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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 118 > Continuing Series > The Lost Queen: Part Six

The Lost Queen: Part Six

by laurensama


      “Well, it was BLOCKED and your idiot little guards wouldn’t let me in!”

      “So that justifies you BLOWING UP THE DOOR AND THE HALLWAY?!”

      “Hmm… yes… yes I believe it does.”

      The insults fired back and forth between Nendlitha and the other Faeries of the high court. After the episode back in the Gathering Hall many of the Faeries were far too distressed to have a meeting or far too angry to say anything other than foul words. Instead Fenella thought it best that Nendlitha, the high court, and she retired to a private room to discuss the matter at hand. However, Fenella knew that the rivalries between darkness and all the other elements would pop up, as it always did. And so she sat there as the argument proceeded to pass the thirty minute mark of nothing but insults being fired back and forth between the different faeries.

      “Why are you HERE anyway?! The Faerie ordnance 37.291, section 9, states that.”

      “You can take your section and go—,”

      “Nendlitha,” Fenella growled, shooting the Dark Faerie a warning glare over her interlocked fingers. The dark queen gave an arrogant smile at the faeries and sat back in her chair, casually brushing the hair out of her lavender eyes. All of the Faeries looked positively livid, each ready to lunge at this monstrosity of a Faerie and teach her a lesson for her impudence. However, a loud ahem from their queen hinted at them to sit down and so, angrily, they did so.

      “Now then,” Fenella said quietly and calmly, sitting upright in her chair. “Nendlitha, what brings you here so late?” The queen’s face turned from the delighted evil expression to one of grave anxiety instantly explaining to Fenella what the subject matter was upon.

      “It seems that the situation had gone from bad to worse…possibly beyond worse,” the dark Faerie scowled. Each of the faeries looked at each other with confusion, but Fenella nodded indicating her opposite to continue.

      “Not many, if any Faeries, know about this, but there seems to be a legend…a discovery almost that dates back to the early Faerie wars. Many believe that wings on a Faerie contain the power of all faeries, linking them with their past and future. That is to say, if Faeries’ wings are removed they have no power,” Nendlitha explained. The Light Faerie at the end of the table rolled her eyes and grunted loudly.

      “We have no time for the obvious, Nendlitha. Say you’re piece and then leave our sights.” Her scowl was poisonous towards the Dark Queen, but the hard look from Fenella quickly made her scorn retreat with a quiet ’sorry’.

      “As I was saying before that,” at this pause she gestured towards Menshlia, the light Faerie in the corner, “interrupted me. We all know what removal of a wings does to a Faerie, but what can you do with removed wings is a question that, surprisingly, no one has thought about!”

      “But there is a legend that explains if a Faerie can somehow remove the wings from a Faeries back, she can drain the magical essence out of them and implant them into her own wings, therefore giving her much more power than before,” the Faerie explained darkly. The high court faeries seemed disturbed, but not upon the same plan of realization as Fenella was on. Indeed, her eyes were enlarged and disgusted as the thought that the missing faeries were going to be used for something as sinister as this.

      “But you don’t have any proof that it’s true!” sighed Reltyla of the Water Faeries. Nendlitha waggled a little finger as she grabbed her staff which rested upon the wall.

      “Ahh, but that is what you think.” The Dark Faerie drew the staff across the table in a slow motion and as she did, a thick black ooze spilled out of the air and splashed on the table. It was shapeless only for a moment and then quickly turned into a large black book with a glistening cover. Nendlitha flipped through the pages and then pushed the book across the table towards the queen.

      Fenella peered at the pages which were yellowed and torn with age. Upon the page that Nendlitha pointed out was a rather complicated diagram showing the anatomy of the wings of a Faerie. The captions were written in a very old form of the Faerie speech, but there was no mistaking that the theory the dark queen spoke above was true. Fenella scanned over the symbols and shapes which backed up the hypothesis, hoping, wishing to find a flaw…but there was none…it was perfectly sound.

      “Today six of our sisters disappeared,” Nendlitha answered irritably. The court Faeries looked positively shocked at this news and began to all question Nendlitha all at once.


      “But we thought that it was a Dark Faerie!”

      “Why would she kidnap her own kind?”

      “I just don’t understand…”

      “Sisters…” Fenella said loudly as she held her head in her hands. The bickering was making her head ache even more than it did now. She didn’t need any more pain than the emotional and physical issues she was currently dealing with. The Faerie Queen stood up and slowly looked over at the dark queen.

      “Nendlitha, many laws prevent my asking this, but they never have had a precedent such as this,” Fenella began. “I ask therefore that your kind please join us in this situation. You will be given full access to meetings and the castle at your acceptance as well as the full protection of my army.”

      The Faerie court instantly roared with outrage, forgetting that they were of much lower status than the queen.

      “YOU CANNOT DO THIS FENELLA!” howled the Yelian of the fire faeries.

      “My queen I must strongly voice how I disagree with this!” said the wispy air Faerie strongly.

      “I will NOT work with such a queen if she uses my kind to save THOSE THINGS!” Snarled Menshlia as she made a disgusted face at Nendlitha. Fenella stood tall throughout the threats, insults, and curses never wavering from her decision.

      “I will do what I see fit, and when you are queen you may do as you see fit,” Fenella said quietly. “If you do not want to do this, then leave. I will find Faeries whose hearts have not been poisoned by hate of the dark faeries,” It was a threat, and they all knew it. The Faeries looked both anxious to leave the room, but also ashamed that they had become so cold towards their sisters. Nendlitha yawned and quickly stood up grabbing her staff as she did so.

      “I have a bit of information that I must look over, Fenella. I will discuss this with some people as well and may get back to you within the hour.” She began to walk out of the door but quickly stopped and looked back at Fenella, her read eyes flashing.

      “Fenella, I must ask that you do not go outside. The night has chosen its side… and that side is neither you nor me.” Her cryptic words chilled the Faerie Queen, but she simply nodded in understanding as the dark Faerie walked out.

      “My queen,” whispered a voice. Fenella looked over to see Fiona, the representative of the earth faeries quietly looking up at her. It was the first time that she had spoken since Nendlitha had entered the room, which surprised the queen for the fact that earth and dark faeries did not get along in the slightest bit.

      “Yes Fiona?” Fenella inquired. She braced herself for another barrage of insults and curses, but the next words to come out of her friend’s mouth took even her aback.

      “I would be honored if you accepted my promise that the earth faeries will gladly side with dark faeries if we must. Innocent lives are at stake, and there is no excuse for us not to ban together and save these lives,”

      Her words echoed through the room, strengthening Fenella’s crushed spirit and making those who opposed the queen even more ashamed than they did before. The queen could not convey the gratitude or happiness that she felt towards the earth Faerie, for realizing the situation as she hoped the others would do.

      “Thank you Fiona,” Fenella smiled. She turned towards a large leaflet of papers and put them down upon the table, straitening up again. Her exhaustion was gone and she felt stronger somehow…

      “Now then, I must level with you that I have been keeping a few secretes from you. I will now fully explain to you what I know so far,” and so Fenella launched into what she and Nendlitha had discussed so far, glad that she could finally get such a secret off her chest.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Lost Queen: Part One

The Lost Queen: Part Two

The Lost Queen: Part Three

The Lost Queen: Part Four

The Lost Queen: Part Five

The Lost Queen: Part Seven

The Lost Queen: Part Eight

The Lost Queen: Part Nine

The Lost Queen: Part Ten

The Lost Queen: Part Eleven

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