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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 117 > Continuing Series > The Amber Stones of Courage: Part Three

The Amber Stones of Courage: Part Three

by ridergirl333

A color- and sound-eating void of emptiness was charging towards Sapphire. But the blue Eyrie stood her ground. She was no longer afraid. She had the Amber Stones of Courage. She alone was armed with magical powers. Her voice lifted in song.

"Tierre, aerine, marina, eth incedi.
Luminos shine eth sombre obscuri.
Chante a faeries, Chante a faeries.
Melodi, melodi avec ma."

"Earth, air, water and fire.
Light shining and darkness hiding.
Song of faeries, Song of faeries.
Sing, sing with me."

"Chante eth vibrence, Chante eth vibrence,
Melodi faeries, melodi avec ma.
Chante a le sis elemanta,
Elemanta eterni."

"Song and color, Song and color,
Sing faeries, sing with me.
Song of the six elements,
Elements forever."

     And so the faeries did sing. First, came a soft voice. It was rich and sweet, and smelled slightly of old loam. But vibrant life was in that voice, making it the voice of Earth Magic.

     The next voice was so subtle; one wouldn't even notice it was there. It was breathy and whistle-like, similar to birds' songs. It carried the essence of wings. It was the voice of Air Magic.

     Next, came the crashing of waves and trickling of a stream. It was the sound of dolphins playing and fish swimming. Its thin, playful voice stood out against all others, the voice of Water Magic.

     Then, a fire seemed to cackle. There was the sound of sizzling and burning and warmth. It was harder to explain that the other three, and it was the voice of Fire Magic.

     The next two were the hardest to explain of all. One was sweet and melodious, like the sun peeking out from behind a cloud. The other was the song of the night, of spaces between the stars, empty and lonely. They were the voices of Light and Dark Magic.

     Then, the void twitched… and slowed… and stopped altogether. Then, it trembled again, and violently expelled all of the color and sound it had eaten. An explosion of noise and flashes of light resounded around and illuminated the area. The tree turned green and brown again, the grass turned green again, and the mirror turned gold again. The void hung, limp and lifeless in midair.

     Sapphire turned towards the mirror. She had just met it, but it seemed like they had been friends forever. "Mirror, are you okay?" she whispered.

     Then, the mirror melted in a river of pink and lavender and mint-green. The river of color shifted, and became oddly solid. It formed long, slender legs and a mauve dress. It formed a slender torso, and thin arms and a delicate face. Long, lavender hair fell loosely. A tiny silver and amethyst tiara sat atop her head, glittering in the sunlight.

     There, standing on Sapphire's Neohome lawn, was Fyora the Faerie Queen.

     Sapphire gasped, and bowed low. Of course, Eyries weren't meant to bow, so she went tumbling beak over heels.

     "Thank you, child," the Queen said, helping the Eyrie to her paws.

     "What was that… that thing, Queen Fyora?" Sapphire asked.

     Fyora walked over to the void. She walked as regally as she looked, taking each step slowly and carefully, as if she were walking on eggshells. "A creation of Anandra the dark Faerie. Up to her usual tricks."

     "Anandra the Dark Faerie?"

     "Anandra was the leader of a group of dark faeries called the Black Circle. They believed that magic was meant to destroy, not to create. They tore up towns with their magic, and misused it to a disastrous point. Finally, I stripped Anandra of her powers and banished her from Faerieland. She has been out to get me ever since. For several days, she trapped me in that golden mirror. So, I called out to everyone and anyone who was a mage to come and help me. You must have heard my plea the loudest. You have been a mage all along without knowing it."

     "You mean all this time." Sapphire stared at her paws in disbelief. Magical paws. "Every time I hid under my bed during a thunderstorm, or cried because a bully stole my lunch money, or fled helplessly from a Spyder, that was a mage doing all of that?"

     Fyora nodded solemnly. "Perhaps a very powerful mage."

     "So, how'd you get away from Anandra?"

     "By the time I had finished calling for help, I was too weak to do the simplest spell. But somehow, I summoned the last of my powers and floated here. Levitation is really quite easy. I heard your song and was attracted to it. I floated to your backyard, and you were singing. I knew that there was magic in that song, so I sent you another cry for help. I didn't know that you were oblivious to the fact that you are a mage."

     "The band rehearsal… so you mean I can still sing?"

     "As much as you want to, child. Anyway, I saw you faint and your siblings brought you inside. I had no more strength left in me, so I broke the levitation spell and sat at the roots of the tree, despairing.

     "Today, the Scorchio came behind the tree to escape the appalling racket coming from that silver Shoyru that was trying out. He found me. Feebly, I showed him multicolored fog, hoping that he'd bring me to you. Again, I thought that you were an experienced mage. You know the story from there."

     "Wow," Sapphire gasped. "You have it rough, don't you?"

     "Rougher than you'd ever imagine, child."

     "What about the Stones? What part do they play?"

     "They're a vessel for your magic, sort of like a battery. It will store your songs until they need to be used."

     "Well, I like your voice. Could you maybe stay in Neopia Central for one more week and sing at a Uni's birthday party?"

     "I'd be honored to sing in the presence of a song-mage as powerful as yourself."

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Amber Stones of Courage: Part One

The Amber Stones of Courage: Part Two

The Amber Stones of Courage: Part Four

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