeries to (for some odd reason) the Easter Cybunny. What I need to do is find my courage, Sapphire thought. Then nothing will stop me from being the best I can be.

     Gradually, she drifted back into an uneasy sleep.

* * *

The next day, Sapphire came home from school and poured a bowl of NeoCrunch cereal for herself. It was the same old routine every day. She'd eat the NeoCrunch, then go to her room to do her homework. Then, she'd play with her Usuki dolls for an hour. Then it would be time for supper. After supper, she's play with her siblings and later, she'd go to bed. Sapphire's schedule was so predictable, one could tell time by it.

     What she didn't expect was a very abrupt change in her life.

     "Sapphire! Sapphie!" Sapphire's brother EmeraldFlame555 the green Scorchio burst into the room, making Sapphire jump and bang her paw on the kitchen counter. "Guess what?"

     "Unless the sky is falling, don't greet me with that sort of enthusiasm again." Sapphire muttered, rubbing her injured paw.

     Her slightly dull-witted brother looked up. "No, it looks intact to me. But then again, who can tell. It might start falling any day now."

     "So, what was it you wanted to tell me about?"

     "Well, you know how I'm always flat-broke? I never have any Neopoints to spend! I decided to start a band." He held up his guitar, the one instrument he had ever loved to play.

     "You mean you're playing a rubber band?" RubyRainbow333 the rainbow Uni asked, plucking at a rubber band and filling the room with annoying boingy sounds. "Because if not, I pity whoever listens to you play that hunk of string and metal you call a guitar."

     Emerald stared at the slightly bent and rusty instrument. "All she needs are a few repairs and a paint job. She sounds fine."

     "To you, maybe," Ruby muttered. Ruby was the eldest in her family and she loved to joke with her brother. They have always been close because they go through every trial and tribulation together. At home, one rarely sees one without the other.

     "Don't insult the band, sis," Emerald said. "Because you may be a part of it. Well, you can if you want to. I know you play the piano. We could use that."

     "Me? Part of a band?" A dreamy, faraway look came into Ruby's eyes. Then, she took Emerald's claws in her hoof and shook. "You have a deal, Em."

     "In fact, we can make this a family affair! I know that Amethyst plays the drums."

     AmethystSkye111 the purple Peophin nodded his head in agreement. "Very well, actually."

     "Now all we need is a singer." Three pairs of eyes darted towards Sapphire.

     "I… I can't." The shy Eyrie hung her head in shame and dashed out of the room, weeping.

     Sapphire's owner Ridergirl333 came into the room. "Sapphire?" she asked, her voice little more than a whisper. "What's wrong?"

     "Emerald, and Ruby, and Amethyst… so brave… the very thought of a stage… thousands of cheering fans… all going to be let down… It's horrible, Ridergirl!"

     Ridergirl took a seat on her Eyrie's bed and hugged her tight. "There, there. I know exactly how it feels to have people counting on you. There are so many people I could let down everyday. My parents, my teachers, my friends… sometimes responsibility is so hard."

     "It's so scary, too," Sapphire wept.

     "This is your first taste of the real world, isn't it little Sapphie?"

     Sapphire nodded in agreement.

     "Well, you may walk on that stage. You may stumble and fall; you may shatter the microphone into a thousand pieces. You may forget the lyrics or remember the lyrics and sing terribly. Your siblings may be very disappointed in you.

     "The chances of this happening my be slim or they may be great. But if you follow the path you're following now, if you give up hope before its seed takes root, do you know what your chances of disappointing your friends are?


     Then, Ridergirl looked around. "Wait right here, Sapphire. I'll be right back." Then, she dashed off.

     Ridergirl raced to her room and tore through dozens of dresser drawers and jewelry boxes before she found what she was looking for. A mahogany jewelry box, so shiny that you could see your reflection in its wooden depths. Beautiful carvings adorned its surface. On the front, carvings of a tiger crouching by the riverside. On the either side, noble stags pranced boldly through the twin forests, antlers standing proud. On the back, a lone wolf howled her mournful song to a full moon. On the top, fairies danced in complex, elegant patterns, weaving their web of magic into the box's contents.

     Then, the human girl opened the box and lifted a precious amber necklace. The light reflected off of it, making the perfectly round stones blaze with a hidden fire. Although they had been sitting in the box, untouched for almost a year, they didn't feel cold as other stones might. It was as if that mysterious fire warmed them, warmed their box, keeping them cozy until next a human should pick them up.

     And they blazed with more than just fire. They blazed with memories too. It had been the night her eighth-grade chorus was to perform on stage. The nervousness, the nauseous panic inside Ridergirl had been too great for words. She slipped into her dress and her mother had clasped this necklace around her neck. "The courage lies inside you," she had said. "Find it and grab it, and cling to it with all your might."

     Silently, Ridergirl closed the box and wondered if she were doing the right thing. Sapphire needs me, she thought. But I need these stones too. But Sapphire needs me more. I have an obligation to her as her… owner? No, parent.

     She returned to Sapphire's room and snuck up behind the blue Eyrie, then she fastened the Amber Stones to her Eyrie's feathery neck just as her mother had done for her that night. While she was fastening it, she told Sapphire the story about the concert. "Just remember," she concluded. "The courage lies inside you."

     "Thank you so much, Ridergirl." Sapphire stroked the Stones lovingly. "Thank you."

* * *

"Thus starts our first band practice," Ruby announced. Emerald, Ruby and Amethyst had brought their instruments into the backyard to practice because Ridergirl didn't want a racket in the house. "Are there any questions?"

     "What are we going to name our band?" Amethyst asked.

     "I sort of like 'Emerald's Band'."

     Ruby rolled her eyes. "You're kidding, right?"

     "What about, 'The Dancing Peophins'?" Amethyst asked.

     "Bad idea. I know! 'The Rockin' Uni Lovers!'" Ruby cried.

     "You're dreaming, girl," Emerald said.

     Then, an idea popped into Sapphire's mind. A wonderful idea. But no, Ruby and Emerald and Amethyst probably wouldn't like it.

     Then, a stray ray of sunshine peeked out from between the branches of the tree that they were under. The ray caught Sapphire's necklace, and fire blazed within the stone. It was almost like magic.

     "I think we should have something original," Sapphire said. "Something that reflects a bit of ourselves."

     "What did you have in mind, Sapphire?" Ruby asked tartly.

     "The NeoJewels."

     There was a tense moment, one of those awkward pauses. Sapphire wanted to scream, to shout, to jump up and down and run around in circles. Anything to break that awful silence. But she kept her beak shut and her paws firmly planted on the ground. Then, she braced herself for the tidal wave of criticism.

     "That's excellent, Sapphire!"

     Ruby, Emerald and Amethyst hugged Sapphire, cheering for her. "Good idea!" "You rock, girl." "Way to go, Sapphie!"

     For that moment, Sapphire felt as though she were on top of the world. And nothing could get in her way.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Amber Stones of Courage: Part Two

The Amber Stones of Courage: Part Three

The Amber Stones of Courage: Part Four

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